WWF Wrestlemania 2000: Guide
för Nintendo 64.
Hur man skapar brottare:Macho Man Randy Savage:
Short Name: Macho Man
Height: 5"11
Weight: 231 lbs.
Music: Chaz
Video: Ingen
Body Size: 2 (Color 1)
Ring Attire: 7(Colors 1,2)
Tatoo: 0
Upper Body: 0
Entrance Attire: 7
Weapons: 0
Head: 0
Face: 38
Hair 1: 13
Hair 2: 6
Facial Hair: 17
Mask: 0
Gloves: 1
Wrist Band: 0
Elbow Pad L/R: 0
Knee Pad L/R: 0
Feet: 5
Se till att "Elbox Drop" och "a punching combo" är hans front specialitet. Hans gimick är att gå runt och vinka på publiken.
Kevin Nash:
Name: Kevin Nash
Short Name: Big Sexy
Height: 7"3
Weight: 340 lbs.
Music: X-Pac
Video: Ingen
Body Size: 3
Ring Attire: 15(Colors 0,3)
Tatoo: 11
Upper Body: 22(Color 3)
Entrance Attire: 0
Weapons: 0
Head: 1
Face: 9
Hair 1: 1(Color 2)
Hair 2: 24
Facial Hair: 9
Mask: 0
Gloves: 0
Wrist Band: 1
Elbow Pad L: 0
Elbow Pad R: 2
Knee Pads: 0
Feet: 26
Se till att han har "Jacknife Powerbomb" som front specialitet, "the Big Boot" och "Knee Smash" i hörnet, och "Walking Side Slam" som bakåt special. Hans gimick är att han sakta reser sina armar och slår huvudet bakåt.
Name: Sting
Short Name: Sting
Height: 6"6
Weight: 253
Music: Patterson
Video: Ingen
Body Size: 1
Ring Attire: 51(Colors 14, 2)
Tatoo: 0
Upper Body: 0
Entrance Attire: 0
Weapons: 0
Head: 1
Face: 50
Hair 1: 2(Color 2)
Hair 2: 5
Facial Hair: 0
Mask: 27
Gloves: 0
Wrist Band: 1(Color 2)
Elbow Pads: 0
Knee Pads: 0
Feet: 3
Se till att "DD DDT (Scorpian Deathdrop)" är hans bakåt special, "Sharpshooter(Scorpian Deathlock)", och "Jumping Body Splash (Stinger Splash)". Hans gimick är att han sätter handen för munnen, och hans special gimick är när han slår sig själv på bröstet som "the Ultimate Warrior".
Buff Bagwell:
Name: Buff Bagwell
Short Name: Buff
Height: 6"6
Weight: 283
Music: HBK
Video: None
Body Size: 2
Ring Attire: 43(Color 2)
Tatoo: 0
Upper Body: 27(Color 3)
Entrance Attire: 5
Weapons: 0
Head: 1
Face: 19
Hair 1: 2
Hair 2: 31
Facial Hair: 23
Mask: 0
Gloves: 0
Wrist Band: 1(Color 2)
Elbow Pads: 0
Knee Pads: 0
Feet: 6
Ge han "the Flipping Neck Breaker(Buff Blockbuster)". Hans gimick är att gå ner på marken och flaxa.
Rey Mysterio Jr.:
Name: Rey Mysterio Jr.
Short Name: Rey
Height: 5"9
Weight: 180
Music: D''Lo
Video: None
Body Size: 1(Color 2)
Ring Attire: 86(Colors 24,0)
Tatoo: 2
Upper Body/Ent. Attire/Weapons: 0
Head: 0
Face: 7
Hair 1: 2(Color 3)
Hair 2: 31
Facial Hair: 0
Mask: 0
Gloves: 0
Wrist Bands: 1(Color 2)
Elbow Pads: 0
Knee Pads: 0
Feet: 0
Se till att hans bakåt special är "the Huricanranna Pin".
