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Saverens Digimon?


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jag läste på en hemsida hur man får tag på några digimon som kallas Neo-Digimon så här ståg det



Hi there,this guide i say 'NEO-Digimons' cause in this guide,i find the Digimon that everybody doesn't know,cause they only show in DMW 3 not in the TV show.Here are the names:

-Voomon(excuse me,the Voomon cheat was wrong,this is the real one).





Nah,this is the hints to obtain those 4 NEO Digimon!!



Description:It is just like Kotemon,but a little cooler.His in red,and have a Kamisori(Razor)in each arm.Low HP High MP.Good for Fire,Thunder and Darkness.


Ok,to get him,win the Digimon tournament in AS and AM City,and get all Digimons(Including Saverens)and talk to the 4 Saverens(same like the old cheat).Then go to BK Imperialdramon,he says you got to beat BK Imperialdramon FF,which is hidden at Kulon Mine.After you beat him,go to Sepikmon at Shaman House and he says that his master is visiting in Shaman House AM Server,then go to Shaman House AM Server,you will find Phoenix Shamanmon(Voomon's Mega) there,beat him to get:

-A Phoenix Shamanmon card(This card is allready God Mode)that cost's 15 Dark pts.

-A Voomon(This is the object of this guide)

-And a R-Booster 05a

(Hint:Train Phoenix Shamanmon to lv.98 to get Phoenix Shamanmon Infernal Mode)



Description:This is not Guilmon allright?This is a fusion between Agumon(Head and tail)and Gabumon(Horns,foot and body)It is like a Dragon somehow.Low MP High Defense,good for Wind and Machine.


Ok,to get him,make sure you have gotten Voomon,then go to Gabumon in AS City Inn and he already waked up,he will say that his fusion is in the Ruins.Go to Protocol Forest,and you will ecounter Pharoahmon,beat him to get a pass.Go to the place that Pharoahmon stood,you will ecounter Hunangdramon(Gielmon's Mega)then beat him to get:

-Hunangdramon Card(This card has 250 AP)that costs 15 Nature pts.

-A Gielmon(Ok,you know it)

-And a Charisma Chip.

(Hint:Train Hunangdramon to lv.98 to get Titanic Hunangdramon)



Description:She is very cute,if the name is 'Niagara' you know what element she does(guess).She has two pumps(like Blastoise had).High HP Low Offense.Good for water and ice and weak to fire.


Ok,to get her,go to Mirage Tower and ask all people right there,then go to the place that is was so cold.(Freeze mountain),and remember,you gotta have Voomon and Gielmon.at the path to Battle Gate Aquaryumon will challenge you a card duel(Cause girls doesn't loves fight,right?)try to beat her to get:

-Aquaryumon Card(This card has high HP,300)That costs 15 Water pts.

-A Niagaramon(Ok,ok)

-And a Super Water Chip.

(Hint:Train Aquaryumon to lv.98 to get Subzero Aquaryumon)



This Digimon is a crystal Digimon,his evolutions are:Jewelmon,Emeraldomon and Rubiemon,a well-balanced one,try use his 'BIT Adapter' tech(lv.50)to obtain more BITS.Cool for Thunder and Wind.


Ok,to get him,you got to get all of NEO-Digimons,then go to everyplaces in your map,until the final one you will fight Rubiemon,beat him to get:

-Rubiemon Card(Balanced thing,AP/HP 200)that costs FREE pts!(he is brown color know)

-A Puremon(....)

-And 100.001 BITS.

(Hints:Train Rubiemon to lv.98 to get Rubiemon Shining Mode)



Så min fråga e vad o var kan jag få tag på Saverens digimon????

Redigerat av Veemon
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ok kommer bli jobbigt att få epic items o dyrt :( http://www.neoseeker.com/Games/cheats/PSX/digimon3.html 


Ledarna i städerna? menar du Seiryu,Sazuku,Byakko och genbu ledarna??


Förresten Vad e Saverens Digimon!?



du e ju forfarande i Asuka server när du kommer längre så kommer du vara i Amataruso server!

naj jag vet inte va saverens digimon e sorry!!!

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