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Vad gör man i airs cave?jag ä inne i det där stället där det är en virvelvind staty men det går inte gå till den för det ä två sånhär platser med ett träd men inga blad på som man kan flytta på men om jag gör det på en av de så kan jag inte gå där i från och på den anndra så om jag flyttar den en gång så kan jag inte flytta den igen om jag går ett steg över till marken så når jag den inte. Vad ska jag göra???????????????????????? snälla svara på det här :(

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DAGS IGEN. MEN DEN HÄR GUIDEN ÄR PÅ ENGELSKA! alla har problem mede airs cave...





4.147 Air's Rock (Inside) [GS004147]


FINALLY! You're INSIDE! WOOHOOOOOO! So... as soon as you enter, you'll

see a Psynergy Crystal on the ground, which can be used to restore your

used up PP. For me, I didn't need it, two out of three of my characters

had full PP lol. Well continuing, go south, that means all the way south,

then west, north, west and down the ladder. Just follow the path, around

everything that is here up the ladder and down the stairs.


Second floor. Go right thru the door. Go east and you'll come to a 3-way

intersection. Head north, follow the path to a pillar puzzle. Climb down

the ladder that's available to you. Then move the pillar closest to you

(the one on the far left) 2 times right then up. Pound the grey pillar

that's on the right side. It'll jump back up on the other side. Move the

wooden pillar that's in the north down then use "Move" and move it right

once which will be exactly the same spot as the pillar you Pound. Now

go back up and jump across it. Then go south and down the ladder. Jump

across the floating tile, then use WW and blow away the sand there. Go up

the path that you just opened, climb up the ladder and use WW while facing

south to blow away the sand in the southern area. Now go back down the

ladder, then up the other ladder and go south, thru the path you just

opened. Follow the path, down the ladder and push the pillar to the thing

like looks like a hole (I thought it was going to fall thru at first).

Then make your way back, in the area next to the pillar puzzle, go west

from there. Thru the hole and go south, then jump on the pillar that you

just pushed. Then follow this path and down the stairs.


Third floor. Go north, then down the ladder, east, up the ladder and up

the ladder. Go east a bit then north and push the pillar over. This allows

you to get to the other side. Then go north and follow the path until you

reach the ladder, down the ladder, and use move on the pillar to move it

to the right. Water will stop, then go next to the water hole and use Move

to move the pillar back to the left. Head up the ladder and onto the

pillar the jump across and then thru the hole. Climb down, move the pillar,

then up the ladder and go south follow the path. Move the pillar there one

to the right, then go back and jump across the pillar. After that, go

south, pillar here, move it to the right once. Then down the slide and

up the ladder. Follow the path to the left.


You will now be back in what I call the "Main Room". Jump and make your

way across to the left and down the stairs you go. Face west, then use

WW to make the wall turn. Climb back up and jump, run, jump and you're

across to the other side. Climb down then left then back up. Go west,

follow the path there until you reach a ladder. Go down and use WW on the

wind stone while facing south. Make your way back, but don't go down the

ladder this time, instead, go north then east and across the rope there.

Once on the other side push the pillar down and head back across then

jump across the wall thing in the middle. Then across it and walk across

another rope that leads to the south. Follow the path here and down the



Holy, fourth floor, so much work... well go left and get item from the

chest. Then go back and follow the path to the north, then thru the hole

then down the ladder. Go east, past the ladder jump across those floating

tiles. Make your way to the other side, then climb up. Follow the path,

down the ladder then WW facing north. Climb the ladder, across the rope.

Follow this path, down the ladder to reach another wind stone. Use WW

while facing west. Climb up, run across, then go all the way west. Jump

on pillar at the end, climb rope. Follow the path here, jumping across

all the ledges until you reach the right side, then south into the Main

Room. Just across, and climb the ladder. Climb ALL THE WAY down, then

go east a bit and down the stairs into a purple room full with blue



Go south and then around to the southern side of the room. You can

go and touch to Huge Blue Psynergy cystal to replenish all you PP if

they're really low, which I doubt unless you use a lot of Psynergy. Keep

going and go around the room in a counter-clockwise motion and head up the

stairs. Jump on to the floating tiles that are the closest to you. Then

use WW on the purple cyclone. All of a sudden everything around you will

feel alive. Before going up using the little tornado, jump back across the

tiles, and go to the tiles on the right. Jump those and head outside, then

push the pillar to the left. Now go back and go up via the tornado. This

will take you up above, to a pretty high level I would say. Use WW on the

purple cyclone again, and it'll feel even more alive.