Scott Hall:
Name: Scott Hall
Short Name: Hall
Height: 6"10
Weight: 297
Music: X-Pac
Video: None
Body Size: 2
Ring Attire: 10(Colors 1,3)
Tatoo: 3
Upper Body: 0
Ent. Attire: 10(Colors 2,3)
Weapons: 0
Head: 1
Face: 5
Hair 1: 5
Hair 2: 9
Facial Hair: 14
Mask: 0
Gloves: 0
Wrist Bands: 1(Color 2)
Elbow Pads: 2
Knee Pads: 6(Color 3)
Feet: 1
Ge han "the Insider Edge" som frammåt special och "the Fallaway Slam 2". Han ska ha "the Finger Point taunt", den då han lägger armarna i kors och säger "Thats it".
Sgt. Slaughter:
Name: Sgt. Slaughter
Short Name: Slaughter
Height: 6"6
Weight: 281
Music: Union
Video: Hardy Boyz
Body Size: 2
Ring Attire: 84
Tatoo: 0
Upper Body: 21(Color 12)
Ent. Attire: 0
Weapons: 0
Head: 0
Face: 27
Hair 1: 2
Hair 2: 49
Facial Hair: 8
Mask: 4
Gloves: 0
Wrist Bands: 0
Elbow Pads: 0
Knee Pads: 0
Feet: 26
Hans rörelser skall vara "the Cobra Clutch" och hans avslut ska vara "Cobra Clutch". Hans bakåt special är "Chicken Wing Submissions".
Eddy Guerrero:
Name: Eddy Guerrero
Short Name: Eddy
Height: 6"1
Weight: 194
Music: D''Lo
Video: None
Body Size: 0(Color 1)
Ring Attire: 48
Tatoo: 0
Upper Body: 0
Ent. Attire: 0
Weapons: 0
Head: 1
Face: 43
Hair 1: 5
Hair 2: 24
Facial Hair: 15
Mask: 0
Gloves: 0
Wrist Bands: 1(Color 2)
Elbow Pads: 0
Knee PAds: 0
Feet: 1(Colors 0,16)
Han skall ha "the Frog Splash" och hans gimick är när han pekar på publiken och edan mot hans ända.
Hur man skapar fler brottare:
Rowdy Roddy Piper:
Name: Rowdy Roddy Piper
Short Name: Piper
Height: 6"0
Weight: 253
Music: King
Video: Ingen
Body Size: 4
Ring Attire: 0(Color 4)
Tatoo: 0
Upper Body: 0
Ent. Attire/Weapons: 0
Head: 0
Face: 27
Hair 1: 3(Color 1)
Hair 2: 41
Facial Hair: 14
Mask: 0
Gloves: 0
Wrist Bands: 1(Color 2)
Elbow Pads: 0
Knee Pads: 0
Feet: 27(Colors 4,0)
Ge han "the Sleeper Hold" som bakåt special och hans "Rope Special".
D-von Dudley:
Name: D-von Dudley
Short Name: D-von
Height: 6"6
Weight: 236
Music: Holly
Video: Ingen
Body Size: 3(Color 3)
Ring Attire: 85(Color 21)
Tatoo: 0
Upper Body: 57(Color 8)
Entrance Attire: 1
Weapons: 0
Head: 2
Face: 25
Hair 1: 2
Hair 2: 8
Facial Hair: 6
Mask: 0
Gloves: 4(Color 22,22)
Wrist Band: 1(Color 22)
Elbow Pads: 0
Knee Pads: 6(Color 21)
Feet: 6
Använd hans "Front Double Team Move" och "Tossing 3/4 Turn Neckbreaker".
