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2pac Dead?

Gäst patrikking

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Gäst Yillian

Lol inse fakta, han är död.

Om han är levande så tror jag inte han kommer bara börja sjunga.

Och om han lyckats fejka ett skott mot pannan så är han riktigt skillad.

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Lol inse fakta, han är död.

Om han är levande så tror jag inte han kommer bara börja sjunga.

Och om han lyckats fejka ett skott mot pannan så är han riktigt skillad.

hur vet du att han har fått en skott i pannan överhuvudtaget?
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Spelar det någon roll ifall han är död eller levande? Om han nu lever så verkar det inte som han har nå planer på att pumpa ut några fler låtar. Om han nu är död så kan han inte pumpa ut några fler låtar. Så det blir ingen större skillnad ifall han lever eller inte.

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Död 13:e September, 1996.




On the night of September 7, 1996, Shakur attended the Mike Tyson - Bruce Seldon boxing match at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. After leaving the match, one of Suge's associates spotted 21 year-old Orlando "Baby Lane" Anderson, a member of the Southside Crips, in the MGM Grand lobby and informed Shakur. Shakur then attacked Anderson. Shakur's entourage, as well as Suge and his followers assisted in assaulting Anderson. The fight was captured on the hotel's video surveillance. A few weeks earlier, Anderson and a group of Crips had robbed a member of Death Row's entourage in a Foot Locker store, precipitating Shakur's attack. After the brawl, Shakur went to rendezvous with Suge to go to Death Row-owned Club 662 (now known as restaurant/club Seven). He rode in Suge's 1996 black BMW 750iL sedan as part of a larger convoy including many in Shakur's entourage.


At 10:55 p.m., while paused at a red light, Shakur rolled down his window and a photographer took his photograph.[46] At around 11:00-11:05 p.m., they were halted on Las Vegas Blvd. by Metro bicycle cops for playing the car stereo too loud and not having license plates. The plates were then found in the trunk of Suge's car; they were released without being fined a few minutes later. At about 11:10 p.m., while stopped at a red light at Flamingo Road near the intersection of Koval Lane in front of the Maxim Hotel, a vehicle occupied by two women pulled up on their right side. Shakur, who was standing up through the sunroof, exchanged words with the two women, and invited them to go to Club 662. At approximately 11:15 p.m., a white, four-door, late-model Cadillac with an unknown number of occupants pulled up to the sedan's right side, rolled down one of the windows, and rapidly fired twelve to thirteen shots at Shakur. He was struck by four rounds, with bullets hitting him in the chest, the pelvis, and his right hand and thigh.[8][46] One of the rounds apparently ricocheted into Shakur's right lung. Suge was hit in the head by shrapnel, though it is thought that a bullet grazed him. According to Suge, a bullet from the gunfire had been lodged in his skull, but medical reports later contradicted this statement.


At the time of the drive-by Shakur's bodyguard was following behind in a vehicle belonging to Kidada Jones, Shakur's then-fiancée. The bodyguard, Frank Alexander, stated that when he was about to ride along with the rapper in Suge's car, Shakur asked him to drive Kidada Jones' car instead just in case they were too drunk and needed additional vehicles from Club 662 back to the hotel. Shortly after the assault, the bodyguard reported in his documentary, Before I Wake, that one of the convoy's cars drove off after the assailant but he never heard back from the occupants.


After arriving on the scene, police and paramedics took Suge and a fatally wounded Shakur to the University Medical Center. According to an interview with one of Shakur's closest friends the music video director Gobi, while at the hospital, he received news from a Death Row marketing employee that the shooters had called the record label and were sending death threats aimed at Shakur, claiming that they were going there to "finish him off". Upon hearing this, Gobi immediately alerted the Las Vegas police, but the police claimed they were understaffed and no one could be sent.[51] Nonetheless, the shooters never arrived. At the hospital, Shakur was in and out of consciousness, was heavily sedated, was breathing through a ventilator and respirator, was placed on life support machines, and was ultimately put under a barbiturate-induced coma after repeatedly trying to get out of the bed.


Despite having been resuscitated in a trauma center and surviving a multitude of surgeries (as well as the removal of a failed right lung), Shakur had gotten through the critical phase of the medical therapy and was given a 50% chance of pulling through. Gobi left the medical center after being informed that Shakur made a 13% recovery on the sixth night. While in Critical Care Unit on the afternoon of September 13, 1996, Shakur died of internal bleeding; doctors attempted to revive him but could not impede his hemorrhaging. His mother, Afeni, made the decision to tell the doctors to stop. He was pronounced dead at 4:03 p.m. (PDT)The official cause of death was noted as respiratory failure and cardiopulmonary arrest in connection with multiple gunshot wounds.[8] Shakur's body was cremated. Some of his ashes were later mixed with marijuana and smoked by members of Outlawz.


Vad är det för önsketänkande om att allt var ett PR skämt, nästan värre än dom som verkar tro att Elvis fortfarande lever.

Dokumenterat och officiellt, övervakningskameror och vittnen.



må rap-genren dö.

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Gäst Yillian

Död 13:e September, 1996.




On the night of September 7, 1996, Shakur attended the Mike Tyson - Bruce Seldon boxing match at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. After leaving the match, one of Suge's associates spotted 21 year-old Orlando "Baby Lane" Anderson, a member of the Southside Crips, in the MGM Grand lobby and informed Shakur. Shakur then attacked Anderson. Shakur's entourage, as well as Suge and his followers assisted in assaulting Anderson. The fight was captured on the hotel's video surveillance. A few weeks earlier, Anderson and a group of Crips had robbed a member of Death Row's entourage in a Foot Locker store, precipitating Shakur's attack. After the brawl, Shakur went to rendezvous with Suge to go to Death Row-owned Club 662 (now known as restaurant/club Seven). He rode in Suge's 1996 black BMW 750iL sedan as part of a larger convoy including many in Shakur's entourage.


