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Allt publicerat av vdsavasfvds

  1. http://img.gamespot.com/gamespot/images/2005/ds/pacpix/logo.jpg Gameplay: Pac-Pix is exclusively for the stylus pen. In this game, you basically want to draw your own Pac-men, and munch down all of the ghosts by either drawing small walls to guide Pac-man, or by pinning him down to make him stop moving. You need to guide him so Pac-man can munch down on the ghosts that can appear on both screens. Naturally like most puzzle games, each level gets harder, and more challenges and new things are put into levels. http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2005/039/920755_20050209_screen002.jpg Once you beat a level or 2 in Pac-Pix, you will start to see major change in the levels. The ghosts start moving to the upper screen, and Pac-man has to chase them! The only way to do this is by making Pac-man hit a switch to unlock the doors between the screens. The top screen is also the area where you can collect fruit bonuses, and extra lives for the game, so don't be afraid to go up there, especially becasoue of the fact that more action comes to the top screen as you progress through the game. By the time gamers reach the 5th chapter, the ghosts will get trapped in bubbles and float to the top screen. The ghost will only come down if you draw arrows firing into the top screen which pop the bubbles. Then Pac-man can munch them up after they are defeated. Keeping Pac-man under control while drawing arrows is very difficult, so look out for Pac-man and draw your arrow quick! As well as that, you also ahve a time limit in the levels, so a good idea is to try to control a few Pac-men at once. http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2005/067/920755_20050309_screen005.jpg The final chapter given on the demo for this game was Chapter 9. This chapter introduces a lot of new concepts to the game that weren't seen in Chapter 5. Some of the challenges seen were ghosts trapped in blocks that you had to break open. The only way to break these open is to draw a bomb, and then draw a fuse to a flame in the course to blow up the wall. Then Pac-man can get to munching. AS well as that, there are also some ghosts that take mroe than 1 munch to kill, and ghosts that are number 1 to 3 that mmust be killed in order! As said earlier, Pac-pix gets a lot harder very fast and sneakily. In the first few levels you can draw a giant Pac-man to wipe out all of the enemies, but after a while with all of the obstacles it becomes hard to control him, and easier to lose. This goes to show you, bigger isn't always better! http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2005/067/920755_20050309_screen006.jpg Overall, the gameplay look very challenging, and like a LOT of fun! This game is very unique, and could possibly be a top contender for the best Strategy game on the DS. Overall: Overall, Pac-Pix may not look like the greatest game every created, but it has a lot of tough obstacles, and a ton of depth! The fact that makes this game so great is that the Pac-man you see and is the character you control is you own character! This game is also one fo the few DS games out that was designed for the DS specifically. It is definately unique, and any gamer who loves their DS's touch screen should get Pac-Pix coming out this April! Screenshot Gallery: http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2005/039/920755_20050209_screen001.jpg http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2005/...9_screen003.jpg http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2005/...9_screen004.jpg http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2005/...9_screen008.jpg http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2005/...9_screen009.jpg http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2005/...9_screen002.jpg Jag har inte skrivit detta det har "VIEWTIFULHENSHINJOE56" på nintendo forumet
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