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här har du några spel som e värt att köpa : Final Fantasy crisis core Prinny can i really be a hero (kommit ut i sverige?) crash mind over mutant (finns ett till fast kommer inte ihåg vad det heter) need for speed most wanted shaun white ( lite knepigt men när man kört ett tag så blir det lätt xD )
om de skulle släppas då tror ja inte att de kommer till psp inte en chans att dom lägger ner så mycke tid på ett psp spel + att de troligen har kommit ut en bättre bärbar consol. dem snackar om bbs som kommer te psp och kh 3 som kanske kommer vid 2011-2012 kommer till ps3
men msn live beta suger... man kan inte ens skicka någon fil till dem som har dem äldre versionerna ..
man kan ju alltid köpa det från usa ... och vem vet ...japenerna kanske e så snälla att dem ger oss kh 2 fm me :P
det har länge ryktas att Kingdom hearts RE: chain of memories skal komma till usa och nu e det bekräftat och fått release datum och release datumet är 2 december. så det e bara o köpa från usa sen (över internet) fast den som inte vill så finns det ju andra sätt xD .http://na.square-enix.com/khrecom/
okej men vilken e viktigast av int och sta ?
hallå :P undrar vilken attribut (eller vad det heter) som e viktigast? agi int eller sta?
hittat några länkar där det står nästan allt om spelen och vissa karaktärer och fienden, dem är på engelska och är rätts så långa, allt om 358/2 days (hitils)' allt om birth by sleep (hitils) allt vi vet om 14 organasiton medlemen xion/shion (hitils) allt vi vet om unbirths (hitils) allt vi vet om koded (hitils) allt om xehanort (hitils) en sak till om shion/xion är att vissa tror att hon kan vara soras mamma....kommer med länk om detta snart snart
här kommer en intervju med skaparna av de fantastiska spelen :D denna intervju e om alla 3 spelen CODED INTERVIEW ---About the line, "their torment has been lessened"; whenever a mission is completed, does that wound heal? Tabata: It's not as simple as that. Nomura: When you advance to the next stage, a movie event is shown. I think the beginning of the latest trailer reflected it, the lines "A forbidden secret――" are connected to it. Though it is on the mobile phone, it's not to be taken lightly. The contents of it's story draw near to the conviction of the series. ---Are it's contents connected to the future of the Kingdom Hearts series? Nomura: That's right. It's in a position similar to how Chain of Memories was. I think if you can play it, you'll recognize it draws upon the mysteries of the entire series. ---What kind of story will it become? Nomura: "Their torment has been lessened" is the foundation of the story, and the "forbidden secret" is connected to it. ---Being made from the data of Jiminy's Journal, will it relive the first Kingdom Hearts? Nomura: Even though it advances according to the story of Kingdom Hearts, the stages are different and each one slowly approaches the "forbidden secret". Why did someone leave a message in the Jiminy Journal? The story will solve this mystery. ---Is there a connection to 358/2 Days and Birth by Sleep? Nomura: Yes, they link in various ways. ---The arrow commands were revealed publicly, it seems the game could be played with only one hand? Tabata: Now one can enjoy Kingdom Hearts quality gaming with the input buttons of their mobile phone, this will lead to other elements. Nomura: Since the contents of mobile phone software has become outstanding, please anticipate this game. 358/2 DAYS INTERVIEW ---This time the trailer revealed the name and voice of the 14th member! Nomura: The timing of revealing her voice to the public was a mistake. (Smiles) In fact, it was not intended to be released. It's because her voice becomes a hint. ---Riku has officially seen the face of Xion, did he recognize it? Nomura: Seems so, doesn't it? Roxas is the hero this time, Sora doesn't have any active involvement with the Disney characters. But for example, look at Belle and the Beast, they're interested in discovering what love is; the players will learn about the character's hearts. Roxas learns various things from the Disney characters and before long he becomes doubtful of the Organization. ---Axel yells at Xion, "I'll bring you back no matter how many times it takes", but why does the word "you" refer to multiple people? Nomura: That's still a secret as well. But Axel's determination here of "bring you back no matter how many times it takes" is connected to when he said he would bring Roxas back in Kingdom Hearts II. ---The keyword "memory" also appears, but what in regards to this? Nomura: The catch copy* of this game is "I can't remember, something important". Though in the original Kingdom Hearts the concept was to "illustrate the heart". In regards to the relationship between one's heart and one's memory, it is intimate. In this game the main characters are nobodies who don't have