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Läskiga Historier


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Det var två väldigt upptagna föräldrar som tänkte att de skulle till bio för omväxlings skull. De lämnade barnen ensamma eftersom de var stora och kunde ta hand om sig själva. "Svara inte i telefonen och öppna inte dörren för någon" sa pappan för att försäkra sig om att de skulle lyda.

En timme senare ringer telefonen, och den äldsta pojken svarar.

"Jag är mannen med den blodiga handen. jag är 100 meter från ert hus." sa rösten. Pojken trodde det var ett skämt och la på. Senare ringde telefonen igen. "Jag är mannen med den blodiga handen. jag är 50 meter från ert hus"

Pojken gick tillbaka till sin syster. Plötsligt knackade någon på dörren. Pojken öppnade dörren.

Jag är mannen med den blodiga handen. ge mig ett plåster.

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Ledande medlemmar i detta ämne

Det var två väldigt upptagna föräldrar som tänkte att de skulle till bio för omväxlings skull. De lämnade barnen ensamma eftersom de var stora och kunde ta hand om sig själva. "Svara inte i telefonen och öppna inte dörren för någon" sa pappan för att försäkra sig om att de skulle lyda.

En timme senare ringer telefonen, och den äldsta pojken svarar.

"Jag är mannen med den blodiga handen. jag är 100 meter från ert hus." sa rösten. Pojken trodde det var ett skämt och la på. Senare ringde telefonen igen. "Jag är mannen med den blodiga handen. jag är 50 meter från ert hus"

Pojken gick tillbaka till sin syster. Plötsligt knackade någon på dörren. Pojken öppnade dörren.

Jag är mannen med den blodiga handen. ge mig ett plåster.

Jetteleskigt jag blev jetereddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <_< :lol: :D :P
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When Mary was six, Aunt Martha came to her house, after spending two years in Africa. She had done some well-known researches on voodoo magic and evil paranormal influences in the lives of people. She had even won an award or two for her efforts. She was on a two-month long vacation, after finishing her thesis. Even before she came, Mary’s mother and father used to discuss the strange subject she had chosen to research and Mary got rather afraid of things they used to say about her.


Mary's father said that Aunt Martha was strange, even as a child, and used to scream through nights and throw her books and playthings around, for no apparent reason. Next day, Mary's grandmother used to make her pick up her things and she always insisted that she was not the one to throw things and always blamed it all on her doll. When she was around 10, Aunt Martha suddenly declared that she wanted to go and study in a boarding school. Mary's grandmother agreed to send her to a boarding school.


Just before she was leaving for the school, Martha said to Mary's grandmother, “Mom, I know you never believed me. But I never did anything wrong. It was my doll. I have thrown her in the river now, but I am still afraid that she will seek vengeance on me for the act. So, I am leaving. If something happens to me, please believe me for once.” Then, she went off for school and since then, she always found excuses to avoid coming back to the place. Mary's family still lived in the grandmother’s house and nothing had ever happened to them.


When Aunt Martha came, Mary was reluctant to talk to her, but she soon found out that her aunt was very sweet and nice. She brought many presents for Mary and looked quite sane. Then, one night, Mary brought out the topic of the scary doll and Aunt Martha suddenly grew pale. She told Mary that she still maintains that it was not she who threw the things, but it was her evil doll. She had tried to lock it in the cabinet, throw it in the dustbin, cut it to pieces and even burn it, but it always managed to somehow come back on her dresser, with an evil grin on her face, challenging Martha to get rid of it.


Aunt Martha also said that it was the doll that used to throw things and even scream in her voice, while she used to hide herself in the blanket and sob silently, until someone came in to lash at her. Mary listened to her with a skeptic’s heart. Aunt Martha’s room was now being used as the family room and at the place, where her dresser was kept, was now the fireplace. Aunt Martha was still thinking about her previous days and Mary was trying to decide whether to believe her or not


Suddenly, Mary heard a loud piercing scream. She naturally looked at Aunt Martha, who was dead white, her lips pursed tightly together and two tears about to roll from the corner of her eyes. She was staring at something. Mary looked where she was looking and her eyes fell on an old rag doll, with an evil grin, on the fireplace, staring directly at Aunt Martha. It was definitely not there a moment before. The very next day, Aunt Martha went back, though she had promised to stay 20 more days. Mary never saw the doll again and she never even wanted to.





