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hur många banor finns det??? jag har fasnat på 5:an tror ja jag kommer ingenstans alls (det är den bannan där man ska stoppa ledaren och den är ashäftig med alla förgiftade mäniskor)

Det finns 10 banor.
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hmm ok men bara tio va tråkit ja tråde det typ var 20 men iallafall kan ja få lite hjälp på den banna jag är på det är en banna när jag ska stoppa kapten bannan inan hitade jag halo bannan är konstig det är en massa blod och virus överalt även människor som har virus

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Jag har detta men det är på engelska!


[5.6]--|343 Guilty Spark}


[Mission Overview]

Creep through a swamp to meet the only enemy the Covenant fear.



At the end of the previous level, Cortana vaguely mentions Captain Keyes and

tells you to find him immediately. You are soon dropped off in a swamp: the

point where Captain Keyes' last transmission was recorded nearly twelve hours

ago. This time you will not have the support of Cortana.


-=[Well Enough Alone]=-


>>Locate Captain Keyes


When you jump out of the dropship, you are in the swamp. While this area looks

easy to get lost in, it really isn't. In fact, it is fairly linear. Move

forward and to the left to the dry land, and you should see the dropship of

Captain Keyes. Load up on the ammo for the Assault Rifle and note the three

First Aid kits. You also hear a garbled, pre-recorded transmission coming from

the ship that goes something like this:


"This is dropship Victor 9... Pillar of Autumn... if anyone... need

assistance... we are under heavy attack by some new kind of Covenant... isn't

Covenant... Captain Keyes has been captured by hostiles... we're dug in at a

large structure in a swamp near... long we can hold out... please... I will

send this message to repeat at... intervals... dropship Victor 933 clear."


Hmmm, that doesn't sound good. Well, after taking the Assault Rifle ammo,

continue forward and down into the next swamp. You should see a few dead

Covenants after you pass through the water and reach the dry land. Continue

forward and follow the path around to the left. Now make your way down the hill

and you should see some live Grunts and Jackals. To the left is a downed

Covenant dropship. After taking out the Covenants, pass by the downed Covenant

dropship and take a left and head up the hill. You will meet a few more

Covenants along the way. Beyond the rocks, you will find a Jackal standing on

top of a rocky area, next to a downed tree. Take out the Jackal and jump up on

the rocks to make it to his former position. From on top of the rock where the

Jackal was standing, you can see the rest of the downed tree to the right.

Simply jump on the tree and travel across it. On the other side, climb the hill

and you should be right next to a Shade gun. Continue forward and you should

see some fighting below. As you make your way down, you can see the Covenants

running from the right. To the right is the structure you need to enter, as

that is where the Marines are. Taking out the Covenants on the left is

optional. Also, the hill to the left only leads back to the beginning of the

level where you were dropped off. When you are ready, enter the large structure

you found on the right.


As you enter the large room of the structure, a lift will come up the shaft in

the middle. Get on and hit the switch on the right to descend. When you reach

the bottom, head for the Covenants on the other side of the wall. After taking

out the Grunts and Jackals, proceed through the door the Covenants were

blocking. Through the door, you will find yourself on the second floor of a

large room. After taking out the Covenants on the ledge you are on, jump down

to the floor below. There are a few more Grunts down here, so take them out. A

First Aid kid can be found in the far left corner behind a pillar. On the right

side of the room you will find the only unlocked door on the lower floor. Go

through it and you will be in a tiny room with small corridors on each side.

The doors on the left and right are locked, so go through the door at the other

end of the room. This takes you to a much larger, square room with Covenants on

the left. The center of the room contains a slimy substance, and if you look

up, you can see green liquid dripping from above. Take out the three Jackals on

the left and go through the door. As you enter the tiny room, the first thing

you will notice is the Covenant blood... everywhere! Ignore the doors on the

left and right sides and exit through the door at the other end. This leads to

the bottom floor of a large room. Apparently, the Covenants have already fought

here. The exit is to the right side in the middle, but you will have to jump

behind a pillar to reach it. You will be in yet another small room with doors

on the left and right. Like the last few times, the only open door is on the

other side. However, let the door open, but do not go through yet. As the door

opens, you will see a Marine, still alive, sitting up against the wall in the

next room. He has been traumatized, and says:


"Stay back! Stay back, you're not turning me into one of those things! I'll

blow your brains out... get away from me! Ghaaa... ahhhhhhhhh! Don't touch me

you freaks... I won't be like you I'll die first! Find your own hiding place

the monsters are everywhere! Play dead! That's what I did... play dead. They

took the live ones. Oh God I can still hear them... monsters... ahhhh... aaha..

aaaahhhhhaaaa... Just leave me alone. Sarge, Mandoza, Jenkins... Oh God, the

things took them. They're gone... get it? Gone! They wont get me! Oh God... Oh

God, I don't want to be like them please... please no, please no..."


