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Om du söker efter något som inte är fps är tales of vesperia att rekommendera, tog mig en 90 timmar att klara, har vunnit några priser för storyn

Seriöst? Alla (LEVEL alltså) säger att storyn mest bara är rpg-clichéig.


Famitsu awarded Tales of Vesperia a score of 9/9/9/8, totaling 35/40.[23] Hardcore Gamer gave the game a 4 out of 5, praising the game for its anime-style graphics and characters.[31] GameSpot gave it an 8.5/10, stating that "Tales of Vesperia is the best game yet in the series."[26] In GameSpot's "Best of 2008" the game was nominated for "Best story"[32] and "Best Graphics, Artistic"[33] categories but it lost in both categories. While they criticized the visuals as being a little inconsistent, IGN gave it an 8.2/10, stating "Tales of Vesperia is a strong anime-style Japanese RPG with a wide-ranging story, compelling characters and an intense real-time battle system that keeps you on your toes." In IGN's "Best of 2008" awards it was nominated for "Best Xbox 360 RPG" and "Best Xbox 360 Original Score".[4] X-Play gave the game a 4 out of 5 praising its characters and visuals.[30] In X-Play's "Best Of 2008" it was nominated for best role-playing game. VG Chartz awarded Tales Of Vesperia "Best Game No One Played 2008" for the Xbox 360.


According to Famitsu's annual top 100, Vesperia was the 82nd best selling title in Japan in 2008 having sold 161,070 copies.[34] The launch of Tales of Vesperia in Japan caused the Xbox 360 to sell out for the first time since the system's release in Japan. In North America, Tales of Vesperia sold 33,000 copies during the 4 days after its 26 August launch.[35]


Famitsu awarded the re-released version of Tales of Vesperia for the Playstation 3 with a score of 9/9/9/8 totally a 35/40 like its predecessor. Tales of Vesperia for the PlayStation 3 sold 147,000 copies on its opening day which is close to double that of the Xbox 360's version The xbox 360 sold 71,000 copies on its opening day and a total of 140,000 in two weeks. This is one of the best opening days for games in the Tales series as compared to the previous seven titles released in the past two years.


erg ja massa cliche är det, lite av charmen <-- typ som alla tales of-spel

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GTA IV har en karriär på ungefär 30 timmar och så finns det massa annat att göra efter alla uppdrag, t.ex hitta alla stunt jumps, alla hidden packages och typ gå ut med kompisarna i spelet, man kan ringa en kompis för att köra race och massa annat, det är svårt att tröttna på det spelet.

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jag vet inte vilka spel du kan köpa utan multiplayer. skulle rekommendera dig köpa ett ps3 om du vill ha inga multiplayer spel och multiplayer spel. för att på xbox vet jag inga spel utan online stöd. du kan köpa gta iv fast den är tråkig.

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