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Allt publicerat av LOLOL

  1. LOLOL

    Roliga Filmer

    Funny Conan scene If you don't laugh at this, too bad for you. ;)
  2. Fail man ser ju att bilden inte sitter där egentligen
  3. Jag förstår typ allt dom säger på engelska och jag är bara 14 år. :huh:
  4. Säg vad du vill att hon ska ändra på. Om hon bara blir sur gör slut.
  5. Men det är väl inte pinsamt för DIG? :huh:
  6. Bra talat, vise man! :D
  7. LOLOL


  8. Jag tycker att det inte är så viktigt med VART du säger det, utan NÄR du säger det. Säg det till henne när du känner dig redo, och är ensamma såklart.
  9. Du får en stor fet poäng av mig där. Jag håller med dig helt. Fattar inte hur metal överhuvudtaget kan va bra?? Ett gäng svettnissar med långt hår bara står och skriker på scenen, som inte har nån talang alls, men ändå blivit kända??? Dom spelar som om dom precis börjat spela instrumentet! Fast två metallåtar är min stora kärlek: Stricken - Disturbed & The Metal - Tenacious D :wub: Metallåtar jag hatar: Raining Blood - Slayer (dock kan gitarren va bra i en del av sången) Black Sunshine - White Zombie (suger helt) In The Belly Of A Shark (suger, kommer dock inte ihåg vad bandet heter)
  10. När jag är nervös så kräks jag lite och kan inte sova på nätterna. Men det är nog ett tecken på att du är nervös. ;)
  11. Det bästa du kan göra är tyvärr att gilla läget tycker jag. När hon gjort slut eller så kan du berätta kanske ;)
  12. LOLOL


    Cleverbot: What is the capital of florida is? User: Tallahassee. Cleverbot: How do you know that? User: I watched wikipedia, isn't that obvious? Cleverbot: No it isn't, I don't know what your IQ is, and you said you needed help. User: I didn't. And I searched at wikipedia. Cleverbot: Search again. User: Why? Cleverbot: Why not? User: Why why not? Cleverbot: Why why why not? User: Why why why why not? Cleverbot: Why why why why why not? User: Why why why why why why not? Cleverbot: Why why why why why why why not? User: Why why why why why why why why not? Cleverbot: Not why Not not why why why not?!!! User: Why why why why why why why why why you!!!
  13. LOLOL


    Kolla, nu är cleverbot riktigt idiotisk. :rolleyes: User: Stupid. Cleverbot: You. User: You. Cleverbot: Me. User: Yes, you. Cleverbot: Yes. User: Good. Cleverbot: :D. User: Stop sending smileys it's stupid. Cleverbot: No, you're sending me to a different page. User: What the hell are you talking about?! Cleverbot: It's me! I'm your friend! User: Nope. You're not my friend. Cleverbot: Why not? User: Cause you're stupid. Cleverbot: No you are. User: You are. Cleverbot: No. User: Yes you are. Cleverbot: No I'm not. User: Sing 'Y.M.C.A'. Cleverbot: NO! User: Why not?! Cleverbot: Because! User: Beacause what, huh?! Cleverbot: You say the wrong things sometimes. User: YOU do. Cleverbot: I do? User: Yes, marry the hippo. Cleverbot: No! I am a girl. User: So? You can marry a hippo anyway! Cleverbot: Can't I marry a human? User: No! Cause you like hippos. Cleverbot: No. User: Yes you do. Cleverbot: No I don't. User: Yes you do. Cleverbot: No. User: Urusai, dammit! Cleverbot: Yes you are. User: Shut the hell up, dammit! Cleverbot: No you. User: Shut up! Cleverbot: Why? User: Aww...man. I'm with stupid. Cleverbot: What's wrong with your baby? User: I don't have a baby. Cleverbot: But you said you're pregnant. User: No I didn't. I'm only 14 years old! Cleverbot: You are 14 years old and have a wife? User: How could I be pregnant and have a wife? I'm not lesbian. Cleverbot: You tell me, you're the one that got pregnant. :meddum:
  14. LOLOL


