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Alla Pokmons Och Var Man Kan Se Dom Så Att Man Kan Få National Dex I D/p


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Jag tänkte att vissa behövde hjälp med att få national dex i D/P så jag skapar en tråd on det.(har fått det mesta från serebii.net)




001 Turtwig | Eterna Gym, Gym Leader Gardenia. |

002 Grotle | Route 210 (Dimmiga området), Ace Trainer. |

003 Torterra | Victory Road, Ace Trainer. |

004 Chimchar | Route 207, Youngster. |

005 Monferno | Route 215, Ace Trianer. |

006 Infernape | Pokemon League, Elite Four Flint. |

007 Piplup | Route 205, Picnicker. |

008 Prinplup | Route 212 (Reginiga området), Pokemon Ranger. |

009 Empoleon | Victory Road, Expert. |

010 Starly | Route 201. |

011 Staravia | Cycling Road, Cyclist. |

012 Staraptor | Victory Road, Birdkeeper. |

013 Bidoof | Route 201. |

014 Bibarel | Route 208; Route 213, Swimmer. |

015 Kricketot | Route 203, Youngster. |

016 Kricketune | Route 214. |

017 Shinx | Route 202, Youngster. |

018 Luxio | Route 212, Rich Boy. |

019 Luxray | Sunyshore Gym, Leader Volkner. |

020 Abra | Jubilife City, School Boy. |

021 Kadabra | Galactic Eterna Building, Scientist. |

022 Alakazam | Victory Road, Psychic. |

023 Magikarp | Route 204, Youngster. |

024 Gyarados | Route 215, Ace Trainer. |

025 Budew | Route 204, Lass. |

026 Roselia | Route 208, Aroma Lady. |

027 Roserade | Pokemon League, Champion Cynthia. |

028 Zubat | Route 203, Youngster. |

029 Golbat | Route 210 (dimmiga området), Ninja Boy. |

030 Crobat | Mt. Coronet, Galactic Boss Cyrus. |

031 Geodude | Oreburgh Mine, Worker. |

032 Graveler | Iron Island, Worker. |

033 Golem | Victory Road, Expert. |

034 Onix | Oreburgh Mine, Worker. ||

035 Steelix | Canalave Gym, Leader Byron. |

036 Cranidos | Oreburgh Gym, Leader Roark. |

037 Rampardos | Victory Road, Ace Trainer. |

038 Shieldon | Route 215, Ruin Maniac. |

039 Bastiodon | Canalave Gym, Leader Byron. |

040 Machop | Route 203, Youngster. |

041 Machoke | Veilstone Gym, Leader Maylene. |

042 Machamp | Victory Road, Black Belt. |

043 Psyduck | Oreburgh Gate, Picnicker. |

044 Golduck | Route 216, Ace Trainer. |

045 Burmy | Eterna Forest, Bug Catcher. |

046 Wormadam | Route 214, Beauty. |

047 Mothim | Route 210 (Dimmiga området), Ace Trainer. |

048 Wurmple | Jubilife City, Galactic Grunt. |

049 Silcoon | Floaroma Flower Garden, Galactic Grunt. |

050 Beautifly | Eterna Forest, Bug Catcher. |

051 Cascoon | Valley Windworks, Galactic Grunt. |

052 | Dustox | Eterna Forest, Bug Catcher. |

053 Combee | Route 208, Aroma Lady. |

054 Vespiqueen | Pokemon League, Elite Four Aaron. |

055 Pachirisu | Route 204, Twins. |

056 Buizel | Lost Tower, Belle and Pa. |

057 Floatzel | Pastoria Gym, Leader Wake. |

058 Cherubi | Route 204, Aroma Lady. |

059 Cherrim | Route 221, Ace Trainer. |

060 Shellos | Lost Tower, Youngster. |

061 Gastrodon | Route 222, Sailor. |

062 Heracross | Canalave City, Pokemon Trainer Rival. |

063 Aipom | Route 210, Farmer. |

064 Ambipom | Route 216, Ace Trainer. |

065 Drifloon | Valley Windworks on Fridays; or Trainer in Hearthome Gym|

066 Drifblim | Hearthome Gym, Leader Fantina. |

067 Buneary | Route 212, Rich Girl. |

068 Lopunny | Route 216, Ace Trainer. |

069 Gastly | Route 214, Psychic. |

070 Haunter | Victory Road, Psychic. |

071 Gengar | Hearthome Gym, Leader Fantina. |

072 Misdreavus | Lost Tower, Young Couple. |

073 Mismagius | Hearthome Gym, Leader Fantina. |

074 Murkrow | Lost Tower, Young Couple. |

075 Honchkrow | Mt. Coronet, Galactic Boss Cyrus. |

076 Glameow | Valley Windworks, Galactic Grunt. |

077 Purugly | Valley Windworks, Commander Mars. |

