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Gta San Andreas


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här e några koder hur du spawnar vissa fordon

(dom e tagna från gta-sanandreas.com)


Vehicle Spawning Cheats

Spawn A Trashmaster

Entering this button combination will cause a Trashmaster to fall out of the sky and land right in front of the player.

Circle, R1, Circle, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right


Spawn A Romero

Entering this button combination will cause a Romero to fall out of the sky and land right in front of the player.

Down, R2, Down, R1, L2, Left, R1, L1, Left, Right


Spawn A Stretch

Entering this button combination will cause a Stretch to fall out of the sky and land right in front of the player.

R2, Up, L2, Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right


Spawn A Caddy

Entering this button combination will cause a Caddy to fall out of the sky and land right in front of the player.

Circle, L1, Up, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, Circle, X


Spawn A Rhino

Entering this button combination will cause a Rhino to fall out of the sky and land right in front of the player.

Circle, Circle, L1, Circle, Circle, Circle, L1, L2, R1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle


Spawn A Rancher

Entering this button combination will cause a Rancher to fall out of the sky and land right in front of the player.

Up, Right, Right, L1, Right, Up, Square, L2


Spawn A Monster

Entering this button combination will cause a Monster to fall out of the sky and land right in front of the player.

Right, Up, R1, R1, R1, Down, Triangle, Triangle, X, Circle, L1, L1


Spawn A Hotring Racer A

Entering this button combination will cause a Hotring Racer A to fall out of the sky and land right in front of the player.

R1, Circle, R2, Right, L1, L2, X, X, Square, R1


Spawn A Hotring Racer B

Entering this button combination will cause a Hotring Racer B to fall out of the sky and land right in front of the player.

R2, L1, Circle, Right, L1, R1, Right, Up, Circle, R2


Spawn A Bloodring Banger

Entering this button combination will cause a Bloodring Banger to fall out of the sky and land right in front of the player.

Down, R1, Circle, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, Left, Left


Spawn A Stuntplane

Entering this button combination will cause a Stuntplane to fall out of the sky and land right in front of the player.

Circle, Up, L1, L2, Down, R1, L1, L1, Left, Left, X, Triangle


Spawn A Vortex

Entering this button combination will cause a Vortex to fall out of the sky and land right in front of the player.

Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, L1, L2, Down, Down


Spawn A Quad

Entering this button combination will cause a Quad to fall out of the sky and land right in front of the player.

Left, Left, Down, Down, Up, Up, Square, Circle, Triangle, R1, R2


Spawn A Hydra

Entering this button combination will cause a Hydra to fall out of the sky and land right in front of the player.

Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, L1, L1, Down, Up


Spawn A Dozer

Entering this button combination will cause a Dozer to fall out of the sky and land right in front of the player.

R2, L1, L1, Right, Right, Up, Up, X, L1, Left


Spawn A Hunter

Entering this button combination will cause a Hunter to fall out of the sky and land right in front of the player.

Circle, X, L1, Circle, Circle, L1, Circle, R1, R2, L2, L1, L1


Spawn A Tanker

Entering this button combination will cause a Tanker to fall out of the sky and land right in front of the player.

R1, Up, Left, Right, R2, Up, Right, Square, Right, L2, L1, L1

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Gäst Fatosh

Det där är inte alls alla fusk. Det finns en massa mer.


Köp en ultimate cheat cd för GTA sa. Den har alla fusk som rockstar gjort. Finns också så att du klarar hela spelet 100% !

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