This gets freakier by the minute! He warned you... stay away. Unfortunately you

must pass through there. He will shoot at you, but have a heart and just run by

him, ok? No need to kill the innocent. As soon as you run by him, you are safe.

It appears that more Covenants have died during some type of confrontation.

There are no other doors in this room, so you need to reach the walkways above.

In the back left corner of the large room, you can find a way up. Just use the

rubble to jump up onto the ramp. Follow the path toward the front of the room

and go through the door, which is actually above the one you used to enter the

room. Go through the next small room and exit through the door on the other

side. This next room you have been to before, but not on the upper walkways. As

you enter, you can immediately spot the exit: all the way on the other side in

between the two red symbols that were painted on the wall. Make your way to the

other side by following the ledge on either the left or right side of the room.

There is an Assault Rifle on the floor in front of the door, so pick it up if

you need it. As you go through the door, the music turns freightfully dramatic.

Go around to the left side to find two First Aid kits. From there, follow the

ramp down to the lower floor and take a left. Approach the door and prepare for

a nasty surprise. Enter the room and watch the chilling cut-scene detailing the

previous events through the eyes of one Marine, Jenkins.


-=[The Flood]=-


After the cut-scene, the Flood will burst out of the door on the opposite side

of the room. There are no unlocked doors at the moment, so you will have to

fight them off. In fact, the door does not unlock until all of the Flood in

this room have been killed. The Assault Rifle is probably the best weapon you

currently have to use against the Flood. After killing most of the Flood that

came from the opposite side of the room, more Flood will burst through one of

the doors on the right side of the room. Take some of them out, and additional

Flood will come from one of the doors on the left side of the room! And

finally, after killing most of the Flood in the room, a large group of Flood

will burst through the door in which you entered from, providing an exit. This

group of Flood includes much larger enemies that lunge out at you, so be

careful. Before you leave, you can find a First Aid kit through the first door

on the left. Be sure to kill all of the Flood in that room. After you do, you

will be given a new set of orders.




From this point on, your goal is to simply escape. This task is easier said

than done. One thing you should note, you do NOT have to kill all of the Flood.

Ignoring them is usually a good thing, and taking them out is always optional.

Sometimes it is better to take them out because there might be a particular

item in a specific area that might be worth getting. So, for the time being,

exit the door you entered earlier. Follow either of the ramps on the left and

right side of the hallway as they both lead to the same area. Continue forward

and exit the door to the front of the room. In this next room, you can see the

Flood fighting the Covenant on the floor below. No time to watch the show,

unless you want to fight. Remember, the way you came in this structure is not

accessable right now, so your exit will be different. From here, there are two

doors you can go through. One is on the top, on the right of the room you just

entered. The other is on the bottom, directly under the door the right side of

the room. Both lead to the same area, but the one on the top level is a bit

easier. If you fall down below, however, you will have to take the lower door.


(A)Taking the top door: Go through the door and follow the path through the

small room. Soon you will come out in a much larger room with glass in the

middle and walkways around the side. Find the door on the right side of the

room, which leads into a small, square room. Go through the small, square room

and enter the larger room. There is no need to jump down to the floor below. On

the right, you can see Covenants blocking a door. There are two green symbols

on the wall above. Take out the Covenants and go through the door.


(B)Taking the lower door: Assuming you are on the lower floor in the room where

you found the Covenant fighting the Flood, go through the door on the right

side of the room. Through the door is the familiar square room with Covenant

blood everywhere. Make your way through that room and into the next. Above you

can see some glass walkways, and there is an exit to the right side of the

room. Try to move fast because there are quite a few large Flood in this room.

The large ones are much more powerful. The exit on the right leads you through

a small square room with one unlocked door on the other side, and onto the

lower level of a large room. As you enter the large room, there will be tons of

Flood. The exit you need to take is on the upper right floor, but the only way

up is to jump on some purple blocks on the other side of the room. These are

located near the right corner. After jumping up the blocks, take out the

Covenant to the right and enter the door they were blocking. There are two

green symbols on the wall above the door.


