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Sista Bossen På Golden Sun 2


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Är det nån som vet hur man dödar gubben på Treasure Isle?!?! För han får ju så j*vla många gubbar att det är omöjligt att döda dom?!?!

Han har bara 8000 hp. Få up dem i ganska högt level sedan många djinn, det är inte så svårt.
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Golden Sun

The Lost Age

Djinni Locator


• Echo: Venus. Found: On the Map (south of Daila). Attack: Strike an enemy with a double attack.


• Fog: Mercury. Found: Kandorean Temple. After you collect the Lash Pebble, head back into the cavern through four doors and use Lash to reach Fog. Fog will want a battle before you can collect it. Use Jenna's Fume to attack it as well as Echo. Save in case it runs. Ability: Attack an enemy with hazy mist (may cause delusion).


• Breath: Jupiter. Found: Shrine of the Sea God. After collecting the Lash Pebble, head back to the cave that is east of Daila. Rescue the kid that is trapped there and then head deeper into the cave. Walk across two wooden bridges then go down. When you head right across the next bridge it will collapse. Don't worry about it. climb the ladder and chase Breath. In the next room you will see footprints. Don't follow the footprints. Instead head down and enter the first staircase on your right. Watch as Breath runs underneath. Now head back and enter the bottom staircase. Walk up and push the torch up to block Breath's escape route. Chase it up the stairs and battle it. Use Echo and as many earth attacks as you can. Save in case it runs. Attack: Restore HP to a single character. No matter how slow the character is that uses Breath, this djinni will always heal as soon as a turn starts.


• Cannon: Mars. Found: Dehkan Plateau. The first time you see Cannon, it will run away. Fall through a crack as you follow it. Climb out the other side walk down and climb a vine. Then walk up and push a pillar to the left. Then walk back to the right to a new area. Hop across a bridge chasing the djinni once again. The djinni will pound a pillar into the ground and then run away. You won't be able to follow it across the row of cracks just yet. Go back across the bridge and climb down some ivy. Go south and walk right across two tightropes. Walk all the way to the north and push the ivy-covered pillar to the left until it falls off the cliff. Climb down the pillar's ivy. Walk south and around to the right until you find a tall patch of ivy. Climb it. Walk right. In the next area, you will have to do some pillar cracking. Climb down a vine below you and push a vine-covered pillar to the right. Climb the vines on its front and hop right. There are two pillars here that you need to demolish. Jump on the first one, then jump back. Jump on the pillar again to make it crumble. Now walk up and all the way around to the right side of the other pillar. Push the vine-covered pillar here to the left. Climb the vines and hop onto the gray pillar to the left. Jump back and jump on the gray pillar again. Now, walk up and climb the vines. Push the pillar on this mesa to the left and down to the ground. Climb back down the vines and then push the pillar one space to the left. Climb back up the vines and jump across the pillar. Enter the stairway there. In this cavern, walk down and then right. Enter the next room. Make your way around this room to the bottom right exit. Then climb up the staircase in the next room. You are now back outside. Walk over to the left and fall through the crack that Cannon fell through (the one in the lower right). You will land on top of the djinni and it will drop the pound cube. Equip the item to learn pound. Follow the djinni down a stairwell and through another room. Before you approach, climb down the vine and use pound on the left-most pillar. Climb back up battle it. Use Fog to attack it, and be sure to save in case it runs. Attack: Strike one enemy with heat.


• Iron: Venus. Found: On the map (southwest of Madra). Walk around in the forest area near Madra and find it in a random battle. Use wind psynergy as much as possible. Ability: Increase party defense a little.


• Sour: Mercury. Found: On the map (north of Mikasalla). There is a patch of dark green grass in a pass north of Mikasalla and south of the Yampi Desert. As with all djinn you find on the map, it will be in a random battle. Use Mars djinn and psynergy as much as possible. Ability: Attack with nasty stagnant water (may lower an opponent's resistance).