One day a boy named Charlie Wackaweed, was making a wish on a star. He did not know that the wish he would be making would change his life forever.


It was late one night, when Charlie was looking at the stars. He had heard that if you wish on the first star you see, your wish will become true. So he spotted the first star that he saw, and he made a wish on it. His wish was that whatever he said or did, for it to come true. So for instance if he would say "Let it snow" it would snow.


Just a few days later, he was sitting in Geometry class wondering about the test they would have in about 5 minutes. When he got the test, he sat there wishing that he would ace the test. He took the test that was supposed to be very hard and he thought that it was easy. He got it back and it was an A+. he was amazed because he had never had a test and aced it before, and this test was probably the hardest one that he had ever taken. He asked all his classmates what they had gotten on the test and they all replied " A C+ or lower. Charlie was very excited that he had gotten a better grade than Chris, who was an A+ student ,and Chris had made a C-.


There was this one kid that Charlie did not like. He wished that something bad would happen to him. The very next day he was out of school. Charlie asked his teacher where he was he said " He is in the hospital with a very deadly disease. It came on him so fast, and none of the doctors have a cure. It is really weird. I have never seen anything like it."


The very next day, Charlie heard that the kid with the deadly disease had died. Charlie was upset about the whole situation. He knew that it was his fault that he had died . So he went to his funeral with sorrow and regret.


He was at home, alone, late one night. All of a sudden the phone rang. He ran down the steps to answer it thinking that it might be his parents. He picked up the phone and he heard the dial tone. He thought to himself "That's weird" and then he went back up to his room thinking no more about it. This happened several more times and he still ignored it. Then all of a sudden the door bell rang. He went down to answer it again thinking that it might be his best friend Jarred. He opened the door and said "Hey Jarred......what's....." but then he noticed that no one was there. He thought to himself "It must be those little kids that live down the street prank calling and ringing the doorbell and running." So he then went back up the stairs to his room, thinking no more of it. Then there was a peck on the window. He was really starting to get kind of scared and curious. He went to the window, opened it and yelled "Get out of here you little kids!!" But still he saw no one. Since it was starting to get really freaky, he decided to go and watch some T.V. He flipped on the T.V. and right then the power went out. He knew that the kids couldn't have done something like that because he didn't have a fuse box. He now realized that the kids couldn't have done any of the other things now, and he was starting to get really scared. He went and got a flash light and he saw red eyes across the room and was coming very fast towards him. He all of a sudden heard a low, creepy, but familiar voice calling " Charlie..........Charlie...........Charlie.....how could you do something like this to me?" Charlie replied "Who are you? What do you want from me? I have no clue what you're talking about." The voice replied "You do know what I'm talking about Charlie Wackaweed."All of a sudden, it jumped out behind the shadows and Charlie saw a beaten, flesh removed, kid that Charlie recognized as the kid that he had wished that something bad would happen to. His eyes were blood red, and the flesh that he had left was purple and blue. Charlie was scared to death. He told the kid that he had never meant for him to be killed or even hurt, but he didn't believe him. The kid replied "Now it is your turn to follow the pain and death that I had suffered through." Then the kid took Charlie out of the house, and tied him up to a tree. The kid then dug a huge hole and then untied Charlie. The ghost said to him," I'm sorry that it has to end this way Charlie, but this is what you have to repay me by doing. Good-Bye Charlie!" Then the kid threw Charlie in the hole and buried him alive.


No one really knew what had happened to Charlie Wackaweed. Until one day a clipping all of a sudden appeared in the newspaper telling what had happened and who had actually killed the kid that Charlie didn't like. I am telling you now, be careful what you wish for because it just might come true.

Redigerat av Laserturk
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When Mary was six, Aunt Martha came to her house, after spending two years in Africa. She had done some well-known researches on voodoo magic and evil paranormal influences in the lives of people. She had even won an award or two for her efforts. She was on a two-month long vacation, after finishing her thesis. Even before she came, Mary’s mother and father used to discuss the strange subject she had chosen to research and Mary got rather afraid of things they used to say about her.


Mary's father said that Aunt Martha was strange, even as a child, and used to scream through nights and throw her books and playthings around, for no apparent reason. Next day, Mary's grandmother used to make her pick up her things and she always insisted that she was not the one to throw things and always blamed it all on her doll. When she was around 10, Aunt Martha suddenly declared that she wanted to go and study in a boarding school. Mary's grandmother agreed to send her to a boarding school.


