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Lunas Saker


Rekommendera inlägg

Ur http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/xbox360/file/936995/49075:


1. Great Hall: On a table

2. Entrance Courtyard: Take the broom and sweep the leaves to the right

to uncover her next missing item

3. Clock Courtyard: In front of the fountain

4. Library: on the table

5. Viaduct Entrance

Där är alla 5 saker, hoppas du kan engelska.

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Ur http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/xbox360/file/936995/49075:


1. Great Hall: On a table

2. Entrance Courtyard: Take the broom and sweep the leaves to the right

to uncover her next missing item

3. Clock Courtyard: In front of the fountain

4. Library: on the table

5. Viaduct Entrance

Där är alla 5 saker, hoppas du kan engelska.


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