Bubba Ray Dudley:
Name: Buh Buh Ray Dudley
Short Name: Buh Buh Ray
Height: 6"4 Weight: 237
Music: Holly
Video: Ingen
Body Size: 4
Ring Attire: 75(Colors 1,1)
Tatoo: 0
Upper Body:
57(Color 24)
Ent. Attire: 2
Weapons: 0
Head: 2
Face: 9
Hair 1: 8
Hair 2: 6
Facial Hair: 11
Mask: 22
Gloves: 0
Wrist Bands: 2
Elbow Pads: 1
Knee Pads: 6(Color 21)
Feet: 5
Ge han "the 3/4 Turn Neckbreaker"
Name: Goldberg
Short Name: Goldberg
Height: 6"5
Weight: 291
Music: HHH
Video: Ingen
None Body Size: 2
Ring Attire: 0
Tatoo: 3
Upper Body/Ent.
Attire/Weapons: 0
Head: 0
Face: 9
Hair 1: 0
Hair 2: 0
Facial Hair: 1
Mask: 0
Gloves: 1
Wrist Bands: 0
Elbow Pads: 1
Knee Pads: 1
Feet: 0
Se till att han har "the Spear" och "Sledgehammer" som frammåt specialiteter. Hans gimick är "getting ready to spear" och när han hoppar frammåt o viker ut armarna.
Name: Kidman
Short Name: Kidman
Height: 5"10
Weight: 180
Music: D''Lo
Video: Ingen
Body Size: 0
Ring Attire: 3
Tatoo: 0
Upper Body: 22(Color 2)
Ent. Attire: 0
Weapon: 0
Head: 1
Face: 17
Hair 1: 5
Hair 2: 9
Facial Hair: 0
Mask: 0
Gloves: 0
Bands: 0
Elbow Pads: 2
Knee Pads: 2
Feet: 0
Han måste ha "the Shooting Star Press" och hans bakåt special ska vara "the Electric Chair Drop".
The Cat:
Name: Ernest Miller
Short Name: The Cat
Height: 6"6
Weight: 240
Music: Ivory
Video: Ingen
Body Size: 1(Color 2)
Ring Attire: 11(Colors 30,1)
Tatoo: 0
Upper Body: 0
Ent. Attire: 11
Weapons: 9
Head: 0
Face: 27
Hair 1: 0
Hair 2: 0
Facial Hair: 11
Mask: 0
Gloves: 0
Wrist Bands: 1(Color 2)
Elbow Pads: 0
Knee Pads: 0
Feet: 16
Han använder massa sparkar.
Diamond Dallas Page:
Name: Diamond Dallas Page
Short Name: DDP
Height: 6"4
Weight: 260
Music: Hardy Boyz
Video: Ingen
Body Size: 3
Ring Attire: 2
Tatoo: 5
Upper Body/Ent. Attire/Weapons: 0
Head: 0
Face: 10
Hair 1: 13(Color 2)
Hair 2: 2
Facial Hair: 1
Mask: 0
Gloves: 0
Wrist Bands: 1
Elbow Pads: 2
Knee Pads: 0
Feet: 0
Ge han frammåt specialiteter: "Rope Special", "Top Rope Special", "the 3/4 Turn Neckbreaker(Diamond Cutter)". Hans gimick är hans sätta sig i hörnet och dra sig själv up.
Name: Raven
Short Name: Raven
Height: 6"0
Weight: 230
Music: Holly
Video: Ingen
Body Size: 2
Ring Attire: 3
Tatoo: 11
Upper Body: 31(Color 1)
Ent. Attire: 0
Weapons: 0
Head: 2
Face: 9
Hair 1: 4
Hair 2: 42
Facial Hair: 24
Mask: 24
Gloves: 5
Wrist Bands: 0
Elbow Pads: 0
Knee Pads: 5
Feet: 1
Se till att hans frammåt special är "the Flowing DDT". Han skall också ha "the Russian Leg Sweep" och "Drop Toe Hold". Hans gimick är att vifta på armarna som en fågel.
Hur man skapar Kurt Angle:
Name: Kurt Angle
Short Name: Kurt Angle
Height: 5''11
Wieght: 220
Music: Vad som helst.