Just before she was leaving for the school, Martha said to Mary's grandmother, “Mom, I know you never believed me. But I never did anything wrong. It was my doll. I have thrown her in the river now, but I am still afraid that she will seek vengeance on me for the act. So, I am leaving. If something happens to me, please believe me for once.” Then, she went off for school and since then, she always found excuses to avoid coming back to the place. Mary's family still lived in the grandmother’s house and nothing had ever happened to them.


When Aunt Martha came, Mary was reluctant to talk to her, but she soon found out that her aunt was very sweet and nice. She brought many presents for Mary and looked quite sane. Then, one night, Mary brought out the topic of the scary doll and Aunt Martha suddenly grew pale. She told Mary that she still maintains that it was not she who threw the things, but it was her evil doll. She had tried to lock it in the cabinet, throw it in the dustbin, cut it to pieces and even burn it, but it always managed to somehow come back on her dresser, with an evil grin on her face, challenging Martha to get rid of it.


Aunt Martha also said that it was the doll that used to throw things and even scream in her voice, while she used to hide herself in the blanket and sob silently, until someone came in to lash at her. Mary listened to her with a skeptic’s heart. Aunt Martha’s room was now being used as the family room and at the place, where her dresser was kept, was now the fireplace. Aunt Martha was still thinking about her previous days and Mary was trying to decide whether to believe her or not


Suddenly, Mary heard a loud piercing scream. She naturally looked at Aunt Martha, who was dead white, her lips pursed tightly together and two tears about to roll from the corner of her eyes. She was staring at something. Mary looked where she was looking and her eyes fell on an old rag doll, with an evil grin, on the fireplace, staring directly at Aunt Martha. It was definitely not there a moment before. The very next day, Aunt Martha went back, though she had promised to stay 20 more days. Mary never saw the doll again and she never even wanted to.


Läskig och jag kommer inte kunna sluta tänka på min lillasysters läskiga docka O_o

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  • 8 månader senare...

In Corona, California there once was a road known by most locals as the Never Ending Road. Specifically, the road’s true name was Lester Road. Now, over twenty years later, the landscape of Corona has changed, and the Never Ending Road is no more. However, years ago, Lester Road was an unlit road that people claimed became a never ending road when driven at night. The people who made such a drive were never seen or heard from again.


The legend became so well-known that people refused to even drive Lester Road during the day. One night, like many teens my age, I drove up Lester Road, but only a short distance, and in my headlights it did look like it went on forever. Frightened, I quickly turned around, because if I continued up the road, I thought I might never return again.


Perpetuation of the legend convinced local law enforcement to investigate. Lester Road took a sharp left turn at its end, and there were no guard rails. Beyond the curve lay a canyon, and on the other side of the canyon was another road that lined up so well with Lester Road that when viewed from the correct angle, especially at night, the canyon vanished from sight, and the road seemed to continue on up and over the hill on the other side of the canyon. Upon investigation of the canyon, dozens of cars were found, fallen to their doom, with the decomposing bodies of the victims still strapped to their seats.

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Finns den där vägen i verkligheten? Isf är det ju skitläskigt!

Citat av en kille från Facepunch.

I'm pretty sure this is based off a true story about a stretch of 40 mile road in New Jersey. The road was famous for having no streetlights, pitch black nights, many murders and cult killings, and one curve that killed many people because you only saw it at the last moment.
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  • 2 veckor senare...

Har hittat en riktigt bra historia som handlar om ett Godzilla spel till NES.

Läs bara inläggen av killen med den läskiga Luigi avataren.


Det går inte att skicka länken av någon andelning. Invision free ersätts med "reklam".

Kopiera bara länken och ta bort mellanrummet.

http://z3.invision free.com/bogleech/index.php?showtopic=1896&st=0

Redigerat av 360Xbox
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Har hittat en riktigt bra historia som handlar om ett Godzilla spel till NES.

Läs bara inläggen av killen med den läskiga Luigi avataren.


Det går inte att skicka länken av någon andelning. Invision free ersätts med "reklam".

Kopiera bara länken och ta bort mellanrummet.

http://z3.invision free.com/bogleech/index.php?showtopic=1896&st=0


Har läst non-stop hela kvällen. måste sova nu, får ta kapitel 8 imorgon...

btw, det är lättare här:


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