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Läskiga Historier


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Här är några läskiga historier som jag hittade på Facepunch.


Här kan ni också posta några historier om ni hittar några.


There was a hunter in the woods, who, after a long day hunting, was in the middle of an immense forest. It was getting dark, and having lost his bearings, he decided to head in one direction until he was clear of the increasingly oppressive foliage. After what seemed like hours, he came across a cabin in a small clearing. Realizing how dark it had grown, he decided to see if he could stay there for the night. He approached, and found the door ajar. Nobody was inside. The hunter flopped down on the single bed, deciding to explain himself to the owner in the morning.


As he looked around the inside of the cabin, he was surprised to see the walls adorned by several portraits, all painted in incredibl detail. Without exception, they appeared to be staring down at him, their features twisted into looks of hatred and malice. Staring back, he grew increasingly uncomfortable. Making a concerted effort to ignore the many hateful faces, he turned to face the wall, and exhausted, he fell into a restless sleep.


The next morning, the hunter awoke -- he turned, blinking in unexpected sunlight. Looking up, he discovered that the cabin had no portraits, only windows.


A man went to a hotel and walked up to the front desk to check in. The woman at the desk gave him his key and told him that on the way to his room, there was a door with no number that was locked and no one was allowed in there. She explained that it was a storeroom, and that it was out of bounds. She reminded him of this several times before allowing him upstairs. So he followed the instructions of the woman at the front desk, going straight to his room, and going to bed. However the insistence of the woman had piqued his curiosity, so the next night he walked down the hall to the door and tried the handle. Sure enough it was locked. He bent down and looked through the wide keyhole. Cold air passed through it, chilling his eye.


What he saw was a hotel bedroom, like his, and in the corner was a woman whose skin was incredibly pale. She was leaning her head against the wall, facing away from the door. He stared in confusion for a while, was this a celebrity? The owners daughter? He almost knocked on the door, out of curiosity, but decided not to. As he was still looking, the woman turned sharply and he jumped back from the door, hoping she would not suspect he had been spying on her. He crept away from the door and walked back to his room. The next day, he returned to the door and looked through the wide keyhole. This time, all he saw was redness. He couldn’t make anything out besides a distinct red color, unmoving. Perhaps the inhabitants of the room knew he was spying the night before, and had blocked the keyhole with something red. He felt embarrassed that he had made the woman so uncomfortable, and hoped she had not made a complaint with the woman on the front desk.


At this point he decided to consult her for more information. After some gentle quizzing and the promise that the explanation would go no further than him she finally said "Well, I might as well tell you the story of what happened in that room. A long time ago, a man murdered his wife in there, we find that even now, people get uncomfortable staying there. But these people were not ordinary. They were white all over, except for their eyes, which were red."


There were two roommates. One was named Ellissa and the other was named Jane. Elissa liked to constantly study while Jane preferred to party. So that night there was a party but Elissa had stayed home to study while Jane had gone out. To make it easier on Jane, Elissa left the door open so that Jane wouldn’t have to take her keys. At 3 p.m. that night Jane came into the room to get some of her things because she was going back out with some of her other friends. So she did not want to disturb the sleeping Jane therefore she kept the light off , grabbed her stuff and left. The next morning when she came back into her room she saw her roommate murdered and written on the wall was “Aren’t you glad you didn’t Turn On the Light?"


Den sista är en såkallad "Urban Legend".


Vilken tyckte ni var läskigast?


EDIT: Har lagt in en till på sida 2.

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Alla var rätt creepy! Att de var på engelska gjorde mycket. Tvåan tror jag att jag tyckte var läskigast. Var fick du dom ifrån?


EDIT: stod ju facepunch :P

På Facepunch > General Disscusion > 3 Creepy Urban Tales.

Där fick jag dom ifrån.

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