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*Chapter 9: When Aliens Attack*


1. Talk to Jameson at the bugle

Follow the white icon to the bugle. After being inside, leave, you'll

have 1:to reach the press conference. Follow the blue icon to the stadium's

location. When inside, chaos erupts! There are 6 reporters here to rescue. You

must rescue the 2-hanging reporters first; you'll have 1 minute to do so. They

are both on the balconies near the edge. Use the web button to grab them, and

carry them back to the balcony you came in on. After rescuing the 2-hanging

reporters, retrieve 3 reporters from the center stage (1 at a time) and 1 more

lone reporter standing on the right balcony. After rescuing them all, destroy

all of the robots (do punch combos in mid-air). After finishing this off,

leave the stadium. Follow the blue icon to the area you need to be and notice

a bunch of UFO's lining the water. Web across them to make your way to Liberty

Island. Now, look around the base of the Statue of Liberty, once you web onto

a grapple, you will be lifted way up into the air. Swing off of this and try

to punch one of the 8 orbs surrounding the top of the statue. When you get

close to an orb, start punching, sometimes you'll automatically be moved to

the orb. Repeat this process and destroy all of the orbs. After all 8 are

done, swing to the very top and destroy the master orb. Now, follow a blue

destination icon to Mysterio's "Fortress." In the first area, kill a clown by

punching and counter-attacking, repeat that in the next (the upside down room)

room. In the last room, smash the mirrors around the room while ignoring the

enemies. Keep smashing until you can see a bunch of light illuminating the

exit (located in a smashed mirror). Afterwards, exit.




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*Chapter 9: When Aliens Attack*


1. Talk to Jameson at the bugle

Follow the white icon to the bugle. After being inside, leave, you'll

have 1:to reach the press conference. Follow the blue icon to the stadium's

location. When inside, chaos erupts! There are 6 reporters here to rescue. You

must rescue the 2-hanging reporters first; you'll have 1 minute to do so. They

are both on the balconies near the edge. Use the web button to grab them, and

carry them back to the balcony you came in on. After rescuing the 2-hanging

reporters, retrieve 3 reporters from the center stage (1 at a time) and 1 more

lone reporter standing on the right balcony. After rescuing them all, destroy

all of the robots (do punch combos in mid-air). After finishing this off,

leave the stadium. Follow the blue icon to the area you need to be and notice

a bunch of UFO's lining the water. Web across them to make your way to Liberty

Island. Now, look around the base of the Statue of Liberty, once you web onto

a grapple, you will be lifted way up into the air. Swing off of this and try

to punch one of the 8 orbs surrounding the top of the statue. When you get

close to an orb, start punching, sometimes you'll automatically be moved to

the orb. Repeat this process and destroy all of the orbs. After all 8 are

done, swing to the very top and destroy the master orb. Now, follow a blue

destination icon to Mysterio's "Fortress." In the first area, kill a clown by

punching and counter-attacking, repeat that in the next (the upside down room)

room. In the last room, smash the mirrors around the room while ignoring the

enemies. Keep smashing until you can see a bunch of light illuminating the

exit (located in a smashed mirror). Afterwards, exit.

på vilken sida hittade du den texten på???

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*Chapter 9: When Aliens Attack*


1. Talk to Jameson at the bugle

Follow the white icon to the bugle. After being inside, leave, you'll

have 1:to reach the press conference. Follow the blue icon to the stadium's

location. When inside, chaos erupts! There are 6 reporters here to rescue. You

must rescue the 2-hanging reporters first; you'll have 1 minute to do so. They

are both on the balconies near the edge. Use the web button to grab them, and

carry them back to the balcony you came in on. After rescuing the 2-hanging

reporters, retrieve 3 reporters from the center stage (1 at a time) and 1 more

lone reporter standing on the right balcony. After rescuing them all, destroy

all of the robots (do punch combos in mid-air). After finishing this off,

leave the stadium. Follow the blue icon to the area you need to be and notice

a bunch of UFO's lining the water. Web across them to make your way to Liberty

Island. Now, look around the base of the Statue of Liberty, once you web onto

a grapple, you will be lifted way up into the air. Swing off of this and try

to punch one of the 8 orbs surrounding the top of the statue. When you get

close to an orb, start punching, sometimes you'll automatically be moved to

the orb. Repeat this process and destroy all of the orbs. After all 8 are

done, swing to the very top and destroy the master orb. Now, follow a blue

destination icon to Mysterio's "Fortress." In the first area, kill a clown by

punching and counter-attacking, repeat that in the next (the upside down room)

room. In the last room, smash the mirrors around the room while ignoring the

enemies. Keep smashing until you can see a bunch of light illuminating the

exit (located in a smashed mirror). Afterwards, exit.

på vilken sida hittade du den texten på???

tryck här jag tror han hittade där ;)
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