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Need For Speed Hot Pursuit2

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Unlock All Tracks


Go to the main menu and press X, B, B, L, L, Y, Up, Down, Right, Up.




In the forest level, there is a tunnel. if u skip around the tunnel there is a path that cuts like half way through the level. I have won Ferrari races with this passage


Info submitted by Swim God on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 at 21:39:57


Beat the Cops


When You have a cop on your tail the best way to get rid of him is to wreck him. First try to slam him into another car or something on the road that is sticking out. If that doesn't work slam on your brakes and stay behind him for a second then gather speed and when you get close hit his back side panel to spin him out then speed of and take the closest short cut.


Info submitted by racerx on Thursday, January 2, 2003 at 17:02:49


Secret To Winning The Lambourghini Time Trial


You guys should go through the map at least once to find some of the shortcuts. ONLY a few will help you go faster to get that 1:35:00 time limit.  Another tip would be to reverse a long way at the beginning and then go (time wont start until you cross the line) and you can get up to about 50 mph faster if you do this for your first lap.  Take only the shortcuts that are farther to the inside of turns and that cut across turns.  Do not take any shortcuts in the last 7/8 of the track (the ones that are higher up than the other parts).  My best time was 1:36:83 and I can't get any better than this but hopefully some of you will for that 100000 points.


Info submitted by PerfectHunter on Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 22:54:29


Secret Passage


On the Calypso Course level, on one of the hard left turns, there is a cave, enter the cave and keep driving till you see bushes blocking a wall with a black outline. Drive through the bushes for s secret passage within a secret passage!


Info submitted by DamienKusha on Sunday, October 6, 2002 at 20:23:46


Secret Passage


In outback level at the first tunnel take a hard right and the is a wall that says 'Keep Out', go through it and you will be in a railroad tunnel, a nice shortcut.


Info submitted by Scott on Monday, October 14, 2002 at 18:44:12


Lotus Elise Delivery Tactics


At the main menu, select Hot Pursuit and then choose event 1, Lotus Elise Delivery.

  -      After coming out of the first tunnel drive up the big hill and you will see the first cop on the side of the road.  Drive the car as if you are going to take the shortcut to the right of the cop car, but steer left at the last moment and stay on the paved road.  The cop will take the short cut and lose sight of you for a while.

  -      After driving across the iron-work bridge and through the underpass, another cop will be waiting on the left.  Follow the fence line on the right very closely and take the shortcut down the hill.  This will not only shave seconds off of your lap time, but help you to lose the cops

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