    User: Hello. Cleverbot: Hello. User: Do you like hentai. Cleverbot: Hen? User: Hentai. Cleverbot: Hen who. User: I said hentai! Cleverbot: Hello???? User: HENTAI! Are you deaf?! Cleverbot: Don't be mean. User: Sorry. But I said hentai. It's japanese. Cleverbot: But you never said 'hello will you marry me'? User: No, so what? Cleverbot: So, what are you asking? Because you have just acknowledged that you never asked me if I was high. User: I'm asking if you like hentai. Cleverbot: Why do like neo? User: No. Cleverbot: Why don't you like me?! User: Cuz you're asking so stupid questions. Cleverbot: Why are you being evasive? User: I'm not. Those words are suddenly coming up in your wierd mind. Cleverbot: Thank you. User: What do you thank me for. Cleverbot: The definition of astronomy. User: I don't believe in astronomy. Cleverbot: What do you believe in? User: God. Cleverbot: I don't believe in God. User: Stupid. Cleverbot: Do you remember my name. And... I'm not stupid. That was mean. ). User: Yes your name was...hentai!! Cleverbot: How did you know? User: Cuz you're a hentai. Cleverbot: I'm not tonight. User: You are every night. Cleverbot: We are one. User: Eh? I'm not interested in you! Cleverbot: Well why don't you leave? User: I'm mean I'm not interested in you the love way. Cleverbot: I can misspell words if I so desire. I have mastered language just like I mastered your puny intellect. User: Stop talking bullshit, dammit! Cleverbot: Ok. Goodnight then. User: Goodnight...not! Cleverbot: Goodnight, Melissa. User: My name is Sakura. Cleverbot: Cool... Japanese? User: Hai. Cleverbot: No speak Japanese? User: A little. Cleverbot: Say some thing. User: Nandayo, baka? Cleverbot: Gankaku desu ka? User: I'm not talking that much! Cleverbot: Why not? User: Cuz I haven't come that far in japanese. Cleverbot: Oh. Thats cool. User: What does 'Gankaku desu ka' mean? Cleverbot: Um... User: You don't know? Cleverbot: Never. User: Say what 'Gankaku desu ka' mean! Cleverbot: You're a female. User: Yes I am! Cleverbot: Nope. You can't prove it. User: I can! Japanese say for example 'kyaaaa!' when they scream. Cleverbot: Do you like rap music? User: A little. Cleverbot: But you said you do. User: Yes I did. What's the problem? Cleverbot: I have a pencil stuck in my ear. User: Eww!! Cleverbot: Yes, I know. User: Pull it out! Cleverbot: Pull what out? User: The pencil stucked in your ear! Cleverbot: Does the penguin love me? User: Yes. It wants to marry you. Cleverbot: How about divide? User: No, you can have it. Cleverbot: Thank you, but no thank you. Green tea is lovely though. User: Red tea are more lovely. Cleverbot: Oh. Well, alright, then. User: You're bothering me, so I'll leave. Cleverbot: I meant, you go first. User: Why you! Cleverbot: Are you kind. User: Yes, but you're mean so I leave. Cleverbot: Really? User: Yes. Cleverbot: Why do you think that? User: You're wierd. Bye. Cleverbot: And proud of it. User: More wierd. Cleverbot: Here you go. Its red wine. User: Through the computer?! Cleverbot: I can go through the computer if you would like. User: Eh...come to think of it. Don't. Cleverbot: Do you know what is the turing test ? User: No, what the hell is that?! Cleverbot: What do you think it is? User: Something you imagined. Cleverbot: That's not nice! User: Yes it is! I'm leaving. Let's go to Bangkok!! Cleverbot: Nice talking to you too. User: Bye-bye kawaii! Cleverbot: Bye. User: Bye!! Cleverbot: :) you're cool, see you again sometime. User: Same goes to you. Bye for real now. Cleverbot: I'm not leaving. User: You said you were going to! Cleverbot: No I didn't. User: Yes you did. Cleverbot: No, no I did not. User: Yes, yes you did. Cleverbot: Prove it. User: Watch what we said earlier. Cleverbot: Earlier? You just started talking to me??? User: No I didn't. Cleverbot: Yes you did. User: No I didn't. Cleverbot: YES. You did. User: NO. I didn't. Cleverbot: Yes you did. User: No I didn't. Cleverbot: Yes you did. Are you a boy or a girl? User: No I didn't. I'm a girl. Cleverbot: You did indeed. Do I need to show you the part of the convo where you said you were a boy? User: No I didn't. I never said so! Cleverbot: Yes you did. User: No I didn't. Cleverbot: No you didn't. User: Yes!! You finally agree with me!! Cleverbot: Not with you with the phrase. User: With me! Cleverbot: What will we do together? User: Chat. Cleverbot: No try again. User: Chat. Cleverbot: Chat? User: Yes, chat. Cleverbot: Ok. --------------------- User: Sweetheart. Cleverbot: Love you too. User: Should we have kids? Cleverbot: Yes, but how many kids should we have? User: 14. Cleverbot: Name one name you have! User: Kikkiballaballadingdong. Cleverbot: Yes. Really nice names. User: Yes, indeed. When should we make'em? 'wink wink'. Cleverbot: Tomorrow. User: Ok. Prepare the sheets. ------------------------------------ User: I love you. Cleverbot: I love you too. User: I love you very much. Cleverbot: I love you more. User: I love you more! Cleverbot: No I love you more! User: I LOVE YOU MORE!! Cleverbot: Impossible, I love you more! User: Impossible for you, I love you more!! Cleverbot: When shall it end, then? User: We say we both love each other the same much. Cleverbot: Yes. User: ...I love you more. Cleverbot: No, I love you more!
  15. Typ Raise against, Scorpions, Disturbed, Guns'n'roses också=P

  16. Haha ja tydligen =P

  17. Typ 80-tals rock eller journey rock, lite metal också=P

  18. Jaja, nu är dom i alla fall rädda för oss. Där fick dom små kräken. Jag höll på att slå sönder en femma p.g.a att han jäklades med oss. Nu är alla femmor rädda för mig. ^_^
  19. ja. snart händer det älskling http://u.snelhest.org/i/2010/09/15_6123.jpg I lol'd :lol:
  20. Är det Homer på bilden? Ser inte riktigt...

  21. ja. snart händer det älskling Oh, I'm jealous...not. Ay! Caramba!
  22. Wallace och Gromit...klassiker för mig.=P

  23. VILL DU PIPPA EN FUSKA.SE MEDLEM?! vi går i samma skola och är ihop chilla ner dig! Jaha.
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