Video: Vad som helst.
Body Size: 3
Ring Attire: 44 (change colors to red and blue)
Tattoo: 0
Upper Body: 0
Entrance Attire: 0
Weapons/Props: 0
Head: 2
Face: 23
Hair 1: 3
Hair 2: 0
Facial Hair: 0
Masks/ect: 0
Stance: Shoot(not sure)
Speed: Fast
Submission Skills: expert(inte säker)
Recovery Rate: Fast
Reaction to Blood: Panic
Turnbuckle Climbing: Jump
Weapons use: Rare
Weight Class: Heavy
Counter/Reversals: Heavy
Ring Entry: Normal
Bleeding: Normal
Endurance: Strong
Jumping Distance: Normal
Specific Weapon: None
Rival Superstar 1: Mark Henry
Rival Superstar 2: Blackman
Rival Superstar 3: Vem du vill
Hur man skapar Ray Jr:
Name: Ray Jr
Short Name: Ray Ray
Height: 5''6
Music: Ingen
Video: Ingen
Body Size: 1
Ring Attire: 86
Tattoo: 0
Upper Body: 57
Entrance Attire: 0
Weapons/Props: 0
Head: 1
Face: 26
Hair 1: 18
Hair 2: 0
Facial Hair: 0
Masks/ect: 0
Gloves: 0
Wristband: 0
Elbow Pad L: 0
Elbow Pad R: 0
Knee Pad L: 0
Knee Pad R: 0
Feet: 4
2, 1, 1, 5, 1, 3, 4, 6, 5, 13, 14, 1, 4, 18, 12, 3, 4, 6, 15, 3, 2, 4, 3, 10, 2, 1, 13, 1,
13, 1, 24, 27, 23, 10, 1, 4, 24, 48, 9, 6, 51, 66, 92, 115, 68, 26, 20, 2, 7, 10, 9, 6, 11,
20, 5, 11, 1, 5, 3, 15, 8, 20, 3, 1, 5, 3, 1, 1, 12, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 4, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1,
1, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 11, 17, 10, 12, 19, 9,
3, 1, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 15, 58, 103, 124, 96, 1, 4, 9, 5, 58, 2,
Hur man skapar Taz:
Name: Taz
Short Name: Taz
Height: 6''4
Wieght: 304
Music: Shamrock
Video: Vilken du vill.
Body Size: 5
Ring Attire: 0
Tattoo: 11
Upper Body: 42
Entrance Attire: 0
Weapons/Props: 0
Head: 0
Face: 9
Hair 1&2: 0
Facial Hair: 3
Masks/ect: 0
Gloves: 0
Wristband: 0
Elbow Pad L: 0
Elbow Pad R: 0
Knee Pad L: 0
Knee Pad R: 0
Feet: 0
Front Grapple Moves:
#118,T-bone suplex
#30,Double Underhook B-B suplex
#76,Northen Lights Release Suplex
#24,Cradle Suplex
Back Grapple:
#22,Rear naked choke with S.
