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Mars Light House!

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2 Djinn



2.1 Venus Djinn


2.1a Echo

- Echo can be found outside Daila

- HP+9 PP+3 ATK+3

- Attack with a double strike


2.1b Iron

- Iron can be battled in a random battle in a forest right outside


- HP+9 DEF+2 AGL+2 LCK+1

- Bolster the party's Defense


2.1c Steel

- Steel can be battled in the Great Gabomba statue after reversing the

direction of the gears

- HP+9 ATK+4 DEF+2 LCK+1

- Siphon a foe's HP with a kiss


2.1d Mud

- Mud can be battled in the Gabomba Catacombs after you learn cyclone

- HP+10 PP+4 AGL+3

- Slow a foe with sticky mud


2.1e Flower

- Flower can be battled in Taopo Swamp Catacombs after knocking it off

a ledge

- HP+12 PP+4

- Refresh allies and restore HP


2.1f Meld

- Meld can be battled in Sea of Time Islet Cave after you trade for the

Li'l Turtle

- HP+9 AGL+4 LCK+1

- Launch a powerful team strike


2.1g Petra

- Petra can be battled in a random battle near Shaman's Village

- Directions: A river with two beaches at its start is to the right of

the river that leads to Shaman Village, take it. The river will fork

and the fork will die at a mountain right away. Get out of the boat

on the land north of the fork and search in the forest by the river's

edge. You will eventually encounter Petra

- HP+12 PP+5

- Turn a foe to stone


2.1h Salt

- Salt can be found in Contigo by using Scoop in a patch of grass

- HP+9 PP+5 LCK+1

- Restore allies' status to normal


2.1i Geode

- Geode can be found in Atteka Inlet by using Lift on a boulder and

then Cyclone on the grass

- HP+12 ATK+6 LCK+1

- Strike with a clod of earth


2.1j Mold

- Mold can be found in Prox using Scoop on a snow bank after chasing it

into the snow

- HP+8 ATK+4 AGL+2 LCK+1

- Strike a foe


2.1k Crystal

- Crystal can be found in Yampi Desert Cave using Scoop on a moving

pile of sand (need Teleport)

- HP+10 PP+5 DEF+2

- Restore HP to all allies


2.2 Mercury Djinn


2.2a Fog

- Fog can be battled in Kandorean Temple by using Lash

- HP+9 DEF+2 AGL+2 LCK+1

- Blind an enemy with fog


2.2b Sour

- Sour can be battled in a random battle in a green patch on the world

map near Osenia Cavern

- HP+8 PP+4 ATK+3

- Reduce a foe's Resistance


2.2c Spring

- Spring can be found with Piers when he joins your party

- HP+11 PP+5

- Restore HP with healing herbs


2.2d Shade

- Shade can be found with Piers when he joins your party

- Interesting side note, Nintendo Power Player's Guide calls him


- HP+9 DEF+3 LCK+2

- Create a watery shield


2.2e Chill

- Chill can be battled in a random battle on the world map in a forest

in south of Naribwe between a river and the sea

- HP+10 PP+3 DEF+2

- Strike to reduce a foe's Defense


2.2f Steam

- Steam can be battled in Aqua Rock after using Parch on a Tiki Statue

to dry out the water

- HP+10 ATK+5

- Increase all allies' elemental Strength


2.2g Rime

- Rime can be found in Ancient Lemuria using Cyclone and Tremor

- HP+10 DEF+2 AGL+3 LCK+2

- Seal a foe's Psynergy


2.2h Gel

- Gel can be found on Kalt Island using Lash

- HP+9 ATK+5 AGL+2

- Weaken a foe's Attack


2.2i Eddy

- Eddy can be battled in Shaman Village Cave

- HP+9 AGL+3 LCK+2

- Speed up Djinn recovery time


2.2j Balm

- Balm can be battled in Mercury Lighthouse in an icy room

- HP+13 PP+4

- Revive all downed allies


2.2k Serac

- Serac can be battled in Sea of Time Islet Cave by using Tremor in the

second long corridor near the top on the left side

- HP+12 ATK+3

- Strike a chilling finishing blow


2.3 Mars Djinn


2.3a Cannon

- Cannon can be battled in Dehkan Plateau after getting the Pound Cube

by landing on it

- HP+9 DEF+3 AGL+4

- Strike with the power of Mars


2.3b Spark

- Spark can be found in Mikasalla by using Scoop between the sheep and


- HP+11 PP+6

- Revive an ally with cheers of support


2.3c Kindle

- Kindle can be battled in Gondowan Cliffs

- HP+8 ATK+5 LCK+1

- Increase all allies' Attack


2.3d Char

- Char can be found in Madra by giving an old man the Healing Fungus

- HP+9 ATK+2 AGL+2 LCK+1

- Paralyze foes with a strong blow


2.3e Coal

- Coal can be found by giving Lady Uzume (in Izumo) the Dancing Idol

- HP+11 PP+3 AGL+3

- Rally your allies to boost Agility


2.3f Reflux

- Reflux can be battled in Tundaria Tower in an icy room by bumping

into it then chasing it

- HP+9 DEF+3 LCK+2

- Counter an enemy's attack


2.3g Core

- Core can be battled in a random battle on the world map in Atteka by

landing at the top left beach and walking to a forest between 2


- HP+12 PP+5

- Strike through an enemy's defense


2.3h Tinder

- Tinder can be found in Hesperia Settlement, a small town on the

bottom left tip of Hesperia by using Move and Growth

- HP+12 PP+5

- Revive a downed ally


2.3i Shine

- Shine can be found in Contigo after you meet Isaac and crew, you need

Force to get it (transfer data with Force)

