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Det fanns en sån här tråd förut men jag hittar den inte


det är ungerfär som slithers


Jag skriver en text tex.



Tear down the walls

Wake up the world

Ignorance is not bliss

So fed up with second best

Our time is here and now


( skriver en liten bit av den här texten så jag får plats med allt ;) )



och då skriver någon annan "det är Arch Enemy - We Will Rise" och då får den som gissade rätt skriva nästa text Fattar ni ;)


okej då börjar vi:


Free of their god, intelligence won

Go with your instinct to live as you want

No longer begging for mercy from thieves

They can't come near you, through them you can see

Keep to the outside the teachings of christ

Denounce the father, undo his disguise




You are at one, the serpent now gone

Harness the power to refuse the son

Under the bible inherit deceit

Above it enlighten to what you can be

Savor the pleasure once known in your life

Heaven's compassion you know is a lie



Serpents of the light, return to where you hide


Serpents of the light, revolting parasite


Serpents of the light, expelled from human life


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Det är Serpents Of The Light - Deicide.


Det är väldigt lätt att fuska i den här leken :P


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Gäst Spirtual

Aja, jag tar en då ;)



Auschwitz, The meaning of pain

The way that I want you to die

Slow death, immense decay

Showers that cleanse you of your life

Forced in

Like cattle

You run

Stripped of

Your life's worth

Human mice, for the Angel of Death

Four hundred thousand more to die


Angel of Death

Monarch to the kingdom of the dead

Sadistic, surgeon of demise

Sadist of the noblest blood


Destroying, Without mercy

To benefit the Aryan race


Surgery, with no anesthesia

Feel the knife pierce you intensely

Inferior, No use to mankind

Strapped down screaming out to die


Angel of Death

Monarch to the kingdom of the dead

Infamous butcher

Angel of Death


Pumped with fluid, inside your brain

Pressure in your skull begins pushing through your eyes

Burning flesh, Drips away

Test of heat burns your skin, Your mind starts to boil

Frigid cold, Cracks your limbs

How long can you last

In this frozen water burial?

Sewn together, Joining heads

Just a matter of time

'Til you rip yourselves apart

Millions laid out in their

Crowded tombs

Sickening ways to achieve

The holocaust

Seas of blood, Bury life

Smell your death as it burns

Deep inside of you

Abacinate, eyes that bleed

Praying for the end of

Your wide awake nightmare

Wings of pain, Reach out for you

His face of death staring down,

Your blood running cold

Injecting cells, Dying eyes

Feeding on the screams of

The mutants he's creating

Pathetic harmless victims

Left to die


Rancid Angel of Death

Flying free


Angel of Death

Monarch to the kingdom of the dead

Infamous butcher

Angel of Death


Angel of Death

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Gäst Liquid Silk

den här kanske:


A lover hung on her death row

I was hooked on her disease

Highly strung like Cupid’s bow

Whose arrows hungered meat

And the blinding flare of passion

In the shade of narrow streets

Where their poison never rationed

All the tips they left in me

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Gäst Spirtual

Cradle of Filth - Nymphetamine Min nya favvo-låt så jag kan den typ utantill :)



"Woe to you, Oh Earth and Sea,

for the Devil sends the beast with wrath,

because he knows the time is short...

Let him who hath understanding reckon

the number of the beast for it is a human number,

it's number is Six hundred and sixty six"


I left alone, my mind was blank.

I needed time to think to get the memories from my mind.


What did I see, can i believe,

That what I saw that night was real

and not just fantasy.


Så lätt!

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