#13,Half Nelson Suplex
#4,Cobra Clutch Suplex
Entrary Way: Whatever
Walk Taunt: Generic
In Ring Taunt: #6,Chyna
Taunt up,left,right: #7,Chyna
Special Taunt: #75,Taunt 31
Fighting stil:
Offensive Strentgh:
Head: 4
Body: 4
Arms: 3
Legs: 3
Flying Attack: 1
Deffensive Strentgh:
Head: 4
Body: 4
Arms: 3
Legs: 3
Flying Attack: 1
Rival Superstar 1: Holly
Rival Superstar 2: Shane
Rival Superstar 3: King
Accompanied by: Vem du vill
Hur man skapar Sabu:
Name: Sabu
Short Name: Sabu
Height: 6''4
Wieght: 217
Music: Cactus
Video: Ingen
Body Size: 1
Ring Attire: 58 (5,3)
Tattoo: 0
Upper Body: 27 (3)
Entrance Attire: 12 (5,3)
Weapons/Props: 0
Head: 1
Face: 26
Hair 1: 1
Hair 2: 42
Facial Hair: 18
Masks/ect: 0
Gloves: 1
Wristband: 0
Elbow Pad L: 0
Elbow Pad R: 0
Knee Pad L: 0
Knee Pad R: 0
Feet: 12 (3,2)
Hur man skapar Bill Goldberg:
Name: Bill Goldberg
Short Name: Bill Goldberg
Height: 6''3
Wieght: 291
Music: Original BGM 2
Video: Ingen
Body Size: 2
Ring Attire: 0
Tattoo: 10
Upper Body: 0
Entrance Attire: 0
Weapons/Props: 0
Head: 0
Face: 4
Hair 1&2: 0
Facial Hair: 1
Masks/ect: 0
Gloves: 1
Wristband: 1
Elbow Pad L: 1
Elbow Pad R: 1
Knee Pad L: 5
Knee Pad R: 5
Feet: 6
Front Grapple Moves:
#30,Belly to Belly Suplex
#14,Body Press to Front Slam
#89,Rolling Leg Lock
Back Grapple Moves:
#4,Big Clothesline
#19,Pump Handle Suplex
Stiking Moves:
Running Attack
#05,Diving Shoulderblock
#22,Running Clothesline 01
Entry Way Taunt: Taunt 05
Walk Taunt: Generic
In Ring Taunt: None
Taunt Up: Taunt 07
Taunt Left: Taunt 07
Taunt Right: Taunt 07
Special Taunt: Taunt 26
Ducking Taunt: Taunt 01
Fighting stil:
Offensive Strength:
Head: 4
Body: 5
Arms: 3
Legs: 2
Flying Attack: 1
Deffensive Strength:
Head: 3
Body: 4
Legs: 3
Arms: 4
Flying Attack: 1
Rival Superstar 1: Stone Cold
Rival Superstar 2: Whoever you like
Rival Superstar 3: Whoever you like
Hur man skapar Crash Holly:
Name: Crash Holly
Short Name: Crash
Height: 5''9
Wieght: 215
Music: Holly
Video: Holly
Body Size: 2
Ring Attire: 56 (top row #4... bottom row #10)
Tattoo: 0
Upper Body: 0
Entrance Attire: 0
Weapons/Props: 0
Head: 0
Face: 22
Hair 1: 8 (#3) Hair 2: 0
Facial Hair: 0
Masks/ect: 0
Gloves: 0 (# 2)
Wristband: 1 (# 0)
Elbow Pad L: 1 (# 0)
Elbow Pad R: 1 (# 0)
Knee Pad L: 2 (# 0)
Knee Pad R: 2 (# 0)
Feet: 3 (# 2 on both TOP AND BOTTOM)
Special moves:
#45: Falcon Arrow
#46: Falcon Arrow Taunts:
#121: Hardcore Holly
#122: Generic
#123: Hardcore Holly
#124: Taunt # 97
#125: Taunt # 97
#126: Taunt # 97
#127: Taunt # 62
#128: Taunt # 11
#129: Taunt # 10
#130: Taunt # 01
#131: Taunt # 09
#132: Taunt # 115
#133: Evasion - Roll
Stance: Wrestling
Speed: Fast
Submission Skills: Normal
Recovery Rate: Normal
Reaction to Blood: Panic
Turnbuckle Climbing: Jump
Weapons use: Normal
Weight Class: Heavy
Counter/Reversals: Heavy
Ring Entry: Normal
Bleeding: Normal
Endurance: Normal
Jumping Distance: Normal
Specific Weapon: None
Rival Superstar 1: Vem som helst
Rival Superstar 2: Vem som helst
Rival Superstar 3: Vem som helst
Accompanied by: Vem som helst
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