• Blitz: Jupiter. Found: Yampi Desert. In the third area of the desert, you will need to pound the correct pillars if you want to collect Blitz. Follow the map below to pound the correct spikes so you can reach Blitz. Use earth elemental attacks to take out Blitz quickly in battle. Ability: Attack with a powerful lightning strike (may paralyze an opponent).




• Spark: Mars. Found: Mikasalla. In the southwest corner of the town, use the scoop psynergy that you acquired in Yampi Desert. There is a patch of sand there that is being trod upon by a sheep and a chicken. Digging in the right spot will reveal a ladder that leads to an underground cave. Walk to the north end of Mikasalla through the cave and collect the peaceful Spark. Ability: Revive an ally (does not always work).


• Ether: Jupiter. Found: Garoh. After Sheba gets the Reveal psynergy from Air's Rock go to the north end of Garoh and witness a werewolf cast the Reveal psynergy himself. Follow his child through the tunnels and talk to him in a cinema scene. Stay at the inn and then go back to meet the werewolf chieftain. He will hand over Ether to help you out. Ability: Restore high amounts of PP to a single character.


• Kindle: Mars. Found: Gondowan Cliffs. You can collect Kindle on your first visit to the Gondowan Cliffs. When you reach the tightrope near the end of the cliffs do not cross it. Instead climb the vines growing on the cliff to the northeast of the tightrope. Climb another set of vines a little further east and circle around to the south. You will have to battle Kindle so use those Mercury djinn that you have been forced to carry around. Ability: Boost all allies' attack rating.


• Chill: Mercury. Found: On the map (southwest of Naribwe). Just before Naribwe, walk across the bridge to the west. Then head south on the west side of the river. When you reach Gondowan's southern coast, start walking around in the woods. Use Mars attacks to fell Chill quickly. Ability: Attack with icy cold vapor (may lower an opponent's defense).


• Spring: Mercury. Found: Set to Piers when he joins your party. Ability: Restore very high amounts of HP to a single party member.


• Shade: Mercury. Found: Set to Piers when he joins your party. Ability: Create an icy barrier of flowing water that lowers damage for one turn.


• Steel: Venus. Found: Gabomba Statue. After you have reversed the direction of the gears, head back to the main area where there are a pair of large pink gears. Hop on left one and let it take you down a hole in the floor. Before you press A to battle Steel, save your game in case it runs. Ability: Strikes and steal an opponent's HP with a smooch.


• Waft: Jupiter. Found: Kibombo Mountains. You won't be able to collect Waft on your first trek through the Kibombo Moutains. After Piers joins your party you can collect it on your way back to the Lemurian Ship. On your way back through the moutains climb three flights of steps (two short and one tall). Then walk south. Freeze the puddle there and then climb the fourth set of stairs. Walk south on this higher cliff and jump across on the ice column. Climb a vine and then use growth on a short vine to climb up to Waft (you will have to battle it so save before doing so). Ability: Attack with relaxing smells (may put a foe to sleep).


• Char: Mars. Found: Madra. Once Piers joins your party, you can collect the green mushroom in the Gondowan Cliffs called the Healing Fungus. On your way back through the cliffs follow these instructions. After you walk right across the tightrope, climb the vines on the wall to your upper right. On this little cliff keep walking right until you find another patch of vines to climb. Walk all the way to the left and then go south on this ledge. When you find a puddle, use Piers' Frost to make it into a pillar. From the ice pillar, walk north until you see another clump of vines. Climb them and then walk south. Jump to the left across the ice pillar and go down the slide. Walk down and right until you find the green mushroom. Now, head for the city of Madra. Walk up the pair of stairs and then go left. South of the fence here, there are four buildings. the upper-left one houses the djinni. Talk to the old man inside and he'll give you Char. Ability: Attack with buring embers (may paralyze a foe).