At 10:55 p.m., while paused at a red light, Shakur rolled down his window and a photographer took his photograph.[46] At around 11:00-11:05 p.m., they were halted on Las Vegas Blvd. by Metro bicycle cops for playing the car stereo too loud and not having license plates. The plates were then found in the trunk of Suge's car; they were released without being fined a few minutes later. At about 11:10 p.m., while stopped at a red light at Flamingo Road near the intersection of Koval Lane in front of the Maxim Hotel, a vehicle occupied by two women pulled up on their right side. Shakur, who was standing up through the sunroof, exchanged words with the two women, and invited them to go to Club 662. At approximately 11:15 p.m., a white, four-door, late-model Cadillac with an unknown number of occupants pulled up to the sedan's right side, rolled down one of the windows, and rapidly fired twelve to thirteen shots at Shakur. He was struck by four rounds, with bullets hitting him in the chest, the pelvis, and his right hand and thigh.[8][46] One of the rounds apparently ricocheted into Shakur's right lung. Suge was hit in the head by shrapnel, though it is thought that a bullet grazed him. According to Suge, a bullet from the gunfire had been lodged in his skull, but medical reports later contradicted this statement.


At the time of the drive-by Shakur's bodyguard was following behind in a vehicle belonging to Kidada Jones, Shakur's then-fiancée. The bodyguard, Frank Alexander, stated that when he was about to ride along with the rapper in Suge's car, Shakur asked him to drive Kidada Jones' car instead just in case they were too drunk and needed additional vehicles from Club 662 back to the hotel. Shortly after the assault, the bodyguard reported in his documentary, Before I Wake, that one of the convoy's cars drove off after the assailant but he never heard back from the occupants.


After arriving on the scene, police and paramedics took Suge and a fatally wounded Shakur to the University Medical Center. According to an interview with one of Shakur's closest friends the music video director Gobi, while at the hospital, he received news from a Death Row marketing employee that the shooters had called the record label and were sending death threats aimed at Shakur, claiming that they were going there to "finish him off". Upon hearing this, Gobi immediately alerted the Las Vegas police, but the police claimed they were understaffed and no one could be sent.[51] Nonetheless, the shooters never arrived. At the hospital, Shakur was in and out of consciousness, was heavily sedated, was breathing through a ventilator and respirator, was placed on life support machines, and was ultimately put under a barbiturate-induced coma after repeatedly trying to get out of the bed.


Despite having been resuscitated in a trauma center and surviving a multitude of surgeries (as well as the removal of a failed right lung), Shakur had gotten through the critical phase of the medical therapy and was given a 50% chance of pulling through. Gobi left the medical center after being informed that Shakur made a 13% recovery on the sixth night. While in Critical Care Unit on the afternoon of September 13, 1996, Shakur died of internal bleeding; doctors attempted to revive him but could not impede his hemorrhaging. His mother, Afeni, made the decision to tell the doctors to stop. He was pronounced dead at 4:03 p.m. (PDT)The official cause of death was noted as respiratory failure and cardiopulmonary arrest in connection with multiple gunshot wounds.[8] Shakur's body was cremated. Some of his ashes were later mixed with marijuana and smoked by members of Outlawz.


Vad är det för önsketänkande om att allt var ett PR skämt, nästan värre än dom som verkar tro att Elvis fortfarande lever.

Dokumenterat och officiellt, övervakningskameror och vittnen.



må rap-genren dö.




Btw till ni som säger att han inte är död, om han inte är död så kan jag påstå att hitler inte är död.

Fattar ni inte hur sjukt det låter?

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Gäst Mindtwistah




Bevis? Ja, självklart: Wikipedia har alltid rätt


Nej, wikipedia har inte alltid rätt.

Det finns inget bevis på att han är död eller att han lever.




Här, mina vänner, har vi en otroligt irriterande liten småunge som vill spela smart och inte förstår innebörden av ironi.

Och så går vi vidare..

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2pac är död, han fick över 7 skott på sig i överkroppen och det är inte lätt och överleva det utan skyddsväst.


Önskar att rap-genren dör och skivbolagen lägger ner deras verksamhet där, för när 2pac dog, så dog rap & hiphopen.


Finns ingen mening längre med alla låtar, ända man hör är brudar bilar pengar och knark och det är skivbolagen som skriver dem.

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Gäst patrikking

Såg en film (Youtube va det) 7 theori... elr något sånt. Den va 9 min lång och alliting bevisar att han lever typ... alting blir 7 typ på en video e kl 4:03 4 +3= 7 han föddes tror jag sjunde i sjunde osv... Vet ej vad jag ska tro½!

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Såg en film (Youtube va det) 7 theori... elr något sånt. Den va 9 min lång och alliting bevisar att han lever typ... alting blir 7 typ på en video e kl 4:03 4 +3= 7 han föddes tror jag sjunde i sjunde osv... Vet ej vad jag ska tro½!

Ok...och för att det var massa 7 med i videon så bevisar det att han lever? Om han nu har fejkat sin död (Vilket jag starkt tvivlar på) så satte han ju sääääkert och tänkte ut en riktig masterplan där siffran 7 skulle dyka upp lite då och då. <.<
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