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Bf Updatering V 1.6


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här står de om v 1.6 synd att de ä p eng



The 1.6 patch radically changes the format for the maplist.con file. The 1.6 README has all the necessary details, but note that your current maplists will not work when you update to the 1.6 patch.


New Map - Liberation of Caen

Liberation of Caen is a new map for BF1942 owners. It includes a whole new army, the Canadians. The army includes the Sexton SPA and the Lynx scout car, as well as new skins, flags, voice overs, and a new Assault rifle and the Johnson M1941 LMG. The Germans in this map are also equipped with a new scout vehicle, the Kettenkrad.


New Map - Raid on Agheila

Raid on Agheila is a new map playable for owners of the Secret Weapons of WWII expansion pack. This exciting map adds a bevy of new vehicles, including mobile spawn points, stationary rocket launchers, a new tank, new self-propelled artillery, and the Flettner, an experimental helicopter.

Redigerat av xiao-x
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