• Mud: Venus. Found: Gabomba Catacombs. Before you can collect Mud, you need to get the Cyclone Chip from the Madra village mayor. Collecting Mud can be a little tricky to describe, but I'll do my best. Enter the Gabomba Statue and head for the area underneath the place where you collected the Black Crystal. Climb down two ladders to the ground floor. There are a whole bunch of plants covering the ground here. These plants conceal passages that lead to areas below this floor. Anyway, find the patch of grass in the upper-right corner of the room that is surrounded by rocks. Sneak behind a pillar next to the ladder and walk as far north in this little corner as the rocks will allow. You should now be in a little cubby by the northeast corner. Cast Cyclone. If you were in the right spot, you will be transported down into the room below you right next to Mud. Save your game, because Mud will battle you and if it runs away you will have to try again. Ability: Drop foe's agility with thick muck.


• Flower: Venus. Found: Taopo Swamp. After crossing the treacherous waters of the swamp to the east shore, find the ivy concealing the cave entrance, blow it away with Whirlwind and enter. Walk north and down a set of stairs. Walk south and then east. Watch out for the steam jets. Time your movements carfully so you don't get blown down to the floor below. If you do, find a stairwell leading upwards and try again. Once you find a wooden pillar, push it to the right so it blocks the vent. Circle around north, right, down, and left past some more steam jets. When you find another wooden column, push it to the right so it blocks the other vent. This will blow Flower down to the floor below. There is a slide directly southwards of the wooden pillar you just pushed. Go down the slide to the right of that one. Hop left, save your game, and battle Flower. Ability: Restore HP to all party members with fresh blossoms.


• Steam: Mercury. Found: Aqua Rock. After you collect the Parch psynergy, follow these directions. Enter Aqua Rock from the main entrance (the lower entrance, not the one up on the cliff). Traverse a pair of ladders and go up through the room's upper-right door. Walk up two pairs of ladders and continue upwards. When you have the option of going up or down, go down through a door. Climb down a ladder in this room, run across the water to the right side of the room and climb another ladder. Walk all the way up and climb yet another ladder. Face the water-spewing statue and cast Parch. The waterfalls will stop and you can walk up to the djinni where there was once flowing water. Save your game and battle it. Ability: Boost party's elemental resistance.


• Wheeze: Jupiter. Found: On the Map (southwest of Tundaria Tower). There is a little corner southwest of Tundaria Tower that is surrounded on all sides but one by mountains. Walk around in this area and you will find Wheeze in a random battle. Ability: Attack with poisonous vapors (may poison a foe).


• Reflux: Mars. Found: Tundaria Tower. When you slide down an icy ledge in one of the higher parts of the tower, you will land on a floor below. To your right you should be able to see Reflux. Slide across the ice following these directions. First, go left, up, right, up, left, down, right, up, and then right. You should crash into Reflux sending it into the wall. Save your game, tap right again and battle the upset djinni. Ability: Allow a party member to counter enemy attacks for one turn.


• Coal: Mars. Found: Izumo. After you complete Gaia Rock, return to the large hut in the back of the village and give Lady Uzume the Dancing Idol. In thanks she will give you Coal. Ability: Boost party agility.


• Meld: Venus. Found: Sea of Time Islet. Once you have collected the Sand psynergy from Gaia Rock you can complete a trading sequence. First, head to East Tundaria Islet (the small island east of Tundaria. Hmmm, Camelot wasn't very creative with the names now were they?). Hop across the ice floes Ability: Restore HP to all party members with fresh blossoms.


• Haze: Jupiter. Found: Apojii Islands. After you learn the Sand psynergy from Gaia Rock, return to the Apojii Islands village. Once in the village, walk south to the beach and cast Sand. Burrow under the rocks to the right. Then continue walking right in the shallow water. In the next area, jump off the waterfall. You will land on a small island. Walk upwards into a cave behind the waterfall. In the cave, cast Whirlwind on the third ivy patch from the left. Continue through the cave and around to the other side. When you come out the other end, walk right and collect Haze without a battle. Ability: Prevent ALL damage dealt to one party member for one turn.


