mickee Skrivet 27 Juni 2005 Rapport Dela Skrivet 27 Juni 2005 VAR ALLA NICE CARD FINNS PS: DET STÅR PÅ ENGELSKA 001: Bulbasaur - STREET, clear morning/day/evening; rainy evening 002: Charmander - MT. SNOWFALL, clear/snowy day; cloudy/clear/snowy evening 003: Squirtle - From Professor Oak with a Binder Upgrade 004: Caterpie - VIRIDIAN FOREST, clear nights. 005: Butterfree - VIRIDIAN FOREST, cloudy evening/night. 006: Beedrill - VIRIDIAN FOREST, cloudy mornings. 007: Pidgey - VIRIDIAN FOREST, cloudy/clear day 008: Raichu - VIRIDIAN FOREST, clear mornings and evenings. 009: Clefairy - VIRIDIAN FOREST, cloudy evening/night. 010: Vulpix - RUINS OF TRUTH, clear/snowy evenings; cloudy nights 011: Jigglypuff - MT. SNOWFALL, mornings and days, all weather. 012: Zubat - RUINS OF TRUTH, mornings, all weather. 013: Golbat - Revisit Ruins and search statue after getting Pichu Bros part 5. 014: Oddish - YARD, rainy day/evening, night 015: Gloom - VIRIDIAN FOREST, clear day. 016: Diglet- YARD, clear/cloudy morning. 017: Dugtrio - YARD, clear/cloudy night. 018: Meowth - From Professor Oak with a Binder Upgrade 019: Psyduck - From Professor Oak with a Binder Upgrade 020: Poliwag - Fish at Cobalt Coast's Secret Cove. 021: Machop - VIRIDIAN FOREST, clear mornings. 022: Bellsprout - VIRIDIAN FOREST, cloudy days; rainy mornings. 023: Geodude - VIRIDIAN FOREST, cloudy mornings. 024: Slowpoke - From Professor Oak with a Binder Upgrade 025: Magnemite - YARD, cloudy morning/day/evening. 026: Shelder - Fish at Cobalt Coast's Secret Cove. 027: Cloyster- Fish at Cobalt Coast's Secret Cove. 028: Gengar - RUINS OF TRUTH, snowy/cloudy evenings/night. 029: Krabby - Fish at Cobalt Coast's Secret Cove. 030: Voltorb - RUINS OF TRUTH clear/cloudy/snowy mornings. 031: Exeggcute - VIRIDIAN FOREST, rainy mornings. 032: Exeggutor - COBALT COAST, clear days. 033: Cubone - RUINS OF TRUTH, cloudy/clear mornings; clear days. 034: Hitmonlee - STREET, rainy mornings/days/night; clear days. 035: Lickitung - COBALT COAST, clear mornngs. 036: Koffing - RUINS OF TRUTH, clear/snowy days. 037: Weezing - RUINS OF TRUTH, clear/cloudy evenings/night. 038: Chansey - From Professor Oak with a Binder Upgrade 039: Horsea - Fish at Cobalt Coast's Secret Cove 040: Goldeen - Fish at Cobalt Coast's Secret Cove. 041: Staryu - Fish at Cobalt Coast's Secret Cove. 042: Starmie - Fish at Cobalt Coast's Secret Cove. 043: Mr.Mime - STREET, clear/cloudy mornings; clear/cloudy days. 044: Magikarp - Fish at Cobalt Coast's Secret Cove. 045: Lapras - COBALT COAST, rainy nights (after PNF report). 046: Ditto - STREET, cloudy day; clear/cloudy night. 047: Eevee - SPRINGLEAF FIELD, cloudy days. 048: Snorlax - CAMP STARLIGHT. (Thursday) 049: Chikorita - SPRINGLEAF FIELD, cloudy/rainy/clear evenings. 050: Cyndaquil - STREET, cloudy mornings; clear evenings, cloudy nights. 051: Totodile - STREET, rainy mornings/day/evening/night. 052: Hoothoot - RUINS OF TRUTH, snowy nights. 053: Ledyba - YARD, clear morning/day/night. 054: Crobat - RUINS OF TRUTH, snowy/clear/cloudy evenings. 055: Lanturn - Fish at Cobalt Coast's Secret Cove. 056: Pichu - CAMP STARLIGHT. (Saturday) 057: Cleffa - MOUNT SNOWFALL, clear mornings/days/evenings. 058: Igglybuff - COBALT COAST, clear evenings 059: Togepi - COBALT COAST, rainy/cloudy days. 060: Natu - COBALT COAST, cloudy mornngs/days. 061: Mareep - From Professor Oak with a Binder Upgrade 062: Bellossom - SPRNGLEAF FIELD, clear day/evening 063: Marill - Fish at Cobalt Coast's Secret Cove. 064: Azumarill - CAMP STARLIGHT (Friday) 065: Sudowoodo - MOUNT SNOWFALL, cloudy days/evening/night. 066: Hoppip - YARD, rainy morning/day/evening/night 067: Aipom - MOUNT SNOWFALL, cloudy/snowy mornings/days. 068: Sunkern - MOUNT SNOWFALL, clear days. 069: Yanma - YARD, cloudy days. 070: Wooper - CAMP STARLGHT. (Wednesday) 071: Espeon - MOUNT SNOWFALL, snowy/cloudy nights. 