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Gäst Spelnisse

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Gäst Spelnisse

Hur gör man där som en eld vägg åker fram och tillbaka och det e en dörr som man ska upp till?Jag kommer inte upp dit!!! :(


Svara gärna snabbt! :)

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Karta: http://www.zeldauniverse.net/games/z5/maps/fireoot.jpg



Fire Temple

To get to the Fire Temple, you're going to need to head over to Goron City again, this time as adult Link. On the third level is a rolling Goron that you want to place a bomb in front of to stop it. As a present for stopping him, you'll receive the Goron Tunic, which will allow you to enter extremely hot places. Go ahead and equip the clothing now, and then head down to the Goron King's room. Go to the back of the room and pull on a statue that just obviously wants to be pulled; the entrance leads to the inside of Death Mountain. Make sure you've got your hookshot handy, and cross the broken bridge with its help. Once again, you'll meet Sheik, who will now teach you the Bolero of Fire. Now you can enter the Fire Temple.

Go up the set of stairs before you, and then take a left through that door and meet the King of the Gorons! Here, you're going to want to jump from platform to platform, making your way to a cage on the left with a trapped Goron inside. To free him, just step on the switch and make sure to open the treasure chest that's in the cage (it contains a small key). On the other side are some pots with bombs and fairies. Now backtrack and exit this section from the way you came out.

As you walk out, you'll see a locked door in front of you. Walk straight and enter the door, which leads to a great hall. Using the platforms and bridges, your objective now is to make your way to the left side of the hall, where there is a small hallway and a door there with a blue block above it. Going through this door and the subsequent hall will lead you to another trapped Goron. Set him free, make sure to grab the key that's in the treasure chest, and go back to the great hall. Now, make your way to the right side of the hall, where you will want to place a bomb by a place on the wall that looks discolored to get to another Goron and key. Go back to the large chamber and go through the locked door on the opposite wall of where you first came in.

Here, you'll want to make your way down the wooden plank and up the fence (right by the entrance, to the left if you're facing the door). There, you'll kill two bats; then, drop to the platform below, where you'll push the large, movable block off the edge. Fall down onto the block, and you'll shoot to the next room. Go through the locked door and enter a dingy greenish room. Here on the left, you'll want to climb up the platforms and kill the fire slugs. Move towards the torch on your right where you see a switch and another large, movable block. Jump to that ledge and push it off the edge, then drop down and pull it until you can use it to make your way to on top of the Goron's cave and up the shorter fence. From this upper level, toss a bomb down to the switch. This will make fire blocking a pathway disappear, allowing you to climb up to another door, but hurry before the fire reappears!

Go through this door, which leads you into a room with boulders. Avoiding the boulders, make your way to your right until you see another trapped Goron. Same deal, don't forget the key! Exit his cage and follow the left wall, past a locked door, and towards another trapped Goron in a small tunnel after a door. Now turn around, and go through that locked door you passed earlier.

To the right, unlock the door with an arrow on the eye switch, and you'll find a Dungeon Map. Turn around, and now go to the locked door of the room. Run to the other end of the room and be careful for the wall of fire following you. Enter the door above you, and jump onto the ledge in front of you (be careful for the little flame slug), and place a bomb on the crack you see. Drop down the opening, free another Goron, and grab another key. Go back up from the hole you came through, get to the platform with a switch on it, and push the switch. This opens another cell with a Goron and a key on the right side of the room (facing away from the door you entered). Now go back to the end of the room where you came, and enter the door to the left.

Now go across the platform, and be sure that, instead of going back to the end of this hall, you jump halfway through onto a ledge to your right, and enter that door. Go through another door. Eventually you'll come to a fire maze (careful for the false doors). On the right of the room is a Compass, while the left side has a locked door you'll want to go through. Pass the Goron in this room, and go through the door to get to the other half of the room. Get to the switch, hit it, and hurry across the fire curtain that just disappeared. Remember to be careful for the fire walls.

You'll want to place a bomb by this false door, and then enter the real door after the bomb explodes. In the next room you'll face a mini boss who you'll want to defeat with Z-targeted bombs, and hacking at the little bomb man that appears. Now, climb onto the platform and you'll be going to the fourth floor. In this room, climb up the fence and hit the switch below with the bomb, and climb the other fence, climb the fence now available to you and enter the door. Step on the switch and run up the stairs for the Megaton Hammer!

Equip the hammer, and go down the stairs. Use the hammer on the small platform and you'll go down the hole. Break the statue with a hammer, hit the statue on the head, and you'll see a set of stairs come down. Now pick up a box and set it on top of the switch, then enter the door to the next room.

Now, hammer the platform to descend onto the floor. Above you, hit the rusty switch, go through the door and jump the gap to reach the blue block. Get your Ocarina out and play the Song of Time to move the block and allow a switch to appear. Hit the switch, go into the pit, and you'll free another Goron and key. Climb up blue block to go back to the other side.

Jump to the platform and hammer it to fall a couple of levels. Go through the door that leads to the entrance of the temple and go down the stairs to a statue. Hammer the statue and enter the next room. Kill a few enemies there and enter the next room. Go through the door and defeat a shield eater, then a mini-boss (you can use the hammer this time), then enter the next door.

Activate the switch and you'll be able to free the last Goron and grab the Boss Key. Leave the room, go up the stairs again and enter the left door. Open the Boss Door and you'll meet Volvagia.

Boss: Volvagia

Volvagia will peek out of the floor and swing a large whip of fire. Just make sure to dodge the attack, and hit him on the head with the hammer a couple of times. Now, he's going to throw fire and rocks at you. All you can do is dodge that attack as well. He'll then revert back to the original attack, and you should just use the hammer on him again. Repeat the cycle until he is defeated. :rolleyes:

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