• Rime: Mercury. Found: Ancient Lemuria. After you collect the Grind Psynergy, return to the entrance of Lemuria and follow these instructions. Go up, left, up, and then left. There is a huge stone blocking the path of your ship in the Lemurian Canals. Face the stone and cast Grind. The stone will go away and you can continue to the older part of Lemuria. Sail around to the south and west until you find a dock where you can land. Exit your ship and walk down from the dock and go right until you can enter a door downwards. Walk left down a flight of stairs. Walk all the way to the left until you are in a little cubby in the southwest corner. Cast Cylone to reveal the djinni. It will jump out and run to the right. Follow it to the Mercury Lighthouse statue. You'll notice the statue is shaking (seems like Rime could use to lose a little weight ~_^). Face the statue and cast Tremor to scare the djinni out of hiding. Walk over and collect it without a fight. Ability: Seal an opponent's psynergy.


• Tinder: Mars. Found: Hesperia Settlement. As you enter the settlement, climb three flights of stairs to the right and a vine to the left. Walk left again until you see a little plant. Cast Growth on it. Climb the vine and walk around to the right. Push the tall wooden crate all the way to the left, and then push it down so it falls off the ledge. Walk left and climb down the vine that you grew. Walk to the right and push the crate off the ledge. Climb down the vine that you didn't grow and cast move to push the vine again to the right. Climb back up the vine to your left and hop on the crate to the right. Climb the ladderworks to the right and collect Tinder. Don't worry, it doesn't want to fight. Ability: Revive a downed party member (Tinder is much more successful at reviving party members than Spark).


• Aroma: Jupiter. Found: Shaman Village. First, walk right from the entrace to Shaman Village, across a bridge, and enter a clay house to the right. Exit through the upper door and walk right. Walk up and push the tall wooden pillar to the left. Then, after you complete the chief's tests, enter his house and exit it through the right side door. Cast Lash on the nearby rope and climb it to the right. Continue right on this cliff and hop across the wooden column. Keep going right and collect Aroma without battling it. Ability: Prevent ALL damage dealt to one party member for one turn.


• Petra: Venus. Found: On the Map (east of Shaman Village). This is the hardest djinni to locate in the entire game. Go upstream from one of the rivers on the east side of Hesperia until you find a section that looks like the map below. Walk around where the X is and hopefully you can find Petra. Don't get discouraged. Ability: Prevent a foe from attacking for one turn by turning it to stone.




• Core: Mars. Found: On the Map (southwest of Jupiter Lighthouse). Sail up to the western side of the continent of Atteka and look for a beach to land your ship. There are two beaches, but choose the northern one. Keep walking east until you find a large patch of woodland west of Contigo and southwest of the Jupiter Lighthouse. Walk around until you find Core in a random battle. Ability: Deal a standard amount of damage to a foe reguardless of the enemy's defenses.


• Salt: Venus. Found: Contigo. In the southeast part of Contigo, is a patch of grass that can be blown away with Cyclone. Stand in the center and clear the ground with the psynergy. Then, start casting the Scoop psyergy in the area where the grass was in an effort to dig up the djinni. Don't worry. It wants to be found (you don't have to battle it). Ability: Remove all status changes from all party members.


• Whorl: Jupiter. Found: Jupiter Lighthouse. When you find a room in the Jupiter Lighthouse that has a djinni in it, follow these instructions. Once you have both conduit connectors on the floor, push the horizonal conduit connector into the hole directly above the passage to the south. Then, push the other connector into the hole in the bottom left. Stand on the purple-glowing pad and cast Hover. Float to the left and battle Whorl. Ability: Attack a foe with an inhale attack (chance for a one-hit KO).


• Shine: Mars. Found: Contigo. After Isaac joins your party, find a hollow stump directly to the northwest of the village's inn. If you transferred data from the first Golden Sun and you have the Force psynergy, face the stump and cast Force. Shine will jump out and happily join your party. Ability: Shine is the strongest Mars djinni in the game. It deals high amounts of damage to one foe and then affects all foes with delusion.


