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    Venezia, Italia

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Om mig

I managed to come to the algorithm that helps to completely clean your consciousness. By the way, your consciousness is a terrible office. Years ago, I found that cognitive science proved in the last decade. Your head is good for the birth of ideas, but is not at all suitable in order to store them. Evolutionary your brain is not intended to memorize, remind and place priorities. Guess how many tasks it can process at the same time before losing cognitive ability? Four. If you have more than four things on your mind, then, taking strategic decisions about what needs to be done first, you will most likely be guided by the last and most spending ideas, and not intuitive intelligence. That is how your brain works https://onlinecasinosvizzera.com/bonus/.

Your consciousness evolved in order to make amazing things, and it makes one of them right now. You use long-term memory and pattern recognition in order to understand - this is a person, it's a chair, this is a screen and so on, and not just light and sound waves. Your brain evolved to survive in savannahs, deserts and jungle to understand - these are trees, and there are berries in these bushes. He learned to recognize the serpent and recognize the approach of thunderstorms. For this, the limbic brain system is responsible, working continuously and makes it brilliantly.

Despite progress, computers are still not close to what you do right now. But at the same time you can go to the store for lemon and come back with six other purchases and without lemons. Why is this happening? You are trying to use your brain as an office. But this is a sloping office, and therefore the main secret of how to leave the consciousness clear and clean - to pay due attention to all tasks and obligations and process them in such a way that they do not climb cognitive bandwidth.

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