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Hunter Talents

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Hej jag har ett träd här och undrar om ni tycker jag ska ändra något eller om det är bra vill ej byta till beastmastery.


Beast Mastery (0 points)


Marksmanship (31 points)

Improved Concussive Shot - Rank 5/5

Gives your Concussive Shot a 20% chance to stun the target for 3 sec.


Lethal Shots - Rank 5/5

Increases your critical strike chance with ranged weapons by 5%.


Improved Hunter's Mark - Rank 5/5

Causes 100% of your Hunter's Mark ability effect to apply to melee attack power as well.


Aimed Shot - Rank 1/1

An aimed shot that increases ranged damage by 870


Rapid Killing - Rank 2/2

Reduces the cooldown of your Rapid Fire ability by 2 min. In addition, after killing an opponent that yields experience or honor, your next Aimed Shot, Arcane Shot or Auto Shot causes 20% additional damage. Lasts 20 sec.


Mortal Shots - Rank 5/5

Increases your ranged weapon critical strike damage bonus by 30%.


Scatter Shot - Rank 1/1

A short-range shot that deals 50% weapon damage and confuses the target for 4 sec. Any damage caused will remove the effect. Turns off your attack when used.


Barrage - Rank 1/3

Increases the damage done by your Multi-Shot and Volley spells by 5%.


Combat Experience - Rank 2/2

Increases your total Agility by 2% and your total Intellect by 6%.


Ranged Weapon Specialization - Rank 3/5

Increases the damage you deal with ranged weapons by 3%.


Trueshot Aura - Rank 1/1

Increases the Ranged and Melee Attack Power of party members within 45 yards by 125. Lasts 30 min

Survival (30 points)

Hawk Eye - Rank 3/3

Increases the range of your ranged weapons by 6 yards.


Savage Strikes - Rank 2/2

Increases the critical strike chance of Raptor Strike and Mongoose Bite by 20%.


Deflection - Rank 5/5

Increases your Parry chance by 5%.


Clever Traps - Rank 1/2

Increases the duration of Freezing and Frost trap effects by 15% and the damage of Immolation and Explosive trap effects by 15%.


Survivalist - Rank 5/5

Increases total health by 10%.


Deterrence - Rank 1/1

When activated, increases your Dodge and Parry chance by 25% for 10 sec.


Surefooted - Rank 3/3

Increases hit chance by 3% and increases the chance movement impairing effects will be resisted by 15%.


Survival Instincts - Rank 1/2

Reduces all damage taken by 2%.


Killer Instinct - Rank 3/3

Increases your critical strike chance with all attacks by 3%.


Counterattack - Rank 1/1

A strike that becomes active after parrying an opponent's attack. This attack deals 110 damage and immobilizes the target for 5 sec. Counterattack cannot be blocked, dodged, or parried


Lightning Reflexes - Rank 5/5

Increases your Agility by 15%.

Redigerat av Hampe The Killer
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man kan väl inte byta? det är väl bäst att använda alla sina poäng i samma sak som t,e,x Beast Mastery


Det kan man visst. Dessutom är Beastmastery bäst på levlingen eftersom det är peten som tar mest stryk, men mark är bäst om du vill göra mycket skada. Problemet är att du kommer ta aggro ofta från din pet och du dör fortare. Survival är inget och ha!
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dude donken vad snackar du om? i markman tar du inte mar aggro, det gör du bara om du är noob och spammar aimed shot så ofta det går, man ska bara använda den i början av striden, och man tar inte aggro från sitt pet om man har ett bra pet

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Du vet väl att man får mer i threat när man gör mer skada? Och Beastmastery gör att pettet skadar mer och sånt så den tar aggro oftare då.

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