• Geode: Venus. Found: Atteka Inlet. In the southwest corner of the Atteka Inlet, is a rock that can be moved with the Lift psynergy. After Isaac joins your party, Lift the boulder and then cast Cyclone. Geode will pop out and join your party without fuss. Ability: Geode is the most powerful Venus djinni in the game. Late in the game, it can deal over 400 HP of damage to a single enemy.


• Random: Jupiter. Found: SW Atteka Islet. If you didn't transfer data from the first Golden Sun, or you did and you didn't collect all of the Jupiter djinni, a random Jupiter djinni will appear on this island. Go to the island's northwest corner and cast lift on the stone there. Hop across the wooden columns and collect the djinni (if this djinni appears at all, it will only appear after Isaac joins your party). Ability: Depending on the djinni, the ability will be different.


• Eddy: Mercury. Found: Shaman Village Cave. You won't be able to collect Eddy until Isaac joins your party. As you enter the cave through the southern entrance walk up into the center entrance. In this room, walk to the far right boulder and cast Lift. Then, walk over to the far left boulder and cast Lift. Walk up and cast Frost on the puddle. Walk to the right and cast Whirlwind on the ivy. Climb the revealed footholds. Hop around to the left and go to the southwest. Hop over on the ice pillar. Go down to the lower-right and hop right. The djinni will go to the right. Now, go back down the formerly ivy-colored footholds. Go back to where the far-right boulder is floating and circle around to the grounded boulder on its left. Cast Lift on the boulder. Now, go back around to the djinni and approach it. It will be trapped. Cut loose some big Mars summons and psynergy to fell it quickly in battle. Ability: Make all djinni recover twice as fast for one turn.


• Gasp: Jupiter. Found: Trial Road. You’ll need Isaac’s Lift psynergy, so don’t go for this one until you have completed Jupiter Lighthouse. First, make your way to the end of Trial Road in Shaman Village. In the area where you battled Moapa, the village’s chief, head to the far southwest corner until you find a Hover pad. Stand on the pad and cast Hover. Float over to the left and enter the cave. Walk to the right and cast Lift on the big stone blocking your path. Then, head down a series of staircases and one-way tunnels until you reach a grove. Walk down to the southeast puddle and cast Reveal. You’ll notice a stepping-stone in the middle of the puddle. Hop onto the stone from the north or the south to crash into Gasp and knock it out for a second. Rush over to it and battle it. Ability: Call death to all of your foes (doesn't work on bosses).


• Random: Mars. Found: Magma Rock. Once you reach the interior of Magma Rock from the summit, head up through a corridor, up through another door, circle around to the left and go down. Continue down again. To the left of a floodgate, you may find a random Mars djinni without battling it (if you collected all the djinn from the first Golden Sun and transferred data, this djinni will surely not be there). Ability: Depending on the djinni, the ability will be different.


• Fury: Mars. Found: Magma Rock. Deep inside Magma Rock dwells Fury. While its exact location is difficult to describe, suffice it to say, you can't miss it during your trek through Magma Rock. Don't get Fury confused with the other Random Mars djinni I mentioned above. The one above is found next to a floodgate. Not only that, but Fury wants a battle before it will go down. Ability: Attack with flaming phantoms (may cause your foe to become possessed by an evil spirit).


• Lull: Jupiter. Found: Loho. Until you break down the wall in Loho with the Magma Ball (which is found after you complete Magma Rock) you won’t be able to collect Lull. To use the Magma Ball, face the cannon in the far east section of Loho and go to your items menu. Select the Magma Ball and watch as the wall in front of the cannon crumbles. Climb the vine on the other side of the wall and walk around to the west until you find the Jupiter djinni. Collect it without a battle. Ability: Prevent all characters from performing any actions for one turn. You can actually use Lull to your advantage, but most people don't know how to do it properly. Put Lull on a slow character (like Garet or Piers) and have all your other party members attack or heal and then cast Lull. Your party will already have finished its attack sequence and now your opponent will not retaliate for the rest of the turn.


