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Allt publicerat av Mikael

  1. Om det är någon som inte kan stava så är det du.
  2. Japp... :) Om man behöver information om något så brukar http://www.susning.nu vara bra...
  3. Från http://www.susning.nu : Doktor Kosmos är ett Stockholmsbaserat popband med rötterna i Gävle. Doktor Kosmos musik kan bäst beskrivas som "egensinnig". Vissa skulle kalla det progg även om man börjat låta mer och mer som ett traditionellt popband för varje skiva. Budskapsmässigt kan de klassas som vänstermusik. http://www.doktorkosmos.nu/loggor/fist.gif http://www.doktorkosmos.nu/loggor/indexdk.jpg http://www.doktorkosmos.nu/loggor/indexsp.jpg http://www.doktorkosmos.nu/loggor/indextp.jpg http://www.doktorkosmos.nu/loggor/indexdn.jpg http://www.doktorkosmos.nu/loggor/indexek.jpg Medlemmarna är: Doktor Kosmos Twiggy Pop Stålispojken Den nye Enkilletill Miss Universum har tidigare varit med i bandet, men hon valde att hoppa av våren år 2001 för att satsa på en egen solokarriär. Detta hindrade henne inte från att vara med i kören på nästan alla låtar på Reportage och sjunga på [Kapitalist, nu ska du dö]?. De har släppt följande skivor (en mer komplett lista finns på http://www.doktorkosmos.nu/diskografi.htm): Socialmedicin Cocktail Stjärn-Jerry? [Le Punkrocker]? (EP) [Evas Story]? Reportage Kända citat (som man t.ex. ser på t-shirts): "Stoppa valfriheten" "Känslan av att dricka sprit och gråta framför stereon fast det känns som om känslan inte gills" Länkar http://www.doktorkosmos.nu - Officiell hemsida http://lyckolandet.schobadoo.com - Sida för Doktor Kosmos-anhängare
  4. Mikael

    Real Madrid?

    Real Madrid skulle dock spöa alla lag i Allsvenskan lätt...
  5. Mikael

    Real Madrid?

    Varför är Allsvenskan så j-vla dålig?
  6. Du kan ju köra Super Sudden Death, och ändra så att det bara blir en stock, går mycket snabbare då.
  7. Det är inte barnfilmer. Finding Neverland - Drama Pirates of Caribbean - Äventyr Batman Begins - Action Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Romantisk komedi
  8. Filmer som Finding Neverland, Pirates of the Caribbean, Batman Begins och Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind är alla gjorda på 2000-talet, och vad jag har hört så ska de vara mycket bra. Detta var bara några jag nämnde, finns ju självfallet många andra bra filmer.
  9. Spelarna kanske utnyttjar 100% av karaktärernas förmåga?
  10. Lite filmer jag gillar: Den gröna milen Nyckeln till frihet Edward Scissorhands Remember the Titans En vampyrs bekännelse Matrix Lost and Delirious Gladiator Forrest Gump American History X
  11. Och vad jag vet så finns det inget band som heter Linking Park.
  12. Mikael


