HaSsE93 Skrivet 13 Oktober 2008 Rapport Dela Skrivet 13 Oktober 2008 Jag vill ha tips på bra specc till rogue lvl 60. (lirar pre tbc privat server). Raidar just nu, så vill ha bra specc, är dagger rogue, (BTW patch 2.4.3 så man måste använda pre-tbc talents). Skulle va schysst fall ni visa nån bra specc. Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Gäst wAcko Skrivet 13 Oktober 2008 Rapport Dela Skrivet 13 Oktober 2008 (redigerat) Saved Template Class: Rogue Level: 60 Assassination Talents (20 points) # Malice - 5/5 points Increases your critical strike chance by 5%. # Improved Eviscerate - 3/3 points Increases the damage done by your Eviscerate ability by 15%. # Improved Slice and Dice - 3/3 points Increases the duration of your Slice and Dice ability by 45%. # Murder - 2/2 points Increases your chance to hit while using your Sap, Ambush, Garrote, or Cheap Shot abilities by 5%. # Lethality - 5/5 points Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Sinister Strike, Gouge, Backstab, Ghostly Strike, and Hemorrhage abilities by 30%. # Improved Instant Poison - 2/5 points Increases the chance to apply Instant Poison to your target by 4%. Combat Talents (31 points) # Improved Sinister Strike - 2/2 points Reduces the Energy cost of your Sinister Strike ability by 5 Energy. # Lightning Reflexes - 3/5 points Increases your Dodge chance by 3%. # Precision - 5/5 points Increases your chance to hit with melee weapons by 5%. # Deflection - 5/5 points Increases your Parry chance by 5%. # Riposte - 1/1 point A strike that becomes active after parrying an opponent's attack. This attack deals 150% weapon damage and disarms the target for 6 seconds. # Dual Wield Specialization - 5/5 points Increases the damage done by your offhand weapon by 50%. # Blade Flurry - 1/1 point Increases your attack speed by 20%. In addition, attacks strike an additional nearby opponent. Lasts 15 seconds. # Sword Specialization - 5/5 points Gives you a 6% chance to ge an extra attack on the same target after dealing damage with your Sword. # Aggression - 3/3 points Increases the damage of your Sinister Strike and Eviscerate abilities by 6%. # Adrenaline Rush - 1/1 point Increases your Energy regeneration rate by 100% for 15 seconds. Subtlety Talents (0 points) # None f*n VAD JAG SAKNAR VANLIGA WOW :( Är den buggfri? :) Redigerat 13 Oktober 2008 av wAcko Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Smetfejs Skrivet 13 Oktober 2008 Rapport Dela Skrivet 13 Oktober 2008 vad är spek Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Dextrozol Skrivet 13 Oktober 2008 Rapport Dela Skrivet 13 Oktober 2008 vad är spek Du spenderer talent points i vissa talenttrees och sen kallar du det specc,kort sagt. Måste va 10 för att få talent points. Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Hivee Skrivet 13 Oktober 2008 Rapport Dela Skrivet 13 Oktober 2008 vad är spek Du spenderer talent points i vissa talenttrees och sen kallar du det specc,kort sagt. Måste va 10 för att få talent points. Han är inte seriös Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
HaSsE93 Skrivet 13 Oktober 2008 Författare Rapport Dela Skrivet 13 Oktober 2008 Saved Template Class: Rogue Level: 60 Assassination Talents (20 points) # Malice - 5/5 points Increases your critical strike chance by 5%. # Improved Eviscerate - 3/3 points Increases the damage done by your Eviscerate ability by 15%. # Improved Slice and Dice - 3/3 points Increases the duration of your Slice and Dice ability by 45%. # Murder - 2/2 points Increases your chance to hit while using your Sap, Ambush, Garrote, or Cheap Shot abilities by 5%. # Lethality - 5/5 points Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Sinister Strike, Gouge, Backstab, Ghostly Strike, and Hemorrhage abilities by 30%. # Improved Instant Poison - 2/5 points Increases the chance to apply Instant Poison to your target by 4%. Combat Talents (31 points) # Improved Sinister Strike - 2/2 points Reduces the Energy cost of your Sinister Strike ability by 5 Energy. # Lightning Reflexes - 3/5 points Increases your Dodge chance by 3%. # Precision - 5/5 points Increases your chance to hit with melee weapons by 5%. # Deflection - 5/5 points Increases your Parry chance by 5%. # Riposte - 1/1 point A strike that becomes active after parrying an opponent's attack. This attack deals 150% weapon damage and disarms the target for 6 seconds. # Dual Wield Specialization - 5/5 points Increases the damage done by your offhand weapon by 50%. # Blade Flurry - 1/1 point Increases your attack speed by 20%. In addition, attacks strike an additional nearby opponent. Lasts 15 seconds. # Sword Specialization - 5/5 points Gives you a 6% chance to ge an extra attack on the same target after dealing damage with your Sword. # Aggression - 3/3 points Increases the damage of your Sinister Strike and Eviscerate abilities by 6%. # Adrenaline Rush - 1/1 point Increases your Energy regeneration rate by 100% for 15 seconds. Subtlety Talents (0 points) # None f*n VAD JAG SAKNAR VANLIGA WOW :( Är den buggfri? :) Helt okej faktiskt, wAcko. Det ända är vell att dom går genom väggen,. och att inte BC talents fungerar (så sak det ju va! :) ) Vet inte sidan här, Praor, du får det när jag är hemma. Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
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