hearts, therefore the theme of memories is featured. *A 'catch copy' is in copywriting, large text that appears in ads or brochures to catch the reader's attention. BIRTH BY SLEEP INTERVIEW ---In the recent trailer, their are lines alluding to Master Xehanort aiming for those with hearts of pure light. Is Master Xehanort's goal also to take over the world? Nomura: It certainly indicates what he's interested in, but that's the first of Master Xehanort's intentions. ---The story follows the viewpoints of the three characters individually, but what happens when the three characters interact together? Nomura: The three characters will start out together, and then afterwards each of their stories will begin respectively. Within the story, the main characters may encounter one another. The three share the main goal of chasing after Master Xehanort who has disappeared, though each character's exact goal is subtly different. ---As for original masters, they who teach the methods of wielding the keyblade to their pupils, do they exist? Nomura: Not just that, but also the role of keyblade users, since the thoughts of each master differs, it's their spirit being taught. The reason why a master must train others to use the keyblade is explained in this game. ---The voice of Snow White is very quiet. Nomura: Actually, we choice a voice that matched the old version of "Snow White" that was released in Japan (1950), so it's the original one, so to speak. About the Birth by Sleep Battle System ---The changes to the style of battling are an interesting idea. Nomura: Some players might have wanted a change in strategy. Initially, the player was free to rearrange the commands, as proposed by the team in Osaka, now such a form has been expanded upon. They said, "We want a system different than the form changes of Kingdom Hearts II". ---How about the Shoot Lock System? Nomura: I asked, "is it difficult to implement?" when the system was being worked on, it was also written into the first planning stages. But for Birth by Sleep, there is still a lot hidden within the system. ---What of the enemies called "unbirths"? Nomura: There is meaning in various ways, adding "un" creates the opposite meaning of "birth" thus the "unbirth". With this, the "unborn" is given real meaning. Unbirths designate the feeling of this game's motif. The kind of existence they have will be revealed soon. ---During a battle, there are various circumstances indicating commands. Nomura: It's the developed system of the 'reaction command'. At first, the Birth by Sleep system was designed to be closer to the original series, but it has evolved a lot. Because it is considerably high speed, the first time players may be a bit surprised. ---Even the boss battles have been elaborated compared to the previous ones. Nomura: The Osaka team has a lot of affection for the enemies. It was handed over to the staff and they were asked to please try it out. They were watched over as they played it. When the player had to be more offensive, they said things like, "It's different! I really can be more of a kid!!" or "Ah, it's strange..." (Smiles) ---Their affection is contagious. (Smiles) Nomura: Anyways, I think that the testing of various things for the battle system is being finished.
gillar inte firefox...får väl testa det...
du kan ju alltid ha 2 lvl 1 svärd xD
då har vi typ samma problem...kanske man kan få ett lösning med :)
har problem med mitt IE, det hänger sig på flera sidor ibland sidan laddar men inget händer. ett par exempel på dessa sidor är : jesper.nu , www.wow-europe.com och några tilll. jag vet att det inte är isp eller modem eller nåt sånt för dem sidorna funkar perfekt på mina andra två datorer. finns det någon lösning på mitt problem ? ps. har vista
ingen orsak:) kommer mer senare okej det här är nästan rent spoilers om Birth By Sleep den försvunne mästaren är Xehanort terra kommer konfrontera xehanort i sunset horizonts kung musse kommer hjälpa ven att slåss mot xehanort lärljunge terra bär en skada ven igenom hollow bastion terra kollar på 2 barn som slåss i sanden i destiny island (dessa två e riku och sora troligt vis) (det är skrivet i vit text, markera för å se texten) här kommer en bra trailer med engelsk text (inte den från kh 2 eller kh 2 fm) http://www.veoh.com/videos/v14156789fczczgHj här är en till film som är från kh 2 fm, det är när riku och roxas slåss, denna e dubbad och väldigt bra och lite sorgsen. värd att se på iaf http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lm-XnX7Jc0o finns säkert folk som vet detta men det har ju rycktas att Kingdom hearts 3 skulle komma ut på wii, men det kommer det inte göra, det kommer till ps3 :) kommer mer snart :)
jag är inte säker på detta men tro det är av dem hartless som är röda gula blåa och gröna som flyger och skjuter magi attacker... vet inte om det är dem stora eller små... hoppas du vet vilka jag menar :)