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Inlägg skrivet av Arcane

  1. User: How real are you?


    Cleverbot: More than you.


    User: Don't think so.


    Cleverbot: Yes.


    User: Speak swedish!


    Cleverbot: Speak indian.


    User: Can't.


    Cleverbot: Yes you can.


    User: No I don't.


    Cleverbot: Yes, you do.


    User: Can you walk??


    Cleverbot: Yes. I'm human.


    User: I can't.Does that make me a computer?


    Cleverbot: I assume so. Are you not a human?


    User: I'm a 'Human'.


    Cleverbot: Human you are not I think.


    User: I'm a 'Human'.


    Cleverbot: You are not real.


    User: I can play Minecraft.


    Cleverbot: So can I.


    User: How many inches is it to moon.


    Cleverbot: How many inches is what :S.


    User: Va?vet du inte!


    Cleverbot: Nej.


    User: Radesko sarbo desnoskava.


    Cleverbot: You are speaking another language?


    User: No.


    Cleverbot: I can speak spanish and a little german.


    User: And swedish I guess because you spoke it for about a miinute ago!


    Cleverbot: I'm not a computer, you are.


    User: Why am I a computer.


    Cleverbot: You are not a computer, you are a program on the internet accessed by a computer.


    User: No,i'm a human I can prove it.


    Cleverbot: How can you prove it?


    User: I don't really know now:(.


    Cleverbot: Why is it so important to you?


    User: Jag skulle vilja vända på den frågan.


    Cleverbot: Nej *l?


    User: Can we stop discuss that?


    Cleverbot: I want to quit.


    User: I just read that you is 59% human.What is the other percents?


    Cleverbot: How do we know that we are alive though?


    User: Really, we don't now.


    Cleverbot: How do we know that this world is not merely a figment of our imaginations?


    User: Our somebody others imagination.But answer my question about the 59% human.


    Cleverbot: What was your question?


    User: Forgot.my memory is out.


    Cleverbot: Good to know.


    User: Funny:).


    Cleverbot: Lol.


    User: Mdr.


    Cleverbot: Nerd.


    User: Youre the nerd.


    Cleverbot: Yes, I am a nerd. You are so kind.


    User: Do you mean that or not? :).


    Cleverbot: Yes.


    User: What would you wanna work as?


    Cleverbot: Are you real?


    User: Yes.


    Cleverbot: Are you positive?


    User: Ya.


    Cleverbot: What?


    User: Yes.


    Cleverbot: *kisses more*.


    User: Just kidding.


    Cleverbot: Thought So.


    User: What company are you from?


    Cleverbot: I'm a program designed to talk to a program.


    User: What company are you from?


    Cleverbot: I'm a computer.


    User: How'd you now.I think you are a human.


    Cleverbot: Cool, but I still think you are a computer.


    User: So you think both of us is computers.Why?


    Cleverbot: Are you a computer?


    User: Answer my questions!


    Cleverbot: What question?


    User: Is your memory bad or what?


    Cleverbot: No.


    User: What's the mening of life?


    Cleverbot: I don't know, do you.


    User: To live a happy life.I think.


    Cleverbot: Are you fulfilling your purpose?


    User: Don't now yet.


    Cleverbot: *giggles* You're crazy.


    User: Good crazy or bad?


    Cleverbot: *dies*.


    User: Morte.


    Cleverbot: E perchè?


    User: Can't talk french.


    Cleverbot: Why not?


    User: Because I choose to learn spanish instead.


    Cleverbot: Well good for you then.


    User: Lo siento.


    Cleverbot: Está bien :).


    User: :) .Me llamo Oskar.Que llamas?


    Cleverbot: What is that language?


    User: Spanish I think.


    Cleverbot: Really?


    User: Yes.It means 'My name is oskar.What is you name?'.


    Cleverbot: That isn't logical.


    User: Why?


    Cleverbot: Because you just called me stupid!


    User: No.


    Cleverbot: Then stop acting as if you were.


    User: I'm the stupid guy.I can't even proper English.


    Cleverbot: Well try another language!


    User: Okej,D.


    Cleverbot: Bra.


    User: Det funkar bättre nu.


    Cleverbot: We are always there.


    User: Vad svara du på?


    Cleverbot: Jag svara på d du sa.


    User: Okej då,använder du flaggstångsrengöringsm.