• Gel: Mercury. Found: Kalt Island. From the front of Kalt Island’s only house walk left onto the ice. Then go down. If Isaac has joined your party, face left and cast Catch to collect an apple. Otherwise, go right, up, left, up, right, up, left, up, right, up left, down and left. Climb up the ladder and cast Lash on the rope. Walk over to the right and down the ladder to collect Gel without a battle. Ability: Attack with spattering water (may lower an opponent's attack).


• Mold: Venus. Found: Prox. From the entrance of Prox head north on the frozen riverbed. Circle around to the left of the ice-locked boat until you find another boat frozen into the river. Here you will find the Venus djinni, Mold. Step north onto the ice and push the djinni away from you. It will slide away and crash into the far cliff. Step north again until you run into a snow pile. Face the snow pile and cast Scoop to dig out Mold. Despite the fact that you knocked it around and buried it in snow, it won’t want to fight you. Ability: Mold has a hilarious ability in battle. When you use Mold to attack an enemy, Mold will actually make the enemy “hit itself.”


• Random: Mercury. Found: Prox. In the far northeast corner of Prox is an abandoned house on a cliff just south of the waterfall. It’s pretty easy to find. The Mercury djinni is hiding in the fireplace (if you collected all the djinn from the first Golden Sun and transferred data, this djinni will surely not be there). Ability: Depending on the djinni, the ability will be different.


• Fugue: Mars. Found: Mars Lighthouse. You won’t be able to collect Fugue until you’ve beaten the Flame Dragons. Once you’ve completed that, return to the entrance of the lighthouse and head up into the far right doorway. Keep following the passage until you reach Fugue. Collect it without a battle. Ability: Drop high amounts of PP from enemy party members with exhausting heat.


• Balm: Mercury. Found: Mars Lighthouse. In the room before you collect the Teleport Lapis is a sliding ice puzzle. You can recognize this room from some of the other rooms in the Mars Lighthouse that contain sliding ice puzzles by looking for a pair of gray dragon statues that flank the room’s main entrance. In this room, push the left statue to the left so that it slides across the ice. Then slide in this order: down, left, down, left, up, right, up, left, down, left, down. In order to complete the puzzle you will have to slide next to Balm. Balm will be content to join your party without a fight. Ability: Revive all party members with icy phoenix feathers (Balm is almost always 100% effective unlike Quartz, Dew, and Spark).


• Crystal: Venus. Found: Yampi Desert Cave. Read my walkthrough section for Yampi Desert Cave for instructions on how to collect this djinni. Ability: Restore HP to all party members with healing shards.


• Serac: Mercury. Found: Sea of Time Islet. You can’t miss Serac. It’s hiding under a wiggling statue on the long straight route down into the basement of the Sea of Time Islet. Face the statue and cast Tremor to scare Serac out from underneath. It will not fight you, despite your rude intrusion. Ability: Encase a foe in an icy prison and blast them to pieces.


• Gale: Jupiter. Found: Treasure Isle. On your way to the Star Magician’s chamber is a room with six stones that you can levitate by casting Lift on them. Walk into the room and cast Lift on the bottom-left stone. This will ensure that Gale will not run away when you approach it. Walk north and cast Lift on the upper-left stone. Then, walk right and hop across two pitfalls. Walk down and cast lift on the upper-right stone. Hop left across another crevasse. Climb a ladder. Hop left twice and then head down across the tightrope. Save your game and approach Gale. Battle it to collect its handy battle unleash. Ability: Blow enemies away from the battle with powerful gusts.


• Random: Venus. Found: Treasure Isle. In the room before the room where you battle the Star Magician is where you’ll find a random Venus djinni from the first Golden Sun game. If you reach the Star Magician’s room without collecting it, head back and circle around to the other path before the Star Magician’s chamber. (if you collected all the djinn from the first Golden Sun and transferred data, this djinni will surely not be there). Ability: Depending on the djinni, the ability will be different.



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