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Allt publicerat av ReGaLiS

  1. du måste fixa alla kristaller som man får på dom där skumma jobbiga banorna man kommer till när man går igen en sån där stor ring.. :kung:
  2. Gör som oss smarta människor och skaffa ett krypterings progam.... själv använder jag dekart private disk, är väl ett bland dom bättre på marknaden. de funkar på så sätt att man skapar en fil av valfri storlek som sedan sparas osynligt för windows på din hdd sen för att öppna filen måste du komma ihåg vart du sparat filen, namn, filsort och lösenord. sen ligger den som en flyttbar disk på den här datorn.. lite mysko förklaring men ni fattar väl. jag tycker dekart funkar skit bra. har all musik, spel, filmer m.m som jag laddat ner på den. lycka till med alla downloads! :kung:
  3. ja "vanligt" folk får komma in. men dom biljetter som säljs är slut på 5-6 timmar så man måste vara snabb som f*n för att få en. coolaste spelet som visades måste nog varit zelda och hellgate london! fast de bästa med electronic entertainment expo (E3) måste vara alla snygga brudar!! :kung:
  4. ReGaLiS


    Orka översätta till svenska!! Microsoft Announces 2006 Target Date for Broad Availability Of Windows "Longhorn" Client Operating System Windows WinFX Developer Technologies Will Be Made Available For Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 REDMOND, Wash. -- Aug. 27, 2004 -- Microsoft Corp. today announced it will target broad availability of the Windows® client operating system code-named "Longhorn" in 2006, and make key elements of the Windows WinFXTM developer platform in "Longhorn" available for Windows XP and Windows ServerTM 2003. "Longhorn" will deliver major improvements in user productivity, important new capabilities for software developers, and significant advancements in security, deployment and reliability. "Getting 'Longhorn' to customers in 2006 will provide important advances in performance, security and reliability, and will help accelerate the creation of exciting new applications by developers across the industry," said Bill Gates, chairman and chief software Microsoft will deliver a Windows storage subsystem, code-named "WinFS," after the "Longhorn" release. The new storage system provides advanced data organization and management capabilities and will be in beta testing when the "Longhorn" client becomes available. "We’ve heard loud and clear from customers that they want improved productivity, easier deployment, increased reliability and enhanced security, as well as the many innovations we’ve been working on. We’ve had to make some trade-offs to deliver the features corporate customers, consumers and OEMs are asking for in a reasonable time frame," said Jim Allchin, group vice president of the Platforms Group at Microsoft. "Our long-term vision for the Windows platform remains the same." "The announcements Microsoft is making today will accelerate our adoption of 'Longhorn.' We expect to see significant business benefits from improving productivity, higher security and the overall focus on fundamentals," said Jeff Truax, director of IT for Frontier Airlines Inc. At a meeting today with several hundred of the company’s top developer evangelists from around the world, Microsoft also announced that the Windows WinFX developer technologies, including the new presentation subsystem code-named "Avalon" and the new communication subsystem code-named Indigo, will be made available for Microsoft® Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 in 2006. This availability will expand the scope of opportunity for developers by enabling them to write applications that can run on hundreds of millions of PCs, resulting in enhanced experiences for users of those operating systems. "'Avalon' and 'Indigo' will allow us to build some exciting applications for our design and life-cycle management customers. Making 'Avalon' and 'Indigo' available on Windows XP as well as 'Longhorn' will allow us to think about exploiting these technologies sooner," said Scott Borduin, chief technology officer of Autodesk Inc. "Bringing the core of the new WinFX platform down to Windows XP and Windows 2003 will allow WinFX applications to target a much larger installed base, making it a much more attractive platform for our education software," said Leslie House, vice president of Vivendi Universal Games’ Knowledge Adventure Studio. "Avalon" is the graphics subsystem that will enable developers to build applications that provide breakthrough user experiences. "Indigo" is a new approach to building and running connected systems built from the ground up around a Web services-oriented architecture. The advanced Web services support in "Indigo" will enable more secure, reliable and transacted messaging and greater interoperability. Today’s announcements relate only to the "Longhorn" client operating system. Anticipated availability for the Windows "Longhorn" Server operating system continues to be 2007. :kung:
  5. Min e lätt Cs_Compound SÅ j*vla rolig :kung:
  6. Why not :cool: det e alltid kul att skryta!! muhahaha!!
  7. Den "Bästa" och roligaste skillen e Charm! så enkelt e de bara.. (me charm tar man över andra gubbar)
  8. Lol de e ju f*n typ sista bilen man får i spelet... skyline Rules..!!
  9. ReGaLiS

    Age 3?

