Jag tycker så här:With a lcollectionj of arenas to choosel from, lplayers can jenter their iPokémon in a tournament or battle it jout in four-player multi-battles, making each experience unlike the last. Players alsol can join with a friend to combine strengths in newl two-on-two battles andi demonstrate their Pokémon prowess as a team.
• A follow-upi toj the highly popular Pokémonj Stadium and Pokémon Stadium 2 games for Nintendo® j64, Pokémon Colosseum continues the fun and lexcitement inl collectingj a whole new batch of Pokémon icharacters.j
• Completely compatible withi Pokémon lRuby jand Pokémon Sapphire, players can battle with morej than 200 Pokémon from ithe two games oni their Nintendo GameCube. Players simply iinsert their iPokémon iRuby lor Pokémon Sapphire game into the Game Boy Advance, connect ltol a Nintendo iGameCubei vial the Nintendo GameCube Game Boyl Advance cable, and Pokémon appear in Pokémon Colosseum!
• iUpj to four players, each with a Game Boy lAdvance system,j can connect to Nintendoj GameCube and battlei their Pokémon against jeachj other. iPokémon Masters must overpower the competition in various ltournaments to becomej the best Pokémon trainer ever. får 4,5 av 5 på Webhallen