072: Misdreavus - RUINS OF TRUTH, clear/snowy days. 073: Wobbuffet - From Professor Oak with a Binder Upgrade 074: Girafarig - COBALT COAST, cloudy/rainy nights. 075: Dunsparce - MOUNT SNOWFALL, clear nights. 076: Shuckle - COBALT COAST, cloudy evenings/nights. 077: Heracross - MOUNT SNOWFALL, cloudy mornings. 078: Teddiursa - CAMP STARLIGHT. (Monday) 079: Swinub - MOUNT SNOWFALL, snowy days/evenings/nights. 080: Corsola - Fish at Cobalt Coast's Secret Cove. 081: Remoraid - Fish at Cobalt Coast's Secret Cove. 082: Octillery - Fish at Cobalt Coast's Secret Cove. 083: Delibird - From Professor Oak with a Binder Upgrade 084: Phanpy - SPRINGLEAF FIELD, rainy days; cloudy nights. 085: Smeargle - From Professor Oak with a Binder Upgrade 086: Smoochum - From Professor Oak with a Binder Upgrade 087: Magby - CAMP STARLGHT. (Tuesday) 088: Celebi - SPRINGLEAF FIELD, clear mornings (after PNF report). 089: Treeko - CAMP STARLGHT; SPRINGLEAF FIELD, cloudy days; clear evenings. 090: Torchic - CAMP STARLGHT; SPRINGLEAF FIELD, clear day/evening; cloudy morn. 091: Blaziken - RUINS OF TRUTH, snowy mornings (after PNF report). 092: Mudkip - CAMP STARLGHT; SPRINGLEAF FIELD, rainy morning/day/evening/night. 093: Wailmer - Fish at Cobalt Coast's Secret Cove. 094: Kecleon - MOUNT SNOWFALL, Write f*n mail, clear/cloudy/snowy evenings. 095: Azurill - COBALT COAST, rainy mornings. 096: Wynaut - SPRINGLEAF FIELD, cloudy/rainy mornings; cloudy days. 097: Duskull - SPRINGLEAF FIELD, clear/cloudy/rainy nights. 098: Volbeat - SPRINGLEAF FIELD, clear/rainy nights. 099: Latias - COBALT COAST, cloudy night (After PNF report). 100: Latios - COBALT COAST, clear night (After PNF report). 101: Jirachi - CAMP STARLIGHT (Sunday) (After PNF has report). OCH NÄR MAN HAR FÅTT ALLA NICE CARDS SÅ FÅR MAN ALLA Pikachus NICE CARDS OCH SÅ HÄR SKA MAN SVARA PÅ ALLA NICE CARDS FRÅGORNA !! AIPOM Q: What part of the body does Aipom use to hang from trees? A: Tail. AZUMARRILL Q: What do Azumarrills ears function as? A: Sensors. BEEDRILL Q: How many poisonous stingers does Beedrill have in total? A: 3. BELLOSSOM Q: When Bellossom gather and seemingly \\"dance\\" what are they said to be doing? A: Ritual to summon the sun. BELLSPROUT Q: Bellsprout is rumoured to be a type of mythical plant. What is the plant? A: Mandrake. BLAZIKEN Q: Blaziken takes pride in it's jumping ability. What's the tallest building it can clear? A: 30 story building. BULBASAUR Q: What is the seed on Bulbasaur's back filled with? A: Nutrients. BUTTERFREE Q: Butterfree can fly in rain because it has what kind of wings? A: Wings that repel water. CHARMANDER Q: The flame on Charmander's tail can be considered the what of it's health? A: Barometer. CELEBI Q: Celebi is sometimes called the what of the forest? A: Guardian. CHIKORITA Q: What does the leaf on Chikorita's head smell like? A: It has a sweet aroma. CLEFFA Q: Cleffa is rumoured to have arrived on what? A: A shooting star. CLOYSTER Q: What is said to effect the growth of Cloysters spikes? A: Strength of the Ocean Current. CORSOLA Q: When the branches on Corsola's head grow out and drop off what do they become? A: Treasures. CROBAT Q: How many wings does Crobat have? A: 4. CUBONE Q: Why has no-one ever seen Cubones face? A: Because it wears a skull. CYNDAQUIL Q: When do the flames on Cyndaquils back burn furiously? A: When its angry. DIGLETT Q: When does Diglett emerge out of the ground? A: When it's not bright out. DITTO Q: What does Ditto transform into to avoid attack while it is sleeping? A: A rock DUGTRIO Q: Dugtrio moves its three heads around to do what to the soil? A: Soften it. DUNSPARCE Q: If it is spotted, Dunsparce furiously bores into the ground with its tail to do what? A: Escape. DUSKULL Q: It is said that if Duskull gives chase it will follow the target till what comes up? A: The morning sun. EXEGGCUTE Q: How many eggs