    Tror de tar ett tag eftersom webhallen inte äns har fått systemkraven, plus att det står bara "Releasedatum 2005" så de e nog ett tag kvar.... :kung:
  10. Ethernet-styrenhet måste inte vara trådlåst nätverk!! gå in på nätverkskortets tillverkares hemsida för drivrutiner eller om du har dom på CD??? :kung:
  11. taget från amazon.com Product Description Amazon.com Review The Diablo Battle Chest is the complete Diablo saga in one box. It includes Diablo, Diablo II (the fastest-selling PC game of all time), the Diablo II: Lord of Destruction expansion pack, and the official Diablo II strategy guide from BradyGames. The combined retail value of everything in the Diablo Battle Chest is more than $70. The Diablo Battle Chest makes the perfect gift for someone new to the action-RPG phenomenon, or for the hard-core Diablo f*n that wants the complete series in one big collectible box.
  12. Hmm............ låter ganska otroligt faktist........ tror inte en crack ändrar på Call of Dutys Säkerhets system.. men visst du kan ju testa om du vill men jag tror aldrig de funkar :kung:
  13. ReGaLiS

    Min Hemsida

    hadde samma problem... lättast fixa de e att lägga ner hela projektet..... ne skoja men de va iallafall vad jag gjorde :D
  14. Det verkar inte gå så mycket framåt =) lol :kung:
  15. ReGaLiS

    Bfv Wwii Mod

    Spam! ööö nej det kallas att ställa upp för alla oss gotläningar
  16. ReGaLiS

    2,0 Mbit/s

    Lugnt.. hoppas de går bra... =)
  17. Nope du måste ha en orginal CD-key annars går de ej :kung:
  18. Asså LOL den buggen har funnits SÅ länge... jag vet osså en massa bugar till CSS :D men de e sånt man inte lär ut för de blir så tråkigt då :kung:
  19. nu kommer hela steam fyllas me fuskare men skit samma detta är ju en fusk sida så vafan.... cs-hacked.com :kung:
  20. ReGaLiS

    Simcity 4

    OJJ va svårt de va att hitta fusk till simcity4 da Available codes While playing, press Ctrl + X to display the console window. Type one of the following codes, then press Enter to activate the cheat. If you entered the code correctly, the console window will close. Result -- Cheat 1,000 more Simoleons in treasury -- weaknesspays Change city name -- whererufrom [name] Change mayor name -- hellomynameis [name] Toggle the 24 hour clock -- stopwatch Start recorder -- recorder Green tinge on map -- gol Turn advisors into llamas -- dollyllama Set magnification level -- sizeof [0-100] No power requirement for all buildings -- fightthepower No water requirement for all buildings -- Howdryiam Hide empty zone color -- zoneria Toggle cell warnings -- tastyzots f*n asså första sidan jag gick in på hitta jag de här TIPS: happypuppy.com 911cheats.com kolla dessa sidor om ni skall ha fusk till spel (consoller, MAC eller PC)
  21. ReGaLiS

    Bra Internet Radio!

    om ni sitter i skolan o har tråkigt framför datan skall ni lyssna på den här live radion beirutnights.com :kung:
  22. ReGaLiS

    Hur Gör Man?!

    Jo det gör de! allafall i den versionen jag hade.. kommer inte ihåg tror de va 2.0
  23. ReGaLiS


    Need for speed underground 2 skit kul! :kung:
  24. ReGaLiS


    checka den här sidan OBS innehåller porr banners :visslar: Serials :kung:
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