After going through the door, take a left. There will be two First Aid kits and

a Shotgun next to the dead Marines. Pick up the First Aid kits if you need

them, and be sure to get the Shotgun because it is one of the best weapons

against the Flood. Trade the Shotgun for anything but the Assault Rifle. Both

weapons are quite vaulable against the Flood. Make your way down the hall to

the left and go through the door. Make your way to the end of this next room

and go through the door on the left. This next room is large and has a lift in

the middle. This is one of the situations where it would be better to finish

off the Flood in that room. After taking them out, stand on the lift and hit

the switch. As you go down, you will notice tons of Covenant blood splattered

on the walls. When you reach the bottom, bad news is the only thing that will

accompany you. The larger Flood now use weapons. There is an Over Shield at the

top of a pile of purple blocks. Climb the blocks to snag this priceless gift.

Before leaving, you may wish to take out the Flood if they are causing too much

trouble while chasing you. When you are ready, take the exit which is to the

left side of the area that you found the Over Shield.


As you enter the next room, you will see a fight going on between the Flood and

a few Marines. I was never able to save them. There is a bridge in the middle

that keeps reappearing, but you can't cross it. To the right of the entrance,

there are two Active Invisibility pick-ups. Pick one of them up and jump down

to the floow below. Using a Shotgun while invisible will make this large group

of Flood much easier to kill. There are Assault Rifles and a few Shotguns

spread across the room where the Marines died. When you are ready, exit through

the door on the left side of the room. This door leads to a small room with

three doors. The doors on the left and right are dead end rooms that hold the

Flood. Make your way to the door on the other side of the room. Go through it

and into the large room filled with Flood. Above, you can see some walkways.

You need to get up here, so climb the rubble in the far left corner of the

room. On top of part of the rubble, you will find a First Aid kit and some

ammo. Make your way up to the walkways above. Now that you are on the higher

level of the room, head toward the entrance and go through the door. This door

is actually right above the one you entered. Pass through the small, square

room and into the large room. You might want to take out any Flood that are

bugging you. To the right, you can see that bridge that keeps appearing. Since

you are already on the other side, find the exit that is straight across from

the door you just entered. If you accidentally jump down, you will have to go

back through the door on the bottom floor.


Go through the door and into the small, square room. Exit through the door on

the opposite side and you will be on the upper level of a large room. Jump down

and find the exit on the lower floor, to the left side of the room. This leads

through another small, square room and into another large room, similar to the

one where the Covenant were fighting the Flood. There are quite a few Flood in

this room, but I would just run past them. There is an exit on the other side

of the room, just across from the area in which you entered from. Go through

this door and through the next small, square room. In the next room, you will

confront yet another group of Flood. To the right of the entrance, you should

see a few blocks. Jump up on them, to find a First Aid kit and quite a bit of

ammo. You can also use these blocks to reach the upper level of this room. Jump

up to the walkways above and take the upper door, which is on the left side of

the room. Exit through the door and go through the small, square room to reach

another large room. There are two ledges in this room, and if you hit the

switch near the middle of the ledge you are on, you can activate a bridge. (If

you fall off the ledge, you will have to go through the door on the bottom and

into the room you were previously in.) Make your way across the bridge you just

activated, and approach the door with three symbols above it. Large Flood will

pour out of the doorway, so take them out. When no more come through, go

through the door and into the large room. There is a lift in this room, and it

actually goes up! Before taking it, however, be sure and eliminate the Flood so

that they do not come up the lift with you. When you are ready, get on the lift

and press the switch.


Near the top, you are contacted by the dropship pilot. When you reach the top,

a large number of Marines are in the room ready to leave. They eagerly greet

you! Follow them up the ramp and out into the swamp. Make your way forward and

over the small hill, traveling between the trees. You and the Marines will soon

be confronted by the Flood. There are quite a few, so I would not worry about

taking all of them out. Continue around and to the left as you follow the

Marines. Be careful because the Flood will jump out of tree and ambush you

along the way! Make your way down the hill and into the swamp area. When you

reach the actual swamp water, you should be able to see red lights through the

fog. These lights will lead to a structure up ahead. As you enter the water,

quite a few Flood will swarm the area. After taking them out, make your way

around to the other side of the structure in front of you. If there are quite a

few Flood in the area, some blue, flying robots will help you take them out!


-=[343 Guilty Spark]=-


When you reach the other side of the structure, you meet a Monitor named 343

Guilty Spark. Its job is to prevent the Flood from spreading since they were

recently released. It asks that you follow because it needs your help.

Unfortunately, you must follow the Monitor for the game to progress. Prepare

for The Library.

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