make up one Exeggcute? A: 6. EXEGGCUTOR Q: If an Exeggutor head falls off, what does it become? A: Exeggcute. ESPEON Q: Espeon can sense the flow of air to predict what? A: The weather. GENGAR Q: Why do people shiver when Gengar appears? A: Because it steals heat GEODUDE Q: Why do Geodude bump into each other? A: To get their bodes hard. GIRAFARIG Q: What attracts Girafarig's tail and makes it bite? A: Smells GLOOM Q: Does Gloom like the smell of the honey that dribbles from its mouth? A: Likes it. GOLDEEN Q: Which of these descriptions of Goldeen is wrong. A: The Storm-Bringing-Maiden. HERACROSS Q: Heracross can throw something weighing how many times more than it's own weight? A: 100 times HITMONLEE Q: What happens to the soles of Hitmonlee's feet at the instant of impact when it is kicking? A: They harden. HOOTHOOT Q: Hoothoot begins crying at a certain time. This makes it useful as a what? A: Clock. HOPPIP Q: Why do Hoppp gather together in a cluster? A: Prevent being blown away. HORSEA Q: What does Horsea release from its mouth when in a pinch? A: Ink. IGGLYBUFF Q: If Igglybuff falls over it won't stop moving for a while because of what? A: It's rubbery body. JIGGLYPUFF Q: What happens when you hear Jigglypuff singing? A: You become sleepy. JIRACHI Q: What will waken Jirachi from its 1000 year sleep? A: Pure singing. KECLEON Q: Kecleon can't change the colour on what part of its body? A: It's belly. KOFFING Q: If you are exposed to the gas held inside Koffing's body what won't you be able to stop? A: Your tears. KRABBY Q: What does Krabby release from its mouth when in a pinch? A: Bubbles. LANTURN Q: How deep in the sea can Lanturns light be seen from the surface? A: Over 3 miles. LATIAS Q: Latias's body is covered in a down that is like what? A: Glass. LATIOS Q: Latios is said to become friendly only towards a trainer that has what knd of spirit? A: A compassionate spirit. LEDYBA Q: Ledyba uses fluid to let others know where it is. Where does this fluid get released from? A: Its feet. LICKITUNG Q: If Lickitung licks you what may happen? A: You'll feel tingly. MACHOP Q: What is Machop said to use for weight training? A: Graveller. MAGBY Q: How hot is Magby's body? A: 600 degrees. MAGIKARP Q: What s Magikarps record for jumping up while using Splash? A: 7 feet. MAGNEMITE Q: What happens if Magnemite attaches itself to power lines and feeds on electricity? A: A power outage. MARRILL Q: Marrill won't drown because the tip of its tail is filled with what? A: Oil. MISDREAVUS Q: What does Misdreavus love to do? A: Cause mischief. MR MIME Q: Mr Mime gets angry if its disturbed while practising what? A: Pantomiming. NATU Q: Natu sometimes jumps onto tree branches to eat what? A: Shoots. OCTILLERY Q: Octillery has what kind of head? A: A rock hard head. ODDISH Q: What happens if you mistake Oddish for a weed and try and yank it out of the ground? A: It cries. PHANPY Q: Why does Phanpy bump things with its trunk? A: To show affection. PIDGEY Q: What does Pidgey throw on its foe to protect itself when in a pinch? A: Sand. POLIWAG Q: What determines which way the spiral pattern on Poliwags belly goes? A: Where it hatched. RAICHU Q: If Raichu has its tail planted in the ground what is it thought to be doing? A: Discharging electricity. REMORAID Q: Remoraid uses its fin to stick onto which pokemons back? A: Mantaine. SHELLDER Q: When Shellder swims which way does its body point? A: Backwards. SHUCKLE Q: The body fluids that seep from Shuckles legs mix with berries to become what? A: Juice. SNORLAX Q: Snorlax's snores and stomach rumblings are often mistaken for what? A: Crying. STARMIE Q: What is rumoured to come out from the centre of Starmies body? A: Radio waves. STARYU Q: If Staryu's body is torn it can regrow missing parts if it has what? A: Its core. SUDOWOODO Q: What does Sudowoodo hate? A: Rain SUNKERN Q: