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Trials Hd


Rekommendera inlägg

Trials HD är ett 3d fysik-baserat motorcykel-spel.


Release: 12 Augusti


Kostar: 1200 Microsoft Points


Kopierar lite från Fun-Motion nu. B)


Demo version:

We offer a free trial (demo) version of the game for all Xbox Live customers. The free trial version contains eight tracks (six trials racing tracks and two skill game tracks), four bikes and a limited version of the level editor. You can also watch replays of other players' top scores from the leaderboards and use the in-game friend comparison features. Xbox Live Arcade trial games are not allowed to send scores to leaderboards or save any data to the hard drive. If you at any time want to compete in the leaderboards, save your game progress or custom tracks, you can unlock the full version with 1200 microsoft points. No extra download or game restart is required.

Game features:

- Two game modes: Trials Racing and Skill Games.

- In Trials Racing you have to pass various obstacle filled tracks by doing as few faults as possible. Scores with equal faults are separated by time, so it's essential to get to the goal as fast as possible.

- In Skill Games you have to ride in various extreme circumstances doing deadly stunts and tricks. For example riding inside a huge giant ball, hauling a cart filled with explosives or tumbling down stairs to break some bones. There's 12 different skill games present.

- 51 tracks total separated in 5 difficulty levels (beginner, easy, medium, hard, extreme).

- 8 tournaments: Tournament is a series of tracks played in a row, one after other. Your score is the time and faults of all tracks in the tournament added together.

- 8 different bikes: 5 trials racing bikes and 3 special skill game bikes. Beginner bikes are slower, but much easier to ride, while the advanced bikes require lots of skill to master.

- 12 challenging and fun achievements. Full list or achievements (descriptions and gamerscore) and gamer picture rewards are revealed later.

- As you pass the tracks, you unlock new difficulty levels, new bikes, new skill games, new tournaments and hidden bonus features.

- Each track has goal times and goal maximum faults. You are awarded with medals (bronze, silver, gold, platinum) as you pass the tracks and improve your scores.

- You can customize your bikes and your rider outlook in the garage. Other players watching your replays online see your customized rider/bike.

- Zero loading times (level and menu screen openings). All game content is loaded to the Xbox 360 memory at startup. No waiting required!

- Fast restart feature allows you to restart the track instantaneously with a single button press either to the track start or to the last checkpoint visited. Non-stop action!

- Checkpoint interval times show how much behind/ahead are you compared to your best run in the track.

- Local session track leaderboards allow party playing using multiple local (offline) profiles.

- Supports Xbox Live downloadable premium content. Content packs can include new tracks (racing & skill), new tournaments, new achievements and new level editor objects.

Online features:

- Each trials racing track, skill game track and tournament has it's own global online leaderboard.

- The best run of 5000 top players in each leaderboard has a downloadable replay. Replays show control input of the player, so others can learn by watching replays of the best.

- Friend scores system allows real time in-game comparison of your current run and all your friend's best runs.

- Friend scores in racing tracks: At top of the screen you see a meter showing how much behind or ahead you are compared to the currently closest friend's top score.

- Friend scores in skill games: Markers with friends' gamertags can be seen around the level showing the positions the friends have reached in the track on their best runs.

- All Trials HD online features are fully accessible with the free Xbox Live silver membership.

Physics features:

- Advanced physics engine allows very realistic 3d physics simulation and full physics interaction between game objects.

- Complex physics obstacles such as various vehicles, suspension bridges, elevators, explosion chains, huge structures falling down, etc.

- Objects break into pieces on intense pressure or impact.

- Over 100 different physics objects modeled to be as realistic as possible (weight contribution, friction setup, collision model and graphics outlook).

- Realistic, very painful looking bike and rider (ragdoll) crashes. Damage to all rider body parts is simulated (including broken bones and body joints).


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  • 2 veckor senare...

Har den den är ganska bra ;)


Jeppeboy kan du visa hur man ändrar vilket land man kommer ifrån för jag är trött på Sveriges "live"

Egentligen gjorde jag en U.S användare av misstag.

Om man redan har en svensk användare på Live går det inte och ändra.

Själv skulle jag ändra till Sverige om det gick, det är riktigt svårt att få tag i Microsoft Points eftersom man måste få Amerikanska Microsoft Points.


Dom enda fördelarna med en Amerikansk användare är att man får tillgång till mer, inget mer. :P

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