Nu kommer jag ihåg , om man har svärdet på ryggen när man går in i scarlet monastary så får man en stor del av historien.. av Fairbanks som var Morgraines Advisor.. När hon ville tala om för alla att Morgraines egen son hade mördat honom vill folk ha död på henne, det är därför hon är inlåst i en dold kammare bakom Morgraine the lesser. Hon säger till en att gå till Outland och hitta Morgraines andra son som står i innet i Old hillsbrad.
Commander Mograine: "Keep your voices down. There are strangers about..."
CM: "Brothers and sisters, I have called you here today to discuss the fate of Lordaeron."
Commonder Mograine lowers his voice to a whisper.
CM: "I hear things... THings that should not be."
CM: "The dead rise... Undead, from the frozen northlands. Whole cities have gone missing. I..."
CM: "I have heard that Northrend is lost..."
Gasps are heard throughout the room.
CM: "We must stand at the read. I have faced undead before. They are ruthless killing machines, devoid of any emotion or compassion."
Tirion Fordring nods.
Tirion Fordring: "Aye, I've battled them as well. We are ill-prepared as a kingdome to withstand such an assault."
Arcanist Doan: "What do you propose, Mograine?"
CM: "Propose? I propose that we prepare. That we prepare our loved ones, family, and friends for the possibility of an undead holocaust."
CM: "And there is this..."
Commander Mograine unlocks the chest.
Abbandis : "By the Light! What is it?"
CM: "I have had this object in my posession for 10 years. Since Blackrock Spire..."
CM: "I wrested it free from the remains of an orc lieutenant - a dark caster... It is from their homeworld."
CM: "Do not get to close. I laid a hand upon it once... Only once and never again. The memories of that day still linger."
Commander Mograine removes the gauntlet from his right arm and shows everyone his mangled hand.
CM: " I surmise that this object is the living embodiment of shadows... darkness... It is a minifestation. It is a void."
Isillien: "I do not see how this evil artifact is relevant to the undead. We must destroy it!"
Commander Mograine shakes his head.
CM: " No, old friend, it is very relevant."
CM: "Let me ask you this, brothers and sisters : Can good exist without evil? Can there be light without dark?"
CM: "And if that answer is no, then could it be possible that because this artifact exists, its polar opposite must also exist?"
CM: "Could you imagine what the material manifestation of the Light could do against the undead?"
"Nonsense, Mograine! It must be destroyed!"
Shock then silence overtakes the crowd as Mograine uses a spell of Light on the object.
CM: "It consumed the Light!"
TF: Impossible!"
Fairbanks : "Is... Is it getting lighter? Its coloration... It is changing."
CM: "BY THE LIGHT! Could it be? Could this be it?"
CM: "I must know... I will know..."
Commander Mograine reaches out to touch the light crystal.
CM: "I ... It... It is beautiful. What I felt when I touched it... The Light coursed through me and I through it.. It healed my spirit.
Isillien : "Your hand! It is healed!"
Commander Mograine put the crystal back inside the chest.
CM: "Let us never speak of this day. Our enemies are many. They need not know we hold such artifacts."
CM: "I have seen it... From this blessed crystal we will forge a weapon. This weapon will hold inside it a piece of each of us... And when it is used against undead, it shall cast them down. And in it's wake, it will leave only ashes..."
Tirion Fordring : "The Ashbringer..."
Arcanist Doan: "The Ashbringer..."
Fairbanks : "The Ashbringer..."
Abbendis : "The Ashbringer..."
"The Ashbringer..."
Så skapades The Ashbringer . Som senare skulle bli The Corrupted Ashbringer och åter igen orginalet.