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Gäst OvENchIn

Rekommendera inlägg

Gäst Overkill

lol = laugh out loud

lmao = laughing my ass off

lmfao = laughing my FUCKING ass off

rofl = rolling on floor laughing

rotfl = rolling on the floor laughing

brb = be right back

btw = by the way

ftw = for the win

wtf = what the fuck

omg = oh my god

omfg = oh my fucking god


borde hjälpa dig..

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ftw= for the win

stfu= shut the fuck up

fyi= for your information

imho= in my humble opinion

irl= in real life

rtfm= read the fucking manual

bfg= big fucking grin

bo= back off

ffo= far freaking out

kia= know it all

kit= keep in touch

kma= kick my ass

mcp= male chauvinist pig

msg= message

myob= mind your own bussiness

nn= nickname

oic= oh i see

pos= peice of shit


sen finns det ju omg, lol också vidare...


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Lol - Laughing out loud

Lmao - Laughing my ass off

Rofl - Rolling on floor laughing.

Idc - I dont care

Idk - I dont know

Ofc - Of Course

Gtho/Gtfo - Get the hell/fuck out

Ily - I love you

Ily2 - I love you too

WTF/WTH - What the fuck/hell

Orly - Oh Really

C u - See you

FGS - For gods sake

Några stod ju inte med iaf :P


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