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N00b Lek


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Ledande medlemmar i detta ämne

Ledande medlemmar i detta ämne

(Maplestory, Ragnarok o andra onlinespel)

plz0rz m4nz0rz g1mmez0rz 5omez0rz mon3yz0rz 1m p00r, n4o gimm3

da f4rk3n m0n3y 0r i w111 f4rk3n k1ll y4 w1th m4h oth3r 1337 ch4r!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(ovanför: en liten 1337 idiot)

Please give me some money, i'm very, very poor.

If you give me some money, i will be you forever grateful.

I will obey you whatever you say. Thanks.

(en som sätter punkt m.m)


Förresten, obey, det är väl lyda order typ?

Redigerat av Naokin
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Va ä en noob!!


Va ä et onlinespel!!



Om ni JGer mig era lösenord så ska jag göra så era gubar blir bäst!

Jag ska inte ta dom och ge pengarna till min gube så han blir bättre och ni blir lesna jag lovar "i*t*"

På forsta stjärnan ska det vara ett N och på andra E!! löll :meddum:


Och när jag ändå skriver var kan jag lada hem bredband?



"jag kom inte på något mer n00b aktigt"

Redigerat av Black & white
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Jag : Kan jag få din Dragon Dagger

En i lvl 100 : Noo I need it

Jag : I kill you if you dont give it to me

lvl 100: Your in lvl 2, how are you gonna kill me?

Jag : Hmmmm... Its a secret.

lvl 100 : You Njuuuuuuub! Go away i hate you Noob!

Jag : What? Are you calling me Nobb? ajm better en jo!

I hate you Elite!


Kass :(

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[Random n00b]: Hi

[Annan person]: Hi

[Random n00b]: From?

[Annan person[: Swe

[Random n00b]: Gre

[Random n00b]: Ger*

[Annan person]: Do u have [insert random item]?

[Random n00b]: Yes, i have it on ym mule acc

[Random n00b]: My*

[Annan person]: ROTFLMFAO!!!!1!1!

[Random n00b]: What do u give for the [insert random item]?

[Annan person]: Umm... i have [insert random item].

[Random n00b]: Ok, give it to me and i'll come back with my other acc


En gång gick jag på nåt sånt här i Diablo II: LoD... Pinsamt :/

Redigerat av Snake
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Gäst viktor_2004

en n00b turne:

del 1

n00b 1:Hi

n00b 2:hello

n00b 1:how much for your white party hat?

n00b 2:*thinking im gonna trick that n00b*

noob 2:lets say 20k!!!

n00b 1:okay

trade accepted

n00b 1:ty

n00b 2:thanks!!!!!!!

n00b 1:woooohooo now im rich that party hat is worth at least 100k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

del 2

n00b 1:selling white party hat 100k!!!!

n00b 1:Selling white party hat 100k!!!!

Lapp wishes to trade with you

n00b 1:thaaaaanks!!!!


del 3

n00b 1: yay now i can do whatever i want with my 100k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

n00b 1: i think im gonna buy mind runes so i can use lots of my wind strike!!!

n00b 1: buyin 100 mind runes 100k!!!!!!

bobo_big wishes to trade with you

tfs_pure wishes to trade with you

atzo_92 wishes to trade with you

myspyspojken wishes to trade with you

007 naruto wishes to trade with you

trade accepted

n00b 1:wow thanks i have never had this much mind runes be4


del 4

n00b 1:now im gonna go do some wind strikes on goblins

n00b 1:damn i will never learn the map

n00b 1: but i know theres a goblin village north i will look on my beginers map.

you are in varrock

n00b 1:okay lets go north

n00b 1:la-la-la lmao a skull lvl in the south east corner of the screen rofl!!!

n00b 1:must be a bug..haha lol

to fighter elin: lol i see a n00b whos training magic lol..

to hulk 746: lol lets kill him i need some runes.

n00b 1:where is this dam goblin village??! omfg skull lvl 48

n00b 1:two white dots on the map!!! i ask them for the way..

Oh dear you are dead!

del 5

n00b 1:wdf hapend!?


n00b 1:dam i lost my ****ing iron full helm and my bronze chain!!!

lykens:hey wanna make some money?

n00b 1:YES!!!

lykens:ok just do like this i go mine coal and u run with it to bank i give u a whole 5gp for every run

n00b 1:*thinking* wooow this guy must be realy desparete i oculd make like 300gp on 2 hours and then i will get so **** rich..

4 hours later

lykens: okay i got like 2k coal now

n00b 1:wow realy thanks for all these 500gp

n00b 1:i can buy a iron battle axe now!!

n00b 1:okay lets go to a city and buy!!!

del 6

n00b 1:buying iron battle axe!!!

n00b 1:buying iron battle axe!

warlording wishes to trade wit you

trade accepted

n00b 1:wow i got it for only 400gp and look at the str it got 8!!!

n00b 1:my max hit with this will be like 3!

i am not a scammer:free dublating of items!!! follow me

n00b 1:wow now i can get my 100gp to 200gp and 2 iton battle axes

i am not a scammer:okay drop ur items in front of the altar then logout for exactly 1 minute.

n00b 1:okay here i go!!

i am not a scammer:omfg i hate to scamm n00bs they only got like iron b axe

no idea to scam they will only report me!!!! i hate n00bs!

n00b 1:damn wheres my 200 gp?

n00b 1:bah only 100gp

n00b 1:now im gonna go train on goblins!!

n00b 1:wooooooow u are killing a guard!! u must have played this game for like 2 years to be that good!!

del 7

n00b 1:lets look at beginers map where i am

you are at varrock

n00b 1:ohh i **** hate this city this time im gonna go south so i dont die..

n00b 1:lol here are the cows

hulk746:u got milk and egg now right?

n00b 1:loooool a 39 helps a lvl *red lighted* level 14

hulk746:ravidax put ppl like him on ur ignore list!

ravidax:how do i get flour?

n00b 1:lol wuts ur qp noob??? 0?? hahaha my is 2 i have done cooks assistance and sheep sherer.....

n00b 1:there is cows here i can kill and train on!! dam im smart..

hulk476:i know a good place to get high mining if u follow me!!

n00b 1:wooow but im at 7 mining and 4 smithing so im pretty good and can smith bronze swords!!

ravidax:hulk i have found flour i bought it in the shop for 3gp...

hulk476:gd now lets go to the cook. cya noob!!

n00b 1:yay lvl 7 attack!!! i must make money so i can buy more stuff....

n00b 1:maybe i should go mine cooper and tin at a mine!!! dam im smart..

del 8

n00b 1:maybe someone can take me to a mine

n00b 1:aha there goes a lvl 62

follow megaman_x95


n00b 1:can u take me to a mine?

megaman_x95:sure i was just going to a mine

n00b 1:thx

1½ minutes later

megaman_x95:now we are at dwarven mines

n00b 1:wow thanks

3 seconds later

n00b 1:plzzzzz help im lost

n00b 1:where am i?

n00b 1:help plz!!

lapp:wut is it?

n00b 1:plz get me to copper and tin


2 seconds later

lapp:here it is

n00b 1:wow thx would never find this place with out u..


to be countinue....


om ni udnrar så kostar white party hat 7 miljoner och detta är en påhittad berätelse...

men namnen finns på rikitgt utan n00b 1 och 2..

Redigerat av viktor_2004
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