    Det är väl han som har gjort den? Kan han inte fixa det?
  13. Det kanske inte går att bli så mycket bättre?
  14. Iwatas tal: http://www.irwebcasting.com/050916/03/ff36...in/index_hi.htm Och här är också "lite" text jag hittade på ett annat forum: "From the developer forum on rllmuk ---------------------------------- So what did you play? I played the Retro-fitted version of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. And ...? It played far better than the original controls. Turning and aiming were instantaneous. Control was absolutely precise. At a certain point during the demo, one of our designers did a double-jump over a gap and spun a full 180 degrees in midair before landing on the opposite side. When I saw this my arm literally started shaking and had to grab and squeeze the cup holder on my theater seat like Doctor Strangelove to hold my arm steady. Then he circle-strafed around a Space Pirate. Yes, circle-strafed. In Metroid Prime 2. And that's without target-locking. How were the controls set up? It was set up in the "nunchaku" configuration described in the article. On the left controller, the thumbstick controlled player movement, the upper trigger button was assigned to visor-switching, and the lower trigger was assigned to the "scan" function and locking onto a target. On the right controller, the controller itself moved the player's gun independently of the player's view (yes, you could fire at any point on the screen without changing the player view -- the gun tilted to face toward the aim point), the trigger button fired the gun, and three of the buttons controlled jumping, firing missiles, and switching to morphball mode. How does it compare to a mouse? >From what I experienced, it seemed to be more precise than a mouse, but it's also much faster because it requires only a much smaller movement of the hand to achieve the desired effect. You just instantly point the controller at any part of the screen and bam!, that's where you're looking. There is no lag. There is no error. It took a while to get used to the idea of how little effort is required to play a game with this controller. I kept wanting to lean forward and move the controller closer to the screen, and it took some practice to just sit back and just calmly move my hand ever so slightly. At one point, someone said, "If you were to play a game with this against someone using a mouse, they'd have no chance against you." I had to admit it was true. I've been using a mouse and keyboard for gaming for almost as long as I've been a gamer. I've logged over 80 hours so far in Battlefield 2 and I have a level 60 World of WarCraft character. If somebody had tried to tell me before now that a better controller would come along, I would have laughed at them. But it only took me 5 minutes with the Revolution controller to realize that I don't need to use a mouse ever again. Let's take a first-person shooter as an example. With a flick of the wrist, you can completely change your aim point from one corner of the screen to the other. Changing your aim point that way would require you to move a mouse all the way across a gamepad and could potentially take up to several seconds of pushing on a thumbstick with a standard console game controller. Add to that the fact that the controller can correctly interpret roll (rotation of the controller clockwise and counterclockwise) and movement toward the screen or away from it, and you start to get an idea of the universe of new gameplay possibilities that Revolution games will be able to explore. Gizzard: I would worry that if its in any way sloppily implemented, it will suck bigtime. No worries in that category. If there was any sloppiness whatsoever, I didn't see it. I do not expect to be using any other controllers ever again once the Revolution comes out. The Angriest Smurf: This is cool as a novelty, but how does this lend itself to extended play sessions? Try it yourself. Then see if you can still call it a novelty. Trust me, I was very skeptical going into this. That skepticism is gone. Could you imagine playing an FPS for over an hour with this without your hands getting tired? Hell yeah, brother. I often play Battlefield 2 for up to 3-4 hours in an evening (yes, I'm an addict), and after 10 minutes with the Revolution I'm ready to throw my mouse out the window for good. When you take into account that the Revolution controller is very light (it seemed to me a bit lighter than I'd expect a TV remote of the same size) and that it's basically effortless to play with it, extended play sessions are a non-issue. My concern is with playing today's standard genres of games. How do I play a racing game? Do I spin the controller around like a steering wheel? That would be one way to do it. Given the number of buttons available in the "nunchaku" configuration, combined with the tilt/rotate/push/pull aspects of the controller, I can't think of a game you couldn't easily adapt to the Revolution controller. (Naysayer: "It's just not going to work" I have played it. It works brilliantly. So now that you've played it, what kinds of things do you think are possible with it that weren't possible before? Off the top of my head: A tennis game where your motions control the racket directly, and you never have to press a button the entire game. A Harry Potter game where you can control Harry Potter's magic wand with the Revolution controller, and cast "Expelliarmus" with a few flicks of the wand. ... and where you steer your Quidditch broom just by steering your controller. A boat racing game that lets you steer entirely by rotating the controller clockwise and counterclockwise. A fencing game where you can slash, parry, and stab with the controller. A Nintendogs game that lets you pet your dogs, pull on a leash, or throw a frisbee with the Revolution controller. A real-time strategy game ... yes, on a console. Furthermore, I want this RTS game to have a special cargo helicopter unit. Move the controller forward, and the cargo chopper descends and grabs hold of a tank sitting underneath it. Pull the controller toward you, and the cargo chopper lifts the tank into the air. Then you tilt the controller wherever, and the chopper flies over there, and you move the controller forward a bit to lower the tank to the ground again."
  15. Varför blir det automatiskt stor bokstav efter ett mellanslag i en rubrik? Det ska inte vara stor bokstav efter mellanslag, om det inte är egennamn. Stor bokstav ska det vara efter bland annat utropstecken, frågetecken och punkt.
  16. Se på videopresentationen hur det är tänkt att fungera.
  17. Bilder: http://media.cube.ign.com/articles/651/651275/imgs_1.html En film: http://media.cube.ign.com/articles/651/651334/vids_1.html
  18. Han skryter väl inte? Det är ju de andra som säger att de bästa spelarna i världen inte är speciellt bra. Och sedan har väl inte Triforceh sagt något om att han inte skulle få stryk av dem, han säger ju att ni inte skulle ha en chans mot dem för att ni först sa att de inte verkar speciellt bra.
  19. Mikael

    Idol 2005

    Och jag får väl för fasen tro att han snackar dynga? Säger man att man kan sjunga, så kan han väl lägga in ett klipp där man får höra? Och nu när han inte vill det, så tycker jag att han inte ska säga "Tro mig." och dylikt.
  20. Mikael

    Idol 2005

    Varför skrev du "Tro mig." då?
  21. Mikael

    Idol 2005

    Nej nej, men då ska du inte tro att vi ska tro dig, då tror väl jag att du sjunger som en kratta.
  22. Mikael

    Idol 2005

    Lägg ut ett klipp när du sjunger då... :)
  23. Mikael

    Idol 2005

    Lägg ut ett klipp när du sjunger då... :)
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