If under attack Sunkern whips what around to defend itself? A: It's leaves SWINUB Q: Why does Swinub dig up the ground? A: To find food. TEDDIURSA Q: Teddiursa is always licking its paws because they taste of what? A: Honey. TOGEPI Q: Togepi's shell is said to be filled with what? A: Happiness. TORCHIC Q: How hot is the fire that Torchic breathes? A: 1,000 degrees TOTODILE Q: What makes Totodile react and bite whatever is in front of it? A: Movement. TREECKO Q: Treecko is good at climbing walls because it has what on the soles of its feet? A: Small hooks VOLBEAT Q: Volbeat gather and draw what sort of patterns in the night sky? A: Geometric patterns. VOLTORB Q: Why does Voltorb resemble a pokeball? A: For camouflage. VULPIX Q: What part of Vulpix's body darkens in colour and increases in number as it grows? A: It's tail. WAILMER Q: From where does Wailmer spout seawater? A: It's nostrils. WEEZING Q: What can be made by thinning the gases inside Weezing's body? A: Perfume. WOOPER Q: What happens if you touch Wooper's body with bare hands? A: Your hands feel tingly. WYNAUT Q: What do Wynaut do to improve their Counter Move? A: Mash against each other. YANMA Q: With its big eyes, how far around itself can Yanma see? A: 360 degrees ZUBAT Q: What does Zubat put out from its mouth so it can fly without crashing into anything? A: Ultrasonic waves. OCH ALLA SAKER MAN KAN KÖPA PÅ SHOP N'SQUIRTLE GOSSEDJUR Bulbasaur 13P Charmander 17P Clefairy 47P Diglett 11P Gengar 97P Geodude 19P Grimer 37P Jigglypuff 49P Lapras 101P Machop 29P Magikarp 19P Oddish 23P Poliwag 29P Shellder 23P Snorlax 97P Squirtle 41P Staryu 17P Surfing Pikachu 43P Unown 43P Voltorb 11P Weedle 37P PICTURE FRAMES ------------------------ Ekans 50P Pokeblocks 50P Shiny 50P Shroomish 50P Smoochum 50P Tentacool 50P Torchic 50P Victreebell 50P POKEPADS Gengar 50P Goldeen 50P Mudkip 50P Ordinary 50P Pikachu 50P Smoochum 50P Togepi 50P Torchic 50P Treecko 50P POKE MINI Blue Pokemon Mini 50P Gold Pokemon Mini 50P Green Pokemon Mini 50P Purple Pokemon Mini 50P Wood Pokemon Mini 50P POKE MINI GAMES Chansey's Dribble 38P Pikachu's Rocket Start 38P Pokemon Pinball Petit 38P Puzzle Collection Petit 38P Slowking's Judge 38P Snorlax's Lunch Time 38P POSTERS Cool Poster 10P Flame Poster 10P Friendship Poster 10P Wobbuffet Poster 10P TV APPARATER Aipom TV 150P Hoothoot TV 200P [photo negative effect] Hoppip TV 150P [drifting clouds effect] Lanturn TV 150P [spotlight effect] Magnemite TV 100P Marill TV 200P [rain effect] Meowth TV 150P Mudkip TV 150P [waterfall effect] Ordinary TV FREE Pikachu TV 500P Retro TV FREE [black and white] Smoochum TV 150P [pink tint] Stage TV 150P Sudowoodo TV 200P [sepia tone] Sunkern TV 100P [yellow tint] Voltorb TV 100p Wooper TV 200P [distorted \\"goldfish bowl\\" effect] Wynaut TV 100P [rainbow effect] TAPETER Blue Wallpaper A 25P Blue Wallpaper B 25P Green Wallpaper A 25P Green Wallpaper B 25P Gray Wallpaper 25P Orange Wallpaper 25P Purple Wallpaper 25P Red Wallpaper A 25P Red Wallpaper B 25P Yellow Wallpaper 25P MISCELLANEOUS Binder w/ Nice Cards 10P Cobalt Coast Bus Pass 10P Mt Snowfall Bus Pass 10P Nice Cards 10P Viridian Bus Pass 10P Wobbuffet Punch Bag 10P det är allt jag vet vet ni mer skicka in det då ! 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-=jedi knight=- Skrivet 27 Juni 2005 Rapport Dela Skrivet 27 Juni 2005 Wow var kopierade du det ifrån? Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
Gäst Skellington Skrivet 27 Juni 2005 Rapport Dela Skrivet 27 Juni 2005 Skicka in det som fusk, istället för att skriva det här! Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
LiQuiDe Skrivet 27 Juni 2005 Rapport Dela Skrivet 27 Juni 2005 oj va lång ja skulle aldrig orka skriva det Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sajter More sharing options...
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