After using WW on the purple cyclone, jump left, use Move, then jump on

the ledge and push the pillar. Jump down, then head east and around then

stand in front of the tornado creator. Then grab the chest with Vial, then

Move the pillar and get back to the side ledge. Run south and around the

room, then up the ladder and down the stairs.


Here, go west and thru the door, down the stairs and push the pillar two

times left, then go back and get carried west by tornado. Jump on the

pillar and go north. Here, you see a movable tornado creator, move it all

the way up, then get carried to the west ledge. Get Clarity Circlet from

chest. Slide down the slide, then go back and move the tornado creator

four tiles down, then get carried to the other side. Go south thru the

door frame thing then push the pillar the to right and down. Then go west,

and head all the way around until you reach the floating tile. Solve this

fairly simple puzzle then use move on the pillar to move it so that you

can go back and down to the next floor, yes, you heard me. So go back now

and head downstairs.


Third floor, again, down the ladder then head east. Across the rope here,

then again the rope a bit south, climb the ladder, then across these

ropes. Go south to level 4.


Fourth floor... go west then south and use WW on air stone while facing

east. Now face south and WW while facing south to blow the tornado creator

to the south. Head back thru the path that you just cleared and down the

ladder. Now head south, and up the ladder, then get carried to the right

side. Get chest containing some coins. Slide down, then go south. Head

east and climb up the stairs. Keep going east and follow path, push pillar

down and head back now down the stairs.


Fifth floor... go west and follow path to get Vial, then continue north

and Move the tornado creator to the right. Now you can head up the other

path. Do so. Down the stairs.


Sixth floor! FINALLY! Here, follow the path and thru the door in the east.

Then climb down, go south and get carried across. Once on the other side,

climb up and go all the way up. Then jump the floating tiles, and at the

end of the path the door will open. Head inside.


Here, you'll be in a room with purple clouds. Go north jump up to the

north. The tiles will disappear after you jump on them. Go north and

examine the stone. Sheba will come out and touch the stone then learn

Reveal, finally we can continue with the plot. BUT! We're not done here,

just yet, yea I know, but just bare with me cuz we're SO close to be out

of here. Go left, hop the floating tiles. When you're at the circle of

tiles, use Reveal and then hope across. Follow path to the Psy Crystal.

Now use Retreat, and you should be in the bottom entrance. Go north and

hop the floating tiles, then when you get to the north ledge go left and

hop those tiles. Go on the tornado creator and get carried up to the top.


Now read my faq starting from "4.147 Air's Rock (Inside)" on how to get

back to the THRID floor from the top. Just make sure you go right on the

second floor and not left.


Once you're there, head down the ladder, go right and up the ladder. From

the stairs of the third floor, head east then north and down the ladder.

Go east and up the ladder. Then follow the path north once you get to the

pillar move it aside. Then keep going and head southwest. Move the pillar

here all the way to the right, then go north and jump across the pillar to

the other side. Go north climb down the east, climb up, then north and get

carried across to the other side. Use WW on the air stone while facing

south. The pillar will get whirlwinded to the beginning of the floor. Now

make you way back to where the pillar is and push it down then jump

across. Go northeast examine the stone and get new summon called "Flora".

AND YOU'RE DONE! Finally! Congratulations! haha :D. Now use Retreat, and

use it again to leave. Once you're out, return to Garoh.


PS: If you've notice, there is a chest outside on the mountain of Air's

Rock that requires Frost to get. I do not know what it is but we'll have

to come back later to get it. (Yea I kno you're thinking, AGAIN???) Well

unfortunately we don't have a choice right now. BTW, by the time I was

done here, my chars was ONLY L13, which is kind of low... considering

some people level up to like L15-20 here... well just thought I would let

y'all know.

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