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Kär I Min Syster!

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Så om mina föräldrar föder mig i Kina, men sen snabbt som fan flyttar med mig till Sverige och lever resten av våra liv där, är jag då kines?

Men om min pappa är finsk, mamma dansk och jag föds i Sverige. Och fort som fan flyttar vi till Norge.

Vad är jag då?

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Men hjälp, kan ni inte sluta mata trollen? Varje gång ni postar i tråden, oavsett vad ni skriver så vinner trollet. Bara strunta i honom. Eller begränsa er i alla fall till att påpeka att han bara trollar, så att ingen ovetande stackare börjar argumentera och låt det sen vara.


He's looking for that community to attack him. He wants the attention. He can't get love from the group, but he can get hate, and even hate is better than apathy.


Therefore, screaming insults at him only ensures that he'll continue doing what he's doing. If nobody responds to anything he says, he'll simply get bored and go away.


It's so simple, yet incredibly hard to do. Every instinct in your body will scream for you to react, the same instinct that makes the other dogs in a pack attack the one acting like a fucktard. You must resist it.


Before you can even stop to think about what you're going to say, your fingers will be hammering out the perfect combination of letters to "put him in his place." Understand this: if you combined all of the languages from every life form on every developed planet in an infinite number of universes, you would not be able to construct a single sentence that would accomplish this goal.


He's not after an argument. He's after your response. Any response. If you hit that "enter" button, he automatically wins.- Cracked.com


(Ja, jag inser ironin i att jag just postade i tråden själv, men jag tyckte nästan det var nödvändigt)

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Men hjälp, kan ni inte sluta mata trollen? Varje gång ni postar i tråden, oavsett vad ni skriver så vinner trollet. Bara strunta i honom. Eller begränsa er i alla fall till att påpeka att han bara trollar, så att ingen ovetande stackare börjar argumentera och låt det sen vara.


He's looking for that community to attack him. He wants the attention. He can't get love from the group, but he can get hate, and even hate is better than apathy.


Therefore, screaming insults at him only ensures that he'll continue doing what he's doing. If nobody responds to anything he says, he'll simply get bored and go away.


It's so simple, yet incredibly hard to do. Every instinct in your body will scream for you to react, the same instinct that makes the other dogs in a pack attack the one acting like a fucktard. You must resist it.


Before you can even stop to think about what you're going to say, your fingers will be hammering out the perfect combination of letters to "put him in his place." Understand this: if you combined all of the languages from every life form on every developed planet in an infinite number of universes, you would not be able to construct a single sentence that would accomplish this goal.


He's not after an argument. He's after your response. Any response. If you hit that "enter" button, he automatically wins.- Cracked.com


(Ja, jag inser ironin i att jag just postade i tråden själv, men jag tyckte nästan det var nödvändigt)

Håller med dig helt!

Men en sak låter kul med det du skriver.

Det är att det låter som att det är ett djur. :lol:


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lolkfezt är 13-15 år. Sitt förra account, hette han Cakeguy.

Trolololololololool. Så?


Tack och hej, nu kan de låsa tråden.

ja jag e cakeguy o ja e 13 år!!!!!!!!!!


Gather your information bro.

Redigerat av lolkfezt
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