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Newbie (1/14)


Community anseende

  1. Hur gör man vägar på Final Alert 2(map editorn)??
  2. Måste faktiskt hålla med ovanstående..mmm
  3. Var i Forest tempel har du fastnat da?? Jag kanske kan hjälpa dej, har varvat spelet ett åtal ggr
  4. Asså ZELDA-SERIEN har inte cheats för att dom föredrar hederliga spelara fatta snälla.... :x
  5. D funka ju inte alls hallå... Jag gjorde precis som d står där uppe!
  6. Now return to where the yellow switch was and then you'll see a block, it's really a switch, just stomp it with your new hammer... and fall down. Get rid of the statue with your hammer and enter the next room. Kill the bats and hit the block with your hammer, now grab a crate and put it on the blue switch... to open the door. Hit the other block with your hammer, then drop down, hit the rusted switch and enter the door. Play the song of time to use the blue block as a platform, then hit the switch with your hammer to release another Goron. Drop down and get the key. Now return to the door you came and hit the big block with your hammer to fall down, it's a really big fall!!! There's a fairy you can get from a pot to your right (use hookshot)... Exit and you're at the entrance, now smash the statue to the right of the stairs and enter the door. Kill everything in this room to make the door open, enter it (duh, again?). In this room avoid the squares that try to chase you. You can get rid of them using your hookshot. Now kill the Shield eater and kill the gold skulltulla almost behind him... Proceed to the next door and kill the 2nd Mini- Boss, the same way as the first one... Continue to the next door, hit the rusted switch with your hammer to release the last Goron and get the Boss Key!!!
  7. Jag hitta en guide på http://www.cheatplanet.com/cgi-bin/uhslink...uhs/redjack.zip
  8. OM typ 2-3 år kommer N5(Nintendo 5) deras nya konsoll, dom borde vänt a längre... :roll:
  9. DOm funkar inte! Jag har fått fusken genom att hitta hemligheter på spelet dah..
  10. Det funkar bara på viisa veriationer dah...
  11. jag har det, det är skitkul, det bästa bilspelets som gjorts heltklart.........
  12. Jag sitter och spelar The legend of zelda och har hittat white sword men när jag går på det så får jag det inte hjälp! :?:
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