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Hjälp Med Digimon Till Stan


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Gäst Zero_Tolerance

min kompis har 150 digimon i staden hur han fick alla vet jag inte men han har haft metal etemon mot greymon

man kan bara ha hundra i stan!

jag har varvat den spelet 4 ggr.

Och metal etemon måste han har fått via en gamesharks

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Gäst Zero_Tolerance

jag har 82 digimon och vet inte hur man treffar piximon har trefatt honom i börgan av spelet men aldrig mer... :(

vad ska man göra

ett tips!

Gå fram och tillbaka där du sist såg piximon tills du ser honom

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  • 2 månader senare...

jag hittade någon sida om vart alla fins

har du angemon anars kan du få honom :)


Make sure you have either a strong champion Digimon

or a well-trained ultimate Digimon that is a Vaccine type. Enter

the Ice Sanctuary in the northwestern area of Freezeland. Your

Digimon should also have good Offense and Defense stats, because

the Digimons in Ice Sanctuary are strong, and at the end you must

fight more than one Digimon at the same time. In the first room

you will see a frozen Angemon statue. When you press <B>X</B>

near it, your character will say some things. Then, your partner

Digimon will find a secret passage underneath the statue. In this

room, you will find two Icemons and a Blue Meramon. Avoid them

as much as you can because they have HP above 2000 and it is just

a waste of time unless you love battling. You will find an Item

Computer near the Blue Meramon. Be careful because the Blue Meramon

may approach you after you get the item. If you walk to the next

room, you will find a Training Area. This is not really useful,

but you can train there if desired. After you are satisfied, go

to the previous room where there are two Icemons and a Blue Meramon.

Near the Icemons, you can find a secret passage at the eastern

wall. Keep walking until you are in the room with the teleporters.

You must use the correct teleporter to keep walking straight to

the end. In this room, use the first teleporter you see, to the

east. Directly in front of you is a Hyogamon blocking your way.

You may think that he is unavoidable, but this is not true. If

you are good enough, you can avoid him by walking at the very

end of the right edge. Walk a little until he moves slightly,

and you should be able to get past him. Next, a Hyogamon and a

Garurumon will block your way. These two are nearly unavoidable,

but if you are extremely good, you may escape from the Hyogamon.

You cannot escape Garurumon. Also, if you approached Garurumon,

the Hyogamon will also battle you, so it is useless to try avoiding

them. Just try your best to avoid the first Hyogamon. You will

want to save energy and recovery items for the final enemies.

In the next room, you will see a Blue Meramon and two Icemons

again, as well as two teleporters. Take the northeastern teleporter

and try your best to avoid the Icemon near it. You will npw be

at the final room, with two Hyogamons and an Icemon that are unavoidable.

You will fight all three at once. This is a very difficult battle

because each of them has a HP above 2000 and you will have a hard

time using your Finishing Technique because they will attack one

after the other. It is possible to defeat them with an Andromon

with lots of HP, MP and recovery items lost during the battle.

Fortunately, they will drop a Large MP and a Super Recovery after

defeated. They will run away, and you will be able to rescue Angemon's

soul. A blinding light will surround you, and Angemon will talk

to you, but you still will not know that it is an Angemon. You

must return there, and to recruit Angemon you must walk from the

stairs beneath Angemon's statue that your partner Digimon found.

If not, he will not appear. However, if you do not want to battle

the previous enemies again, use this trick. Go to the previous

room using the teleporter in the current room you are in. Then,

take the northwestern teleporter. This will teleport you directly

in front of Angemon's statue, but he is not there. Just walk again

to the underground passage, and go back upstairs. Angemon will

greet you and he will join you. He will become Jijimon's advisor,

who can tell you where to go next.

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jag har 95 digimon till stan jag har frigimon och en till kvar kan någon bereta hur man får frigimon jag letar men hittar inte det stället <_< den anndra finns i faktorial town. men angemon säger att han bara kommer då och då när och var är han. och vem är det? :huh:

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