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Gratis "beta-live"?


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Skulle inte tro att det kommer funka, positiva kommentarer kan vara vänner till honom eller att det är folk som skriver att det funka fast det inte gjorde det :)

Fast du kan ju alltid testa men jag skulle då inte tro att det kommer att funka.

Men det är ju hela 6 sidor md positiva kommentarer? Men jag ska nog testa sen. Jag kan alltså ine bli av med koden? Redigerat av ReMemberMe
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Nej, det står att man ska göra detta:


"HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: By using the commands provided in STEP 3, your e-mail is added into the beta testers mailing list, which will then allow the codes to be sent to that e-mail address.


1) The email address is: [email protected]. *Remember to use a valid card code to duplicate. If you don't, it will reply with invalid codes. The point is to duplicate an unused code; you can not duplicate a used or unactivated code.


2) There are 5 different scripts used to replicate card codes:

- 3month.exe

- 12month.exe

- 1600point.exe

- 2100point.exe

- 4000point.exe


3) In the subject of the e-mail write "/console" WITHOUT the quotation marks.

In the body of the e-mail, write the following command:


/execute "command" (READ step 2)

/your card code goes here

/your e-mail address goes here

(Remember to REMOVE quotations/parentheses from your e-mail)




This is an EXAMPLE, the code is used and won't work ;)


4) You'll receive a reply e-mail (within 20-30 minutes to a couple hours, depending on server traffic) containing 3 codes of the type you requested.

As the video states, DO NOT overuse the exploit! Microsoft automatically detects abuse, and some beta testers could be suspended or even fired.


- No Quotes or Parentheses in your e-mail

- The glitch and e-mail are provided & explained. Read!"


Tror ni att jag kommer bli av med koden om jag testar?

Redigerat av ReMemberMe
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Nej, det står att man ska göra detta:


"HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: By using the commands provided in STEP 3, your e-mail is added into the beta testers mailing list, which will then allow the codes to be sent to that e-mail address.


1) The email address is: [email protected]. *Remember to use a valid card code to duplicate. If you don't, it will reply with invalid codes. The point is to duplicate an unused code; you can not duplicate a used or unactivated code.


2) There are 5 different scripts used to replicate card codes:

- 3month.exe

- 12month.exe

- 1600point.exe

- 2100point.exe

- 4000point.exe


3) In the subject of the e-mail write "/console" WITHOUT the quotation marks.

In the body of the e-mail, write the following command:


/execute "command" (READ step 2)

/your card code goes here

/your e-mail address goes here

(Remember to REMOVE quotations/parentheses from your e-mail)




This is an EXAMPLE, the code is used and won't work ;)


4) You'll receive a reply e-mail (within 20-30 minutes to a couple hours, depending on server traffic) containing 3 codes of the type you requested.

As the video states, DO NOT overuse the exploit! Microsoft automatically detects abuse, and some beta testers could be suspended or even fired.


- No Quotes or Parentheses in your e-mail

- The glitch and e-mail are provided & explained. Read!"


Tror ni att jag kommer bli av med koden om jag testar?

Jaha det var att dubbla koden, det här har funkat förut vad jag vet iaf. Jag skulle själv inte prova det här fast det kan funka fast det hade varit rätt surt om du blev av med koden för då måste du ändå köpa en ny och då hade det varit lika bra att köpa två på engång.
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Men vafan, det är ju uppenbart en scam.

Vadå då?


Nästan bara positiva kommentarer. Men jag vet inte om jag ska testa, ifall att det inte skulle funka kanske jag blir av med koden?


Tidigare bevisade fall av liknande scams hade också en massa positiva kommentarer.

Det är väl det gamla vanliga med att lita på internet.

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