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Newbie (1/14)


Community anseende

  1. *** FlyForFlopp - FlyFF Private Server *** - Hello, Iam the owner of FlyForFlopp. - And we are looking for players/GMs/developers. - We already have 2 GM's. And like 20 - 40 players. - But we will need more players and like that... - We do not have donaste yet, but we wil make a item mall. - We need goodly GM's. Not Newbe!! - All Admins/GM's will get money if somone donate. *** SERVER INFO: * Fashion In Shops. * Scrolls In Shops. * Pet stuffs In Shops. * Pet's In Shops. * Cloaks In Shops. * Glasses In Shops. * Blinkwings In Shops. * Box's In Shops. * Donate Page [Comming] * Members panel [Comming] * Forum. * Anti Hack System. * Hoster: Dedicated Server, 100 MBIT internet. * Server Verition: V15!! *** Other: *Admins: * Kristoffer - Skype: Krillex1 * Oliver - Skype: oliveralex4 * Olof - Skype: mullekulle [OE47 On Youtube] * No Lagg! * Not Many Buggs! Website: http://fly-for-flopp.game-server.cc/ By: Kristoffer.
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