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Mickey Speedway in USA


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jag har inte hittat nån genväg på den cupen...vilken bana i den cupen behöver du hjälp med? om det är den sista (Colorado) så kan jag kanske hjälpa dig....jag ar användt fusket så man få oändligt med Retrys men har ändå klarat det på direkten... PÅ hawaii ska du Powerslajda vid alla kurvor...men på colorado ska du hur som helst powerslajda utan att hålla in A sen när du svängt halvvägs så ska du hålla in A...du kommer inte att rammla ner och då kan du ha en chans att vinna

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Okej, tack för tipset! Hawaii är inte så svår, det är mest Colorado men nu kommer jag nog att klara det! Och på slutet i Oregon är det ju jätte svårt när man ska över bron eller vad det nu är. Och poweslajda är väl när man trycker ner R eller L eller vad det nu är? Och förresten vad är Retrys? Och en sista grej...Kommer man att jaga tjuvarna på den där båten i slutet?

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äch... jag hittar inte den, den fanns på google förut och jag glömde spara den...


men här en lite fusk och sånt( det ända jag hitta nu) fast på engelska


Digital Speedometer

Win a gold or platinum cup on mirror mode in the Motorway Mania tournament.

Disable Boost Pads

Win a gold or platinum cup on mirror mode in the Victory Vehicles tournament.

Frantic Finale Tournament

Collect all four race car parts to unlock the Frantic Finale tournament.

Heckle Button

Win a gold or platinum cup in the first three tournaments on the intermediate difficulty setting.

Infinite Retries

Win a gold or platinum cup in the first three tournaments on the professional difficulty setting.


Win a platinum cup on mirror mode in the Frantic Finale tournament.

Negative Coins

Win a gold or platinum cup on mirror mode in the Traffic Troubles tournament.

Quick Start

Press A as the third light turns on during the pre-race countdown.

Race As Dewey

Win a gold cup in the first three tournaments on the amateur difficulty setting to unlock Dewey.

Race As Louie

Win a gold cup in the first three tournaments on the intermediate difficulty setting to unlock Louie.

Race As Ludwig Von Drake

Win a platinum cup on the professional difficulty setting in the Frantic Finale tournament to unlock Ludwig von Drake (The Professor).

Rainbow Goo

Win a gold or platinum cup in the first three tournaments on the amateur difficulty setting.

Tiny Racers

Win a gold or platinum cup on mirror mode in the Freeway Phobia tournament.

Victory Vehicles Tournament

Win a gold cup in the first three tournaments on the professional difficulty setting to unlock the Yellowstone, Everglades, Malibu, and Washington, D.C. races.

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äch... jag hittar inte den, den fanns på google förut och jag glömde spara den...


men här en lite fusk och sånt( det ända jag hitta nu) fast på engelska


Digital Speedometer

Win a gold or platinum cup on mirror mode in the Motorway Mania tournament.  

Disable Boost Pads

Win a gold or platinum cup on mirror mode in the Victory Vehicles tournament.  

Frantic Finale Tournament

Collect all four race car parts to unlock the Frantic Finale tournament.  

Heckle Button

Win a gold or platinum cup in the first three tournaments on the intermediate difficulty setting.  

Infinite Retries

Win a gold or platinum cup in the first three tournaments on the professional difficulty setting.  


Win a platinum cup on mirror mode in the Frantic Finale tournament.  

Negative Coins

Win a gold or platinum cup on mirror mode in the Traffic Troubles tournament.  

Quick Start

Press A as the third light turns on during the pre-race countdown.  

Race As Dewey

Win a gold cup in the first three tournaments on the amateur difficulty setting to unlock Dewey.  

Race As Louie

Win a gold cup in the first three tournaments on the intermediate difficulty setting to unlock Louie.  

Race As Ludwig Von Drake

Win a platinum cup on the professional difficulty setting in the Frantic Finale tournament to unlock Ludwig von Drake (The Professor).  

Rainbow Goo

Win a gold or platinum cup in the first three tournaments on the amateur difficulty setting.  

Tiny Racers

Win a gold or platinum cup on mirror mode in the Freeway Phobia tournament.  

Victory Vehicles Tournament

Win a gold cup in the first three tournaments on the professional difficulty setting to unlock the Yellowstone, Everglades, Malibu, and Washington, D.C. races.




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