Mortyr: Fuskkoder och liknande
för Pc.
satan - Odödligmegaboss - Odödlig
allit - Alla vapen och saker
gimme all - Alla vapen och saker
.gt xx=Hoppa till level xx (xx skall vara numret på leveln)
.jt # - Hoppa till bana #
Level nummer och namn:
41 - First Steps
01 - Outer Citadel
30 - Through the Citadel
10 - Middle Castle
33 - In the Middle of the Castle
11 - The Cathedral
34 - The Darker Cathedral
12 - The Cemetary
13 - The High Castle
14 - The Castle Cathedral
17 - The Factory
35 - The Machine Park
07 - The Train Station
08 - U-Boat Bunker
32 - U-Boat Pen
06 - V2 Factory
09 - City Ruins
24 - The Duel
15 - The Time Machine
02 - The Future Time Machine
28 - Time Machine Facility
05 - Underground Channels
31 - The Sewers
18 - Kraftwerk
03 - Droid Factory
19 - Computing Center
04 - City in the Clouds
16 - The Spaceport
29 - Docking Bay 94
23 - The Flying Fortress
satan - Odödlig
megaboss - Odödlig
allit - Alla vapen och saker
gimme all - Alla vapen och saker
.gt xx=Hoppa till level xx (xx skall vara numret på leveln)
.jt # - Hoppa till bana #
Level nummer och namn:
41 - First Steps
01 - Outer Citadel
30 - Through the Citadel
10 - Middle Castle
33 - In the Middle of the Castle
11 - The Cathedral
34 - The Darker Cathedral
12 - The Cemetary
13 - The High Castle
14 - The Castle Cathedral
17 - The Factory
35 - The Machine Park
07 - The Train Station
08 - U-Boat Bunker
32 - U-Boat Pen
06 - V2 Factory
09 - City Ruins
24 - The Duel
15 - The Time Machine
02 - The Future Time Machine
28 - Time Machine Facility
05 - Underground Channels
31 - The Sewers
18 - Kraftwerk
03 - Droid Factory
19 - Computing Center
04 - City in the Clouds
16 - The Spaceport
29 - Docking Bay 94
23 - The Flying Fortress
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