078 Goldeen | Route 205, Fisherman. |

079 Seaking | Route 217, Ace Trainer. |

080 Barboach | Route 212, Fisherman. |

081 Whiscash | Victory Road, Double Team. |

082 Chingling | Victory Road, Psychic. |

083 Chimecho | Victory Road, Psychic. |

084 Stunky | Lost Tower, Youngster. |

085 Skuntank | Galactic Eterna Building, Commander Jupiter. |

086 Meditite | Eterna Forest, Psychic. |

087 Medicham | Snowpoint Gym, Leader Candice. |

088 Bronzor | Route 207, Hiker. |

089 Bronzong | Pokemon League, Elite Four Lucian. |

090 Ponyta | Route 205, Camper. |

091 Rapidash | Victory Road, Ace Trainer. |

092 Bonsly | Route 208, Artist. |

093 Sudowoodo | Route 210, Collector. |

094 Mime Jr. | Route 208, Artist. |

095 Mr. Mime | Route 210, Collector. |

096 Happiny | Route 210, Pokemon Breeder. |

097 Chansey | Route 209 and Route 210 (vild). |

098 Blissey | Victory Road, Ace Trainer. |

099 Cleffa | Route 209, Pokemon Breeder. |

100 Clefairy | Route 210, Twins. |

101 Clefable | Victory Road, Ace Trainer. |

102 Chatot | Route 212, Gentleman. |

103 Pichu | Route 209, Pokemon Breeder. |

104 Pikachu | Route 209, Poke Kid. |

105 Raichu | Route 210 (Dimmiga området), Double Team. |

106 Hoothoot | Route 211 (Väst), Birdkeeper. |

107 Noctowl | Route 210 (Dimmiga området), Birdkeeper. |

108 Spiritomb | Pokemon League, Champion Cynthia. |

109 Gible | Victory Road, Dragon Tamer. |

110 Gabite | Victory Road, Dragon Tamer. |

111 Garchomp | Pokemon League, Champion Cynthia. |

112 Munchlax | Hittas på sweet honey träd . |

113 Snorlax | Pokemon League, Pokemon Trainer Rival. |

114 Unown | Solaceon Ruins, öst om Solaceon Town. ||

115 Riolu | Oreburgh Gate (källaren), Expert. ( Surf behövs.) |

116 Lucario | Veilstone Gym, Leader Maylene. |

117 Wooper | Valor Lakefront, Schoolboy. |

118 Quagsire | Pastoria Gym, Leader Wake. |

119 Wingull | Route 223, Swimmer. |

120 Pelipper | Route 217, Ace Trainer. |

121 Girafarig | Route 210, Framer. |

122 Hippopotas | Route 217, Ace Trainer. |

123 Hippowdon | Pokemon League, Elite Four Bertha. |

124 Azurill | Route 223, Swimmer. |

125 Marill | Route 212 (Regniga området), Pokemon Ranger. |

126 Azumarill | Route 223, Swimmer. |

127 Skorupi | Route 210, Ninja Boy. |

128 Drapion | Pokemon League, Elite Four Aaron. |

129 Croagunk | Route 215, Black Belt. |

130 Toxicroak | Lake Valor, Commander Saturn. |

131 Carnivine | Victory Road, Ace Trainer. |

132 Remoraid | Route 213, Fisherman. |

133 Octillery | Sunyshore City, Leader Volkner. |

134 Finneon | Route 223, Swimmer. |

135 Lumineon | Route 223, Swimmer. |

136 Tentacool | Route 223, Swimmer. |

137 Tentacruel | Route 223, Swimmer. |

138 Feebas | Route 222, Sailor. |

139 Milotic | Pokemon League, Champion Cynthia. |

140 Mantyke | Route 223, Swimmer. |

141 Mantine | Route 223, Swimmer. |

142 Snover | Snowpoint Gym, Leader Candice. |

143 Abomasnow | Snowpoint Gym, Leader Candice. |

144 Sneasel | Snowpoint Gym, Leader Candice. |

145 Weavile | Mt. Coronet, Galactic Boss Cyrus. |

146 Uxie | Lake Acuity. |

147 Mesprit | du kn se den I Lake Verity; Fånga den någonstans i Sinnoh , andvänd markerings kartan poke techen. |

148 Azelf | Lake Valor. |

149 Dialga | Mt. Coronet (Diamond); kan ses I Celestic Town (Pearl). |

150 Palkia | Mt. Coronet (Pearl); kan ses I Celestic Town (Diamond). |



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065 Drifloon | Valley Windworks on Fridays; or Trainer in Hearthome Gym|

Jag har bevis.Det står på engelska.Om det inte hade varit det hade det stod på svenska.Om du inte har sett det så har du missat att ändra Redigerat av Weavile
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