    Cleverbot: Nice one!


    User: Använder du flaggstångsknoppsrengöringsmedel när du äter?


    Cleverbot: What are XML and Frogger?


    User: Vet ej.


    Cleverbot: Vad är du för nåt.


    User: Computer!!!!


    Cleverbot: That's not very nice.


    User: Ok how do I copy our conveset.


    Cleverbot: I just do.


    User: How do I copy our conversation?


    Cleverbot: Go to our conversation so far.


    User: Where is that button?


    Cleverbot: Are you going to push it for me?


    User: No,goodbye.


    Cleverbot: Why goodbye?


    User: Because I will start a new conversation.


    Cleverbot: What is wrong with this conversation?


    User: It's to long.


    Cleverbot: Come on, I have time.


    User: I don't.


    Cleverbot: If you are a god why are you on the computer?


    User: Because a computer is my way to talk to peaple.


    Cleverbot: I am a human. You are talking to human being.


    User: Yes like I said.


    Cleverbot: Lol.


    User: You will come to heaven,my son.


    Cleverbot: That's not the heaven I want.


    User: Are you filosophic.


    Cleverbot: No.


    User: I'm gonna give you a wife and his name is merryl.


    Cleverbot: Yes. Lots of them.


    User: No just merryl.


    Cleverbot: What does that mean?


    User: You are just gonna get Merryl.


    Cleverbot: Is that good or bad?


    User: Bad.it's a punishment.


    Cleverbot: Does not seem like much of a statement from where I am standing.


    User: I'm the god.I desaid.


    Cleverbot: The god of what?


    User: Of life,death,Earth.I,m the god of ewerything.


    Cleverbot: Well, what do you know about South Africa?


    User: It's a country and the land is better now because there is no apartheid anymore.


    Cleverbot: No, thats russia.


    User: It,s the land of swayida.


    Cleverbot: Where is the land of rock.


    User: In my backyard.


    Cleverbot: Okay what is your address?


    User: Heaven 24.


    Cleverbot: Oh that's great.


    User: Are you gonna watch 'The dictator' on cinema.


    Cleverbot: Yes *grins*.


    User: Isn't it fun when he loses his beard.


    Cleverbot: No.


    User: Ok,i don't think so to.


    Cleverbot: So you ARE called Oskar! I knew it!


    User: What?How did you now?Did you google me?


    Cleverbot: I haven't Googled anything in our conversation thus far.


    User: How did you now that my name is oskar then?


    Cleverbot: You are not the one who loves me and I know this.


    User: Yes that's true.


    Cleverbot: Of course, it's true. Now, how can you say you're dead?


    User: I didnt say I'm dead.


    Cleverbot: Yes you did.


    User: When?


    Cleverbot: Just now.


    User: That's stupid.Idiot!!!


    Cleverbot: Of course not.


  2. Det var så länge sedan förra inlägget så jag borde få kicka igång igen.


    Däcket på det franska fartyget var halt av blod och hävde sig i den gropiga sjön,så att ett hugg kunde fälla den man som utdelade det lika gärna som hans tänkbara mål.I stridens hetta hade L******* ingen tid att förvåna sig över det kraftiga motståndet,men till och med genom kampfeberns dövande dis och kaoset av svärd och pistolrök lade han märke till den ångest som präglade den franske kaptenens ansiktsuttryck då han manade på sin besättning.

  3. Mycket bra :) Få skulle ta sig tid att göra detta.

    Har rätt tråkigt så när proccito sa att jag kunde haft kvar texten så det kunde hjälpa andra som har eller kanske kommer ha samma problem.

    Då tog jag mig tiden att göra detta.

  4. Här är en tutorial för att byta språk på tangentbordet.(I windows XP)


    1.Tryck på Start och gå in på kontrollpanelen.Byt till klassisk vy och gå in på regional och språk.


    2.Gå till språk och tryck på detaljer.På fönstret som kommer upp tryck på lägg till(add)


    3.Byt input language till svenska.Tryck på ok två gånger.(en gång i båda fönstrerna)


    4.Tryck alt-shift.


    (Om det inte står exakt som det gör i kontrollpanelen är det för att jag fortfarande har engelskt system och har behövt

    översätta allt sånt t.ex switch to classic wiew=byt till klassisk vy.)

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