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Allt publicerat av SNUFFINATOR

  1. Support - PKP PECHENEG med foregrip, extended mag , IRNV <3
  2. 12 nu, riktigt snart 13 :P Har inte kört engineer alls så ska börja lite me den meh, skulle vilja ha bad company 2 dog taggen men har använt ett annat EA-konto för BC2 :(((
  3. 6 nu också, nickar SNUFFAREN på battlelog (PC) :D
  4. Nu när allt laddats ner så slipper jag inte in på battlelog.
  5. Min kompis fick detta meddelandet då han hade bottat : Dear Player, We have strong evidence that you may have purchased and used botting software in the past, specifically ibot software. Botting and the cheating it brings is destroying your game, violates Jagex's rights under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), and any player that continues to engage in botting activity has no place in our community. As part of bot nuke week we are offering you a 1 time amnesty and settlement lifeline, which is a chance to reform and change your ways. We'd like you to contribute to the community in a positive way, to compete on a level playing field as everyone else does and play in the true spirit of the game, with integrity. All of your accounts, main and otherwise, are now on our watch list and will be monitored for the use of ibot and all other inappropriate third-party software. Regardless of who you are or how long you've been with us, if you decide to cheat and bot ever again we will have no hesitation in: (1) permanently removing your account from our wonderful community in order to protect Jagex's rights under the DMCA, and (2) naming you as a defendant in Jagex Limited v. John Does, which is a lawsuit based on DMCA violations that is currently pending in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California (Civ. Action No. SACV11-00969-CJC). Please note that this amnesty and settlement offer is protected under Fed. R. Evid. 408. If you ignore our offer and instead continue use botting software, we reserve our rights to pursue statutory damages against you for between $200 to $2,500 per act of past, present, and/or future botting in accordance with 17 U.S.C. 1203©(3). We do hope you make the morally sound and lawful choice of turning your back on bots. We look forward to seeing you in game having fun in a way that is true to the spirit of fair play and respectful to your fellow players. Tror starkt att han kommer sluta :)
  6. måste man ladda ner spelet från origin även om man har skiva..?
  7. Alltså fy vad jag garvade :D


    Tack! Ska ta och testa Excitners schema då det ser riktigt bekvämt ut =)


    Jajja, tack tack. Har små-tränat över 1 år med tyndger hemma, tränat i gym kanske 4 månader.


    Är detta ett bra "schema" för 4 gånger om veckan på gymme - Måndag - triceps , ryggen och benen Onsdag - Biceps, bröstmusklerna och magen Fredag - tränar endast armarna söndag - nack och askelmusklerna (+mage) Är detta alls någolunda bra uppsatt? Kan va att benen ploppar bort då jag fokuserar mest på övre kroppen just nu.
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