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Super Mario Sunshine

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This is definitely one of the hardest shines. Not only is it almost

impossible to get there, but the level itself is kind of hard. To start

cross the bridge and note what fruit Yoshi wants. Go to the back of the

village and go to the left of the bath. You'll see a tree with a bunch

of fruits on it. Get the one Yoshi wants and bring it back to him. Once

you have Yoshi, the hard part begins.


Go back to the start of the level. Jump onto the first platform (under

the village.) Get on the part without a spring and jump onto the next

platform. Keep doing this, being extra careful. At the end, get an

extra life and take the final jump. Spray off the yellow top with Yoshi

and jump in the level!


There are many chuckster's in this level. They will throw you whichever

direction you talk to them in. Ignore the first two chuckster's. Then,

got to the chuckster and get him to throw you across the big gap. Here,

there are two chuckster's. Talk to the one on the right and get him to

throw you over the gap WHEN HE IS FARTHEST AWAY FROM THE GAP. Then, go

to the left and have him throw you up when he is farthest away from the

destination. Then, talk to the next guy before the enemies hurt you too

much. Also, don't worry about aim since the throw is very easy. The

final throw should be done to the left while the guy is in the middle.

Time the throw carefully, as this is the hardest one. Get the shine you

have earned


Källa: Gamefaqs


edit: såg nu att du var 10år och kanske inte förstår engelska så bra

men fråga dina föräldrar så kan dom nog hjälpa dig att översätta ^^

Redigerat av Thunder
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This is definitely one of the hardest shines. Not only is it almost

impossible to get there, but the level itself is kind of hard. To start

cross the bridge and note what fruit Yoshi wants. Go to the back of the

village and go to the left of the bath. You'll see a tree with a bunch

of fruits on it. Get the one Yoshi wants and bring it back to him. Once

you have Yoshi, the hard part begins.


Go back to the start of the level. Jump onto the first platform (under

the village.) Get on the part without a spring and jump onto the next

platform. Keep doing this, being extra careful. At the end, get an

extra life and take the final jump. Spray off the yellow top with Yoshi

and jump in the level!


There are many chuckster's in this level. They will throw you whichever

direction you talk to them in. Ignore the first two chuckster's. Then,

got to the chuckster and get him to throw you across the big gap. Here,

there are two chuckster's. Talk to the one on the right and get him to

throw you over the gap WHEN HE IS FARTHEST AWAY FROM THE GAP. Then, go

to the left and have him throw you up when he is farthest away from the

destination. Then, talk to the next guy before the enemies hurt you too

much. Also, don't worry about aim since the throw is very easy. The

final throw should be done to the left while the guy is in the middle.

Time the throw carefully, as this is the hardest one. Get the shine you

have earned


Källa: Gamefaqs


edit: såg nu att du var 10år och kanske inte förstår engelska så bra

men fråga dina föräldrar så kan dom nog hjälpa dig att översätta ^^


Precis, det tycker jag också att han borde göra!

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När du går över bron i början av banan så kommer du att se en Yoshi. Ge den en frukt som den vill ha från ett träd med alla olika frukter på spelet nära den varma poolen (finns bara vatten i den på dagen). Ge han frukten. Nu ska du gå ner under banan och hoppa på de stora svamparna. Till slut kommer du till en platt svamp med någon sorts gul grejs man kan ta bort med Yoshis juice. Spruta bort det och hoppa ner i hålet som dyker upp. Här finns det en massa piantas som kastar dig när du pratar med dem. Var säker på att du pratar med dem i rätt vinkel så att de inte kastar ut dig från banan. I slutet finns två skyltar. En pekar åt höger och den andra pekar åt vänster. Du ska bli kastad åt vänster. Det finns en pianta som går runt där. När han är på den vänstra sidan av plattformen så ska du prata med honom i exakt rätt vinkel. Då kastar han dig till plattformen där stjärnan finns. Förlåt för den dåliga beskrivningen men jag hoppas att du förstår ändå ;)

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enkelt tryk abbbbabbaababbabbbvenster(11)up(64)ner(23)höger(65)aaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbabbabababababup(17) då är du på sista banan :cool:

Förstår inte riktigt... :blink: vad du menar med "enkelt tryk abbbbabbaababbabbbvenster(11)up(64)ner(23)höger(65)aaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbabbabababababup(17)"?????????????

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