- This is another interesting Djinni, since Nintendo Power Player's

Guide lists this Djinni as being in Mikasalla (on page 176) and

doesn't list Shine at all on page 10 (the map of all Djinn locations)

- HP+9 PP+5 LCK+1

- Dazzle foes and strike decisively


2.3j Fury

- Fury can be battled in Magma Rock in the second lava filling section

before filling it with lave or after draining the lava

- HP+12 PP+4

- Call wandering souls to attack


2.3k Fugue

- Fugue can be battled in Mars Lighthouse

- HP+11 PP+4 DEF+2

- Fatigue enemies to drop their PP


2.4 Jupiter Djinn


2.4a Breath

- Breath can be battled in the Shrine of the Sea God

- HP+9 DEF+3 AGL+4

- Restore HP quickly


2.4b Blitz

- Blitz can be battled in Yampi Desert after learning Pound

- HP+9 DEF+2 AGL+2

- Numb a foe with a lightning strike


2.4c Ether

- Ether can be found in Garoh Village after learning Reveal, talk to

the werewolf Maha again after spending the night

- HP+8 PP+4 AGL+3 LCK+2

- Focus will to restore PP


2.4d Waft

- Waft can be battled in Kimbobo Mountains after Piers joins your party

(need Frost)

- HP+11 ATK+4

- Calm a foe with soothing scents


2.4e Haze

- Haze can be found in Apojii Islands village after learning Sand

- HP+10 DEF+2 AGL+3 LCK+2

- Hide away to avoid damage


2.4f Wheeze

- Wheeze can be battled in a random battle on the world map in a dark

blue patch of ice surrounded by mountains on the left side of


- HP+9 PP+3 ATK+5

- Poison a foe as you strike


2.4g Aroma

- Aroma can be found in Shaman Village by using Lash after completing

the trials and defeating Moapa

- HP+9 PP+5 LCK+1

- Restore everyone's PP


2.4h Whorl

- Whorl can be battled in Jupiter Lighthouse by moving circuits (use

Pound to pop them back out and move them some more)

- HP+8 PP+4 ATK+3


2.4i Gasp

- Gasp can be found in a cave to the left of the top of Trial Road

using Hover, Lift, and Reveal

- HP+12 PP+5

- Call the Grim Reaper on your foes


2.4j Lull

- Lull can be found in Loho on a rooftop after shooting the cannon

- HP+11 PP+6

- Negotiate a temporary cease-fire


2.4k Gale

- Gale can be battled in Treasure Isle after learning Grind and Lift

- HP+12 PP+4

- Blast enemies with a wind strike


2.5 Original Djinn


- These are the Djinn from Golden Sun

- If you transferred data, you will have them when Isaac and crew join

you (if you found them in Golden Sun)

- If you didn't transfer data, you will encounter several random Djinn,

but you won't be able to get all of them


2.5a Venus Djinn

- Flint

- HP+8 PP+4 ATK+3

- Strike a blow that can cleave stone


- Granite

- HP+9 DEF+2 AGL+2 LCK+1

- Create a mighty earthen barrier


- Quartz

- HP+10 PP+3 AGL+3

- Revive a downed ally


- Vine

- HP+12 PP+4 DEF+3 LCK+1

- Tangle foes to drop Agility


- Sap

- HP+10 ATK+3 LCK+1

- Attack foe and steal HP


- Ground

- HP+9 PP+3 AGL+3

- Use gravity to hold a foe


- Bane

- HP+12 ATK+4

- Attack with nature's venom


2.5b Mercury Djinn

- Fizz

- HP+9 PP+4 DEF+3

- Restore HP with calming water


- Sleet

- HP+12 ATK+3 LCK+1

- Drench a foe to drop its Attack


- Mist

- HP+11 ATK+4

- Lull a foe into deep sleep


- Spritz

- HP+8 PP+4 AGL+3

- Restore party HP with soothing mist


- Hail

- HP+9 ATK+4 LCK+1

- Freeze a foe to drop its defense


- Tonic

- HP+8 PP+3 DEF+2 LCK+2

- Heal all party ailments


- Dew

- HP+13 PP+4 AGL+3

- Revive a downed ally


2.5c Mars Djinn

- Forge

- HP+10 ATK+2 AGL+2 LCK+2

- Boost party Attack with flame's fury


- Fever

- HP+12 ATK+3

- Wrap a foe in feverish delusion


- Corona

- HP+12 PP+3 DEF+36 LCK+1

- Boost party defense with a heat aura


- Scorch

- HP+9 PP+4 ATK+2 AGL+2

- Stun a foe with a blast attack


- Ember

- Restore party PP with passion's flame


- Flash

- HP+13 PP+3 DEF+2

- Block damage to party with a firewall


- Torch

- HP+9 ATK+3 LCK+1

- Penetrate defense with a melting blast


2.5d Jupiter Djinn

- Gust

- HP+9 ATK+2 AGL+2

- Attack with might wind gusts


- Breeze

- HP+12 PP+5 DEF+2 LCK+1

- Boost party Resistance


- Zephyr

- HP+11 PP+3 AGL+2 LCK+1

- Boost party Agility with swift wind


- Smog

- HP+9 ATK+3

- Veil a foe's vision in smoke


- Kite

- HP+8 PP+4 AGL+3

- Attack twice next round


- Squall

- HP+9 ATK+4

- Paralyze a foe with a storm


- Luff

- HP+11 PP+5 DEF+2 LCK+1

- Seal a foe's Psynergy


varsågod!! en fråga vad betyder fork?? fattar itte ett